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Welcome to Medical School: Tips & Tricks (2023/2024)



This session will provide medical professionals with tips and tricks to help them excel during medical school. Covering topics such as studying techniques, exams, useful resources, and more, attendees can learn how to manage their time, increase their efficiency, and make the most out of their studies. With guidance on active, spaced, and interleaving techniques, as well as single-best answer questions, very-short answer questions, and short answer questions, medical professionals can gain the knowledge they need to progress with confidence. Plus, the session will also discuss personalized and revision tools, anatomy tools, and more. Most importantly, the session will remind attendees to enjoy their first year!

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Welcome to Medical School: Tips and Tricks

This event will be a short welcome talk designed to introduce you to your first year at Imperial Medicine! It will include plenty of advice about teaching, exams, and useful resources that you can use to help you prepare for your year ahead.

There will also be a short Q&A at the end of the event, so please feel free to prepare any questions for it!

Run by AMSA Academics

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand principles of effective management of time when studying for medical lectures.
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of active and passive recall to aid retention and recall information.
  3. Explain the concept of spaced repetition,interleaving and use of flashcards to aid revision and improve academic performance.
  4. Apply principles of learning when faced with written and non-written exams, including single-best-answer, very-short-answer and short-answer questions.
  5. Recognise a range of digital and printed learning resources to support independent learning, including Notion, Anki, Osmosis, ICSMSU Notebank, Teach Me Anatomy and Rohen's Anatomy.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Welcome to Med School: Tips & TricksAMSA 2023/2024What are we covering today? Teaching Content Studying Techniques Exams Useful Resources Teaching Content Lectures Tutorials Anatomy Guided Labs / Online Clinical Learning Skills (GOL)KeyPointsforTeachingContent: Not every Tutorials lecture is useful usually aren’t - manage your recorded - time make sure to accordingly! attend them! Do your pre- You can be reading; ask flexible with lots of your GOLs, but questions! be responsible!Somethingstoavoid... Spending too much time on the small details Falling behind on work Not studying efficientlyStudyingTechniques ActiveRecall SpacedRepetition Interleaving Usewhatworksforyou!ActiveRecall ActivevsPassive Retrievalpractice FlashcardsSpacedRepetition Lotsofrepeating Lotsofspacing AdjustingintervalsInterleavingStudyingTechniques ActiveRecall SpacedRepetition Interleaving Usewhatworksforyou! Exams WrittenExams: Non-WrittenExams: PoM CSITBL BRS LMAPPodcast Anatomy Placement Sign-Offs ExamsQuestionTypes Single-BestAnswer Very-ShortAnswer ShortAnswer Questions(SBAQs): Questions(VSAQs): Questions(SAQs): Wsite of statins?t Whsite of statins? useful medications for the treatment of (1 mark) (1 mark) hypercholesterolae mia? A. HMG-CoA FOUR WORDS B. Lipids MAX! (3 marks) C. PCSK-9 NO WORD LIMIT E. Cholesterol.Manageyourtimecarefully Usetheflaggingtool VSAQs:FOUR-WORDLIMIT! Learntotypequickly Mockexams Facultyexams StudentexamsUSEFUL RESOURCES: NOTION ANKI “phoenix1997" OSMOSIS ICSMSU NOTEBANK TEACH ME ANATOMY ROHEN’S ANATOMY 11:11PMPERSONAL TOOLS NOTION ANKI 11:11PMREVISION TOOLS: OSMOSIS ICSMSU NOTEBANK 11:11PMANATOMY TOOLS TEACH ME ANATOMY ROHEN’S ANATOMY 11:11PMMost importantly Enjoyyour1styear!Thank you for listening! Let us know what support you would like: