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Zarina Bell/Jeenat Khan Medical Education



SEHSCT SAS event to allow staff to connect, celebrate achievements, despite the challenges over the past couple of years, and collaborate with colleagues to improve opportunities going forward.

This event will highlight the SAS Career as a positive choice for doctors interested in a hospital or portfolio career.

The in-person event will be held at :

Ards QII Centre, Ards Hospital, Church St, Newtownards, BT23 4AS

with catering provided by the award-winning Krazi Baker, Dromore

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Medical Education,SET SAS CONNECT, CELEBRATE, COLLABORATE CONFERENCE 31ST JAN 2023 EducationStructureinSET Associate Medical Director Medical Education Dr Craig Renfrew Undergraduate Postgraduate SubDean Dr Niall Leonard CT / ST Trainees Foundation Associate SubDean Dr Craig Renfrew Dr Aisla Fulton Dr Emma Toner Clinical / Educational Clinical / Educational Supervisors Supervisors UndergraduateEducationinSET SET is committed to education Well-established and longstanding links with QUB with favourable feedback Increasing numbers of medical students In an academic year, SET accepts ~200 students on placement ◦ Year 3 – 68 ( split into 34 per LIC) ◦ Year 4 – 49 ◦ Year 5 – 39 ◦ F0 – 44 Approx 140 QUB students at any one time Incoming students from Ulster UniversityUndergraduateEducationStructureinSET Undergraduate SubDean Dr Niall Leonard Associate SubDean Dr Emma Toner C25 Leads Simulation Leads Year 3 /4/5 Leads Surgery Surgery 3 rd Medicine 3 rd Dr R Corry Other O&G Paediatrics Associated Roles Ms Z Bell Prof SJ Kirk Subspecialties Medicine Surgery 5th Subdeanery Dr M Leith Prof SJ Kirk Medicine 5th Fractures POEM Lecturers Dr E Hannon Educational Dr C Harris COE Radiology Supervisor ENT Haematology Teaching fellows Plastics Psychiatry Cardiology Respiratory Dermatology RenalT eachingFellow Deliver up to 4hrs UG educational activity/week Examples ◦ Timetabling ◦ Signposting to learning opportunities ◦ Induction ◦ Tutorials / Bedside teaching ◦ Mentor students attached to specialty ◦ Highlight any concerns re students’ performance or wellbeing ◦ Contribute to simulation based learning Renumeration ◦ Honorarium Payment (SUMDE) £2000 per annum ◦ Funding for PG Cert, Dip, Masters in Clinical EducationSubdeaneryLecturer 3 year appointment in first instance Subject to annual educational appraisal Permanent staff: consultant / SAS grade Registered as GMC approved trainer; experience in medical education SUMDE honorarium; 0.5PA equivalent Delivery of : ◦ Case based learning ◦ Clinical and bedside teaching ◦ Tutorials / formal teaching sessions Provide mentorship and feedback to the studentsUGEducationalSupervisor Direct & encourage clinical and academic development of students Responsible for 2 – 4 students; term time (8mths) Pastoral component Point of contact for student Formal meetings with each student (start/mid/end of placement) ◦ Recorded on electronic portfolio Mark clinical cases and provide feedback Adhoc meetings to signpost educational opportunities /deal with arising issues Liaise with placement lead / members of subdeanery staffWhygetinvolvedineducation? Extended roles are important for SAS with benefits for: ◦ Patients ◦ Employers ◦ Individual Doctor Contribution to patient care and the wider NHS Variety and interest in job plan : enhance career satisfaction Enhance professional career Opportunity to demonstrate leadership Opportunity to avail of funded formal medical education trainingWhatnow?