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Updated Conference Programme 19th November 2023



This virtual surgical conference is being organised by core trainees within the United Kingdom and is open to all foundation trainees, core trainees, and junior clinical fellows. Join us on Sunday 19th November 2023 and connect with enthusiastic junior doctors who have an interest in surgery and discover ways to enhance surgical succession. Topics of discussion will include Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Surgery through an array of oral and poster presentations. Learn from esteemed industry professionals and network with sponsors such as RCS England, ENT and Audiology news, STEM UK, ACE Medicine and Surgery, JOMI, and Ahead Tuition. Opportunities to explore resources available for medical students will be available as well!

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One-day virtual surgical conference organised by core trainees within the United Kingdom.

Open to all foundation trainees, core trainees, and junior clinical fellows.

Conference Aims and Objectives

•  To provide a platform for enthusiastic junior doctors to present and share their surgically orientated projects in the form of a poster/oral presentation

•  To connect junior doctors who have an interest in surgery across the nation with one another

•  To enhance surgical succession


•  RCS England: is an independent professional body and registered charity that promotes and advances standards of surgical care for patients and regulates surgery in England and Wales.

•  ENT and Audiology news: provides a forum online and in print for the communication of news and information internationally across disciplines for ear, nose and throat and audiology professionals.

•  STEM UK: online educational platform for medical students and junior doctors that provides information on work experience, audits, teaching experience and publications.

•  ACE Medicine and Surgery: an organization that aims to support medical students and junior doctors towards a surgical career through various courses and workshops.

Contact us

Email: acemedicineconference@outlook.com



Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will gain knowledge of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Surgery
  2. Participants will be able to recognize the importance of developing and presenting surgical projects in poster/oral forms
  3. Participants will be familiarized with resources available for medical students and doctors interested in surgical careers
  4. Participants will understand the role of sponsors in helping to progress medical projects
  5. Participants will have the opportunity to connect and network with other junior doctors who have an interest in surgery.
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Computer generated transcript

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rd 3 National Surgical Conference 2023 Date: Sunday 19th November 2023 Location: Virtual Course Directors: Mr Haseem Raja, Miss Saarah Ebrahim Conference Organisers: Dr Sarah Puthur, Dr Luqman Bin Aizan, Dr Maryam Borumand, Dr Ahmed Fazili One-day virtual surgical conference organised by core trainees within the United Kingdom. Open to all foundation trainees, core trainees, and junior clinical fellows. Conference Aims and Objectives • To provide a platform for enthusiastic junior doctors to present and share their surgically orientated projects in the form of a poster/oral presentation • To connect junior doctors who have an interest in surgery across the nation with one another • To enhance surgical succession Sponsors • RCS England: is an independent professional body and registered charity that promotes and advances standards of surgical care for patients and regulates surgery in England and Wales. • ENT and Audiology news: provides a forum online and in print for the communication of news and information internationally across disciplines for ear, nose and throat and audiology professionals. STEM UK: online educational platform for medical students and junior doctors that provides information • on work experience, audits, teaching experience and publications. • ACE Medicine and Surgery: an organization that aims to support medical students and junior doctors towards a surgical career through various courses and workshops. • JOMI- a web-based resource targeted towards medical students, residents and attending physicians that provides high quality, peer-reviewed surgical videos based on educational guidelines established by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education and data from professional surgical organizations. Ahead tuition- organization that offers a range of tuition services and support to guide students through • their academic career. Conference Programme Theme: Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Surgery 0900-0910 REGISTRATION 0910-0925 Introduction Mr Haseem Raja ENT Registrar (University Hospitals of North Midlands) Ms Saarah Ebrahim, General Surgery Trainee (East of England Deanery) Co-Founders of ACE Medicine & Surgery 0925-1000 Welcoming diverse surgical talent Professor Scarlett McNally Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon (Eastbourne Hospital) 1000-1010 Oral presentation 1: Development of a Technique to Assess Bone Loss in Coronoid Fractures of the Elbow Olamide Oyelade Category: Medical Students 1010-1020 Oral presentation 2 Surgical outcomes: Metacarpal and phalangeal fractures Katherine Wood 1020-1030 Oral presentation 1: Equitable access to bariatric surgery: an exploration of trends in patient profiles over the Category: Foundation doctors last 15 years Luqman Bin Aizan 1030-1045 COFFEE BREAK – VIEW POSTERS 1045-1100 Preparing your portfolio Miss Rohma Abrar ST3 ENT (North West Deanery) 1100-1115 STEM Dr Maryam Borumand FY1 Doctor at Bedford Hospital 1115-1125 Oral presentation 2: Smoking Cessation in Surgical Inpatients within Secondary Care Ahmed Fazili 1125-1135 Oral presentation 3: Category: Foundation doctors The Future of Artificial Intelligence in Facial Plastic Surgery Hassan Jouni1135-1145 Oral presentation 4: The Role of Carbon Nanoparticles as Lymph Node Tracers in Colorectal Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Nikos Tteralli 1145-1155 Oral presentation 5: Does the diameter of the gastro-jejunostomy in Roux-En-Y Gastric Bypass affect post-surgery weight loss? Ahsen Razzaq 1200-1300 LUNCH – VIEW POSTERS 1300-1315 Top tip for revision Mr Alan Askari Consultant Bariatric/UGI/General Surgeon Luton & Dunstable 1315-1345 Pride in Surgery Mx Karen Chui Trauma & Orthopaedics Specialty Registrar BOTA Vice President 2022/23 RCS England Pride in Surgery Forum (PRiSM) Vice Chair 1345-1355 Oral presentation 1: Endoscopic Unilateral Anterior Ethmoid Artery Flap With or Without Cartilage Graft for Nasal Septal Perforation Repair Abubaker Elamin 1355-1405 Oral presentation 2: TAMIS Resection: A Retrospective Analysis of Pre- operative Staging and Outcomes in a Single UK Centre Noor Ul Ain 1405-1415 Oral presentation 3: Category: Clinical fellows and trainees How relevant are additional histological features? Five-year survival after pancreatoduodenectomy for confirmed pancreatic cancer Shoura Karar 1415-1425 Oral presentation 4: Epidemiology of Finger Fractures in the East Midlands Timothy Davis 1425-1435 Oral presentation 5: Day-case Ureterorenoscopy for Stone Disease Olawale Ogunremi 1435-1445 Oral presentation 6: Adherence to best practice guidelines: Are we addressing Outpatient letters to patients and are they readable? H. Minali Perera 1445-1515 COFFEE BREAK- VIEW POSTERS 1515-1530 Information on resources available for medical Journal of Medical Insight (JOMI) students and doctors interested in a surgical career. 1530-1545 Announce Winners of Oral & Poster presentations Close of Meeting