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Versus Arthritis - NI offer for HCPs and Patients


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Healthcare professionals - Northern Ireland We are here to support people with musculoskeletal conditions. Commissioned services Introduction 2 Our vision at Versus Arthritis is a world that no longer tolerates the impact of arthritis. We work with healthcare professionals, volunteers, researchers and friends to do everything we can to push back against arthritis. Our patient insight tells us how important interactions with healthcare professionals are to the lived experience of people with arthritis. We offer a range of training, resources and support services to healthcare professionals to support you and your continued professional development. We can also offer a range of support and resources to your patients. This leaflet is a summary of what we can offer in Northern Ireland. If there’s anything you wish to discuss further, please reach out to the teams detailed in each section. Contents Adult services 3 Young people and family services 7 Education and training 8 Decision support tools 9 Physical activity support and resources 10 Policy and campaigning 11 Adult services 3 Self-management courses • communicating effectively with family, friends Our accredited self-management courses are aimed and health professionals at adults living with all forms of persistent pain andrition • pacing activity and rest long-term health conditions. • how to evaluate new treatments Courses are led by accredited training volunteers• action planning, goal setting and problem solving. one or both of whom live with long-term conditions and/or persistent pain themselves. Volunteers br“ngThese past six weeks have helped an understanding of what it is like to live with a me. I enjoy making action plans term medical condition that can have a devastating impact on quality of life, mental health and emotional seeing achievements now. ” wellbeing both for the individual and their family. Each week, participants are supported by the We focus on the common impacts of long-term conditions as opposed to the individual conditionsrse leaders to set their own action plan to begin themselves. This cycle of impacts can include: making positive changes in their lives. • fatigue The peer support element of the programme is • restricted movement an essential part of its success, giving people the • poor sleep opportunity to meet with others who face similar challenges and issues. • difficult emotions • stress and anxiety. “ It was good to be able to share Our courses are delivered weekly over two or six weeks for 2.5 hours per session, and cover topics and listen with others in the same such as: position. I found the information given was very useful. It has helped • techniques to deal with problems such as frustration, fatigue, isolation and poor sleep me to take a different view on my • appropriate exercise for maintaining and illness and helped me cope better. ” improving strength, flexibility and endurance • appropriate use of medications 82% 84% 84% reported a definite improvement stated that their ability to manage told us they felt that pain wasn’t in the levels of pain they were fatigue had improved from taking interfering as much in their day to experiencing by the end of the part in the course. day lives as it had been when they course. started the course.Adult services 4 Course content has been fully adapted to be • proactive pain management delivered online via Microsoft Teams (accessible • activity levels via smartphone, tablet or laptop). Moving forward • pain levels we plan to offer a blend of face-to-face and online• pain interference. courses to recognise the importance of in-person contact. Patients will have choice in how they wouTo find out more about the evidence like to access delivery. behind our self-management format, see: We provide support to help participants use https://www.selfmanagementresource.com/ Microsoft Teams and where they are unable to (due programs/small-group/chronic-pain-self- to lack of digital access), we can support them tomanagement/ join via phone (audio only). All course materials will either be emailed or posted to participants. To refer someone to our On completion of each course we offer a pathway self-management courses:’ of services, including the potential to join virtuClick to complete our online referral form, peer groups where possible to support people to or scan the QR code below. Once you have continue to practice self-management behaviours. completed the form, you’ll receive an automated acknowledgement. “ I no longer feel isolated –there is help out there. These past six weeks have helped me so much and I can work with healthcare professionals with confidence now. ” Course impact is based on both qualitative and quantitative data (e.g. Chronic Disease Self Efficacy Scale – see: selfmanagementresource.com) , alongside informal feedback and engagement evaluating qualitative feedback to measure improvement in the following areas: • productivity • normality of life • recreation/social life • emotional support • communication with HCPs • management of fatigue • management of mental healthAdult services 5 Virtual information talks and provide an appropriate level of resources and outreach in place of our face–to-face services such Based on the feedback of our service participantand as information hubs. volunteers, we are now delivering an exciting series of online talks and information sessions in partnership Information hubs with a range of health professionals and voluntary sector organisations via Microsoft Teams. The talks Having a musculoskeletal (MSK) condition can be will focus on topics such as self-care, dealing with isolating. Our information hubs were established in fatigue, benefits advice and much more. Talks are response to the fact that one in five GP appointments designed to meet the information and signposting relate MSK issues, and to recognise the holistic needs of people living with pain, and will be support patients need at all levels of their journey. advertised and open to the public as a one-off or Our information hubs operate monthly or ongoing opportunity. fortnightly in a range of healthcare settings such Groups and branches as outpatient rheumatology clinics, or primary care. Hub sessions are two to three hours Feeling supported, understood and independent long in duration but are flexible to people’s are all important aspects of living well with needs. Volunteers living with MSK issues provide arthritis. Branches and groups give people the Versus Arthritis resource materials on opportunity to meet other people with arthritis conditions, and what patients can do to support in their community, share experiences and learn themselves and others. from others. Programme activities range from exercise classes to learning useful techniques Hubs crucially provide direct referral and signposting for living with arthritis or simply having a cup of for patients and the public into our one-to-one or group services, or external support services. We also tea and getting to know people. We have a range aim to assist with health literacy and patients’ access of branches and groups across Northern Ireland that have continued to meet virtually, and we are always to information and understanding of their condition. keen to set up more in response to need. The peer support and empathy provided by the volunteers can encourage patients to engage with Social media and online resources self-management. Hubs will resume once Covid-19 We have Northern Ireland and UK-wide social media guidelines allow. presence across Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. One-to-one outreach www.twitter.com/nivarthritis Our one-to-one service is aimed at individuals who www.instagram.com/niversusarthritis www.facebook.com/northernirelandversusarthritis cannot currently attend our online or face-to-face group courses, who feel isolated and are living with We use these platforms to update and pain. A trained volunteer speaks to the individual communicate with our existing contacts and reach once a week for four weeks, introducing them to out to new audiences who need our support. We self-management techniques to help them live have also adapted and tailored our content to try positively with their condition.Adult services 6 The ultimate aim of the service is to introduce “heThe students found the volunteers individual to the tools they need to manage and encourage them to progress to another group or to be inspirational; this was a Versus Arthritis service based on peer support. highlight of this module. ” Patient voice sessions can take place online, “ The techniques they have empowered me with are part of with students and practitioners conducting mock consultations, structured conversations my everyday routine now. I would and pre-recorded video diaries or interviews be interested in some evening with course or professional development leads. group courses to learn and share All partnerships are co-designed with the educator, students and volunteers. with people like me re: coping mechanisms for daily life. ” Partners have so far included Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) School of Medicine, Ulster University School of Pharmacy, QUB School of Physical activity Pharmacy, GP training in chronic pain, Ulster We are enhancing our organisation-wide physical University Physiotherapy. activity offer and are developing a range of MSK friendly physical activity sessions such as Chi Mi “ Thank you so much for your and walking groups. contribution to enhancement of We will be partnering with local experts to train volunteers to deliver the sessions to both the student learning experience here at Ulster University. ” our groups, service participants and the general public. Chi Mi is already being delivered onlineWe can also support health and social care trust via Microsoft Teams, and our walking groups willquality improvement projects to provide the patient be established in line with our return to face-to- face services. perspective in co-producing potential solutions for patients living with MSK and persistent pain issues. Patient voice The service supports both healthcare professionals in training and in practice to understand and How to refer to Adult Services empathise with what it is to have and live with a musculoskeletal (MSK) condition and/or persistent Find out more or refer to any of our NI adult services via pain, and ultimately improve the service they provideniservicesteam@versusarthritis.org to patients. We also integrate signposting and and we will contact the referred individual to referral information for Versus Arthritis resources, provide the service to suit their needs. services and professional network as an addition to these sessions to complete the approach.Young people and family services 7 If you have a patient up to the age of 25 years withe run an adulting workshop led by younger a diagnosis of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) people with arthritis answering common questions or another MSK condition, did you know that you that other young people have about school, can refer them to the Young People and Families university, relationships, medication and travelling. Service within Versus Arthritis? There are also volunteer opportunities that The Young People and Families Service offers a enable young people to develop skills and range of support services for young people with enhance their experience in order to strengthen arthritis and MSK conditions and their families their applications to higher education. Since the across the UK. beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic we have also delivered a range of virtual events to support Young people tell us that sometimes their young people and their families online during a friendships, school life and family life have been affected by their diagnosis, and coming along to pause in our face-to-face services. one of our events has given them the opportunity to rebuild confidence in themselves and manage their condition better. Frequent hospital appointments How to refer to our and time off work, school or university take away YPFS services independence and can limit choices. You can use this referral form – All events are run with our volunteers who http://bit.ly/HealthProfessionalsVA themselves have grown up with arthritis or similar conditions. Sometimes simply talking to others the or email YPFSNI@versusarthritis.org to find out more. same age who are going through the same things, can make a massive difference. Our support events range from one-to-one support (we have access to a range of resources and relationships we can avail of to help here), to day events covering topics such as pain management, the importance of pacing and transition. 1 In 1,000 over 600 young people under the age of 16 are young people under 16 live with pain, fatigue, diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis mobility problems and joint damage from arthritis Education and training 8 The Professional Engagement team at Versus Our Guide to the Clinical Assessment of Patients Arthritis can provide resources, education and with Musculoskeletal Conditions is endorsed by support that will help you to help people with arthritis.sh Society for Rheumatology and the British Orthopaedic Association. This guide gives you a Information step-by-step approach to assessing people with When you join our professional network, you’ll MSK conditions. become part of a growing community of Leadership development healthcare professionals dedicated to pushing back against arthritis. We’ll keep you up to datOur MSK Champions Programme, developed on the latest developments in MSK health and in partnership with the Ashridge Business care, and share practical tips, development School, helps empower leaders in MSK care. In opportunities and resources. this programme, we support our champions to implement service improvement projects at a Education and training local or national level. Our Core Skills in Musculoskeletal Care programme helps primary healthcare professionals build confidence in diagnosing and supporting people with MSK conditions. The programme consists of Our resources an e-learning course designed in partnership with • Professional network the Royal College of General Practitioners, as well as • Core Skills in Musculoskeletal Care digital and practical workshops which are delivered • Versus Arthritis Red Whale webinars across the UK. Core Skills will help you master the • Clinical assesment guide basics of examinations and consultations. • MSK Champions Programme Get access to free, high-quality webinars designed For more information on any of these services, for GPs and other healthcare providers who diagnose please get in touch at and manage MSK conditions. Together with the ProfessionalEngagement@versusarthritis.org medical education provider Red Whale, we’ve created these webinars to help you deliver the best care. over 9,000 37 ,000 Each year one in five people We have over 8,000 people in our Our resources and training consult a GP about a professional network. products were accessed by musculoskeletal condition. healthcare professionals over 37,000 times in 20/21.’Decision support tools 9 Versus Arthritis has produced a suite of support tools to help people with back, shoulder, hip and knee pain. They were developed by Versus Our resources Arthritis with support from the Primary Care Centre There are eight tools, all available Versus Arthritis at Keele University and funding to download as PDFs: from NHS England, and are endorsed by NICE. • Making decisions about my back (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, pain: primary care and self-care December 2020.) • Making decisions about my back These decision support tools accurately pain: thinking about a referral reflect recommendations in the NICE guidance on osteoarthritis and low back pain and sciatica • Making decisions about my shoulder in over 16s. They also support statements 1–7 in pain: primary care and self-care the NICE quality standard for osteoarthritis and • Making decisions about my shoulder statements 2–7 in the NICE quality standard for low back pain and sciatica in over 16s. pain: thinking about a referral How to use the tools • Making decisions about my hip pain: primary care and self-care The tools are designed to support consultations • Making decisions about my hip pain: between patients and their healthcare thinking about a referral professionals. They are a set of questions which encourage people to think about what types • Making decisions about my knee pain: of support they need to help them with their primary care and self-care musculoskeletal health problem. • Making decisions about my knee pain: Patients can use these to prepare for thinking about a referral appointments, during appointments, or both. Each tool sets out the treatment options for that condition and summarises what is known about the potential benefits and risks of each option. They are intended to facilitate discussion, not to guide people towards a particular option. For more information about the tools and how they were developed, please visit: www.versusarthritis.org/DST Physical activity 10 Research shows us that engaging in physical activity reduces pain, improves quality of life and strengthens the muscles and joints. Versus Arthritis Our resources is facilitating a way for people to incorporate • Our exercise page includes trusted movement into their everyday lives, empowering information, leaflets, guidance and people with musculoskeletal conditions to reclaim support to answer any questions activity at a level that is right for them. people may have around exercise and pain management. Versus Arthritis has spent 12 months listening to people with arthritis and understanding their • Our ‘We are Undefeatable’ resources barriers and facilitators to exercise. In 2019, we are enabling people to build physical surveyed over 800 people with MSK conditions activity into their lives, in a way that their from across the UK. We are using the evidence of condition allows. what works to inform our support groups activity menu, including evidence-based interventions • Physical activity policy position such as ESCAPE-pain. Our physical activity expert • Guidance for commissioners Providing advisers are helping to shape our offer, including Physical Activity Interventions for world leading experts from our Centre for Sport, people with MSK conditions Exercise and Osteoarthritis Research. Let’s Move is our new digital programme tailor- For more information on any of these services or working in partnership, made for people with arthritis to help them on their please get in touch with the Versus physical activity journey. We are developing a series Arthritis Physical Activity team at: of videos featuring experts and people with lived PhysicalActivityVA@versusarthritis.org experience of arthritis. There will be myth-busting blogs, animations, podcasts and live streams. These will be shared on our social media channels as well as by our virtual assistant. As part of our online community, people with arthritis can make connections with people who are on the same journey and get expert advice. people with MSK Over half say that they wanted greater practical Over half would like conditions would like to would find it difficult to support, such as tips it if there were more be more active. become more active. around physical activity activities to do at home. and pain management.Policy and campaigning 11 The pain of MSK conditions affects all aspects Responding to consultations, convening focus of life - the ability to work, care for a family, tops, participating in panels and working move free from pain and to live independently. groups, and facilitating discussion across health Yet, in society, arthritis is often dismissed as an social care, our policy and public affairs inevitable part of aging or shrugged off as ‘just am is here to support and influence health bit of arthritis’. Alongside volunteers, healthcare social care provision. professionals and decision makers we campaign relentlessly for arthritis to be seen as a priority. On a practical level our policy and influencing activity aims to be part of the solution to making Our resources health and social care for people with arthritis and related conditions in Northern Ireland the best Contact us at NIPolicy@versusarthritis.org it can be. Using Versus Arthritis’ insight into the or visit Campaign with us to find out patient experience of living with MSK conditions more or support our activities and your experience of the challenges and Join our Campaigns Network at: innovation in health and social care, we can work versusarthritis.org together to shape policy, influence government and improve patient outcomes. the PrevALenCe of multimorbidity increases from around 6 in 10 aged 64-84 years to 8 in 10 aged 85 years or over 64-84 years one In four people are living with two or more long-term conditions over 85 yearsWe’re the 10 million people living with arthritis. We’re the carers, researchers, professionals, friends, runners and bakers all united by our goal to challenge arthritis. We refuse to accept arthritis stealing the fundamentals of life from us. Together, we’re making real headway, and we’ll never stop until no one has to tolerate living with the pain, fatigue or isolation of arthritis. foLLow us For more information please visit our website 0300 790 0400 Versus Arthritis Copeman House St Mary’s Gate Chesterfield S41 7TD we Are Versus Arthritis: Registered Charity England and Wales No. 207711, Scotland No. SC041156.