This site is intended for healthcare professionals


This on-demand teaching session is a great opportunity for medical professionals to learn from peers and mentors, while gaining recognition for their efforts. Hear inspirational stories from doctors, receive guidance and moderation from the medical education team, and contribute to the discussion. Complete the feedback form at the end of the session to receive a certificate, and post any additional questions to the medical team for private interaction. Join us for this informative and inspiring event!

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A range of Doctors. A range of specialists. A range of career paths.

Find your Dream Career!

During this careers event, the sessions will be divided up into 10minute talks. With 2 different talks running as the same time in break out rooms. Pick and Choose which specialists you would like to watch. Ask plenty of questions in the chat box. There will be 18 speakers to choose from! Don’t worry if 2 of your favourite specialities clash - you can watch it again on catch up :)

Click Here for the Agenda

Looking forward to meet you all :)

from the Southern Trust Medical Education Team, Northern Ireland

twitter: @STMedEd

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives

  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the event and their professional development.
  2. Recognize the importance of feedback and apply it to their career path.
  3. Identify and demonstrate the appropriate methods of communication with medical team members.
  4. Understand that the feedback they provide helps to shape the future of medical events.
  5. Critically evaluate the skills and insights gained from the event and apply them to their current medical practice.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

great, tired. Hi, everyone. And welcome back. Like, Wow, that was such an amazing event. I really hope you enjoyed it all. There were so many inspiring people talking. And I really appreciate all the input that you guys have given and all the love that you've shown for your special day. It was really nice to see. Um, we all remember that one person who pushed us into that specialty that we love. Hopefully that you've, I hope I hope that you've encountered those, um, individuals today. And if not, you'll still find them. You'll still find them. This event couldn't have been done without the help of the medical education team here in the Southern Trust. And, of course, the support and guidance from the medal team. So I just want to say thank you for that. I want to say thank you to Doctor Thornton, Doctor Connelly, Mr Tim Knee, Mrs Miss Armstrong and Doctor Phil Magna Elmi. And for all your help, this couldn't have happened without all your moderation, kindness and patience For those who have attended, please complete the feedback form. Because I know you love that. I know. I know you'll love a week certificate for your attempts. Um, and to all of our speakers to have joined today. Thank you. Thank you for joining. And thank you for telling us your story. Um, I'm gonna stay around here with the team. Please pop your thanks in the chat. That gives me a bit of buzz, and we'll leave it at that. Thanks very much, Everyone. If anybody else wants to say anything, you're more than welcome. But thanks. Probably just to say on, um, we're more than happy to be contacted. If anyone has any other questions that they didn't get to ask, or they want to ask it in a private setting or want any help with their career. We're more than happy to be contacted. Wonderful. Thanks dot Well, that's great. Good man. He's gonna be a GP. You know that for sure. Dav Exuma, man. Uh, he's a great fella. I just want to say well done, uh, to Anya and Laura and all the postcard team. We organized this. Well done. You did really well. I thought it was brilliant. Event. Uh, there's a disease. Thank you, Daniel. There's a Daisy Hill. Thanks. Thanks, Dylan. That's great. Big news up. Where can I get the feedback for him, please? Um, I think it's I think it gets sent to you once we finish this conference. Once we finish the conference call gang, you can find me on Twitter. I should have said that. Uh, that's brilliant. I'll just give it to a quarter pass, and then we'll leave at that. Sounds good. Look very professional over there. Ms. Arm Stone. Uh, with the right foot. Uh, I got the ticket, and especially for you, that's pretty, uh, may be sent to you yet. Uh, North Anna. After the conference is closed, you'll get your you get your certificate once. You complete that. So thank you for that. It'll be with you in due course. Cool. We're gonna end it there. Thanks, everyone. Bye bye.