This site is intended for healthcare professionals


This on-demand teaching session is tailored for medical professionals and features 18 speakers and nine breakout rooms. Hosted by Doctor on your Rafferty and moderated by Doctor Daniel Thornton, Mr Tim Neil, Ms Lara Armstrong and Doctor Phil Mickelson, attendees will explore topics such as Internal Medicine, General Surgery and Infectious Diseases. During the session, there will be a five minute break and the event will finish at 10 past two with finishing comments and closing words. If attendees miss the event, the sessions can be viewed on catch-up.

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A range of Doctors. A range of specialists. A range of career paths.

Find your Dream Career!

During this careers event, the sessions will be divided up into 10minute talks. With 2 different talks running as the same time in break out rooms. Pick and Choose which specialists you would like to watch. Ask plenty of questions in the chat box. There will be 18 speakers to choose from! Don’t worry if 2 of your favourite specialities clash - you can watch it again on catch up :)

Click Here for the Agenda

Looking forward to meet you all :)

from the Southern Trust Medical Education Team, Northern Ireland

twitter: @STMedEd

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the variety of medical specializations that exist.

  2. Identify the best virtual or physical environment to enhance the teaching experience.

  3. Explain the appropriate use of a microphone and camera in a virtual setting.

  4. Follow the directions to join a breakout session.

  5. Utilize chat functionality to ask and answer questions.

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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Yeah. So we're live. That's great. So Hello, everyone. Hello, everyone online and hello. Everyone in the future. Who will watch this on catch up. Welcome to the foundation Careers Event. We are excited and delighted to see you all here today and hello to those who are watching in the U. K. Ireland, Hungary, Poland, Lithuania, Bulgaria, the Philippines and Nigeria. Thank you. You're all very welcome to the Southern Trust. And I will be your host and presenter. My name is Doctor on your Rafferty. You can call me on you. I am also so pleased to welcome our speaker's. We have a wide range of speakers today and from, uh, big breath of specialties. So thank you. Thank you guys for coming as well. I recognize that you're all very busy individuals we also have four moderators with are working with me today. We have Doctor Daniel Thornton, Mr Tim Neil, Ms Lara Armstrong. And we've also got, um, Doctor Phil Mickelson knuckle me on the on the call as well. So thank you very much for helping me on the team. The general review of how this will run today, so we'll just go through these things for you. So you understand what's happening. Those who are viewing online, you have a number of buttons below. Okay, depending on what kind of a device that you have, whether it's a phone or a computer, you'll if it's computer, you'll be able to see it up the side. Um, if it's a mobile, you be able to see it down along the bottom. There's the buttons means it very good event sponsored posters in the posters on event We have today's agenda. I don't want you to click that yet. Don't click it, but they are in the posters you can go into Post. Have a look at that. Today we have 18 speakers and nine breakout rooms. Each breakout room is strictly 10 minutes long, okay? And the moderators will introduce the speaker and they give the speaker two minute warning and then finish the session. So we all have time for the speakers to speak. Okay, so to move into the breakout rooms, you need to click the button and then follow the instructions, and you will need to leave the main stage. We also have a chat function alongside gang so you can ask our questions. And we'll also have a five minute break and a quarter past one. And they will be finishing at 10 past two with our finishing comments and closing words. I really appreciate you guys all being here today, and I'll let you all go to your first session. So you either like it goes. You can either go to our folks in internal medicine with Dr Irving, or you can go to the talk on general surgery with Ms Lara Armstrong. If there's any clashes, don't worry. You can watch it again and catch up. So don't fret. All I want you to do is enjoy. I'm gonna let you go now. I'll be sitting around here. OK? Go to your go to your breakout rooms. Click the buttons. See in a sec, everybody. Okay? Everybody okay, Boss. Man, this is Mohammed Mohammed speaking for Anne. So I'm just trying to get Mohammed started. You okay? All getting ahead of about four million devices going here. I got water. Um, just might need to self catheterize myself. I think we're still alive. Are sure. Does it matter? Uh, you know, I'm a practical woman. Practicality is came from a urology talk. So Yeah, it's fine. Brilliant. Now you've all breached the subject. I'll be back in two minutes. How you going? Ahead. 10. Uh, Mohammed. So I just pop a wee two minute warning in their folks for anybody. Um, still on the main stage that will be going out to the breakout rooms again in two minutes. Oh, there's Dr Reilly. Dr. McKay Recovery. Um, hello, Oral keeping. Well, that scared. So there you are. You can see I'm inviting me to the main stage now. I can't. Okay, then I just crack along that. Not just yet. Okay. You I'll show you where you need to go. Can you see us yet? Uh, no. I can see myself. Uh, you have to join the event here again. Please make sure your microphone on your camera are working. Yeah. Hello. Are you in the trust? WiFi and I'm just on for you here. Do you recommend trust WiFi or see? You know, Graham, if you want some of the speakers on my side have popped the camera off to ensure that the they can At least here you go out and see you. Okay. So camera office maybe a bit better, and it probably would be better for the trust. WiFi. But I don't know if you have time because you're meant to be in your breakout room now. I'm trying to trust me. It's just the trust. My face. Uh, that's okay. That's okay. That's all right. Uh, I'm gonna hang up here and see. Can I hear you on the screen? Okay. I've just reached the trust weight, but there are some. Can you hear me? Color. Can you hear me? Connor? I can't hear you. Maybe the four G was a bit better. I'm not so sure. Eyes gone. Okay. Khan, Are you back? Are you back? You might have better WiFi than me. I'm not so sure. So, Connor, what we need to do is we need to get you to the We need to get you to the breakout rooms. Your back. So? So, Connor, What we need to do is need to get you to the breakout rooms. So if if you can hear me, Connor, try to go to the Derm breakout room. Yeah. Hello? Can you hear me? It's Connor McGrath here. One of the dermatology doctors. I can hear you, Connor, but I don't think there's anyone else other than the two of us in this room. Oh, no worries. Um, Cara, you, uh what position are you or what stage are you? I'm waiting to talk. Um, in a few minutes, I'm one of the other speakers. All right. No problem. No problem. How are you doing? Car. Okay. So it hasn't kicked up. I've been having tech a load of people waiting for us or not. We're very good. Are you abs and Janie care? Uh, um, No, I'm micro. Um, Microbiology. Micro. Very good. Very good. So I think, um, 20 to 1 I think was yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I think we're kind of in this room. And then so Qatar, you there? Oh, yes, I'm here. I'm here. Finally on. Are you on your phone? Yes, Just on my phone yet. So, down the bottom of your phone, there'll be breakout rooms. You click the break out room button and collect the dermatology button, and then you'll go into the room where all the folks are in. Yep. And they'll ask you, Do you want to leave? And you say yes. All right. Okay. Okay, okay. Three seconds. Yeah. I follow you when you're when you're gone. Who leave that? It says, leaving the stage. Yeah. Please do that. And to go to dermatology. Breakout room. Thanks, Cara. Thanks for seeing on that one. Cara, you're up next. Can you hear me? Yes. You're doing great. Thank you for helping with Connor McGrath. You're like, I think you can break out room and I was coming in. That's all I could hear. So we're going to do the same with you. You see the breakout rooms up to your If you're on your phone, it's down below. And if you're on the computer here, so you click the breakout room and it'll say infectious diseases. Okay. Perfect. And I will see you there in two minutes. Okay, Great. Thank you. How you have you got there yet?