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TODDLE Webinar 3: Dr Abbey Bracken


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QI PROJECTS – WHAT I WISH I’D Dr Abbey Bracken, FY2 KNOWN 2 YEARS AGOWHAT WE’LL COVER ➢What is a QI project? ➢What is an Audit? ➢What do I need to know before applications? ➢What do I need to apply for training? ➢What do I need for my portfolio? ➢My QI involvement as a medical student/FY doctor ➢How do I get involved in a QIP/Audit? DEFINITIONS Audit – compares current QIPs – review current practice against a practice and design ways to recognised standard. improve (don’t need a standard to compare to!). Available from: https://www.mindthebleep.com/audit-and-quality-improvement-projects/ WHAT IS THE PROCESS? Setting the Standard “Closing The Loop” “The Loop” Available from: https://tipsqi.co.uk/guide-6/ A3 Myers JS, Kin JM, Billi JE, et al BMJ Quality & Safety 2022;31:287-296.roblem-solving assessment tool and self-instructional package for teachers of quality improvement in healthcare PDSA Lee, Cindy & Wadhwa, Vibhor & Kruskal, Jonathan & Larson, David. (2015). the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. 35. 150024. 10.1148/rg.2015150024. Radiology Certification. Radiographics : a review publication ofAPPLYING TO PAEDIATRICS 400 words of the application:PAEDIATRIC ST1 APPLICATIONS - 2022 Essential Criteria Desirable Criteria& EVERYTHING ELSE!ST1 PAEDIATRIC SCORING CRITERIA - 2022IMT1 SCORING CRITERIA - 2023MY QI EXPERIENCE 1. 4 Year Medical School (Psychiatry) – ‘Cross Trust Service Evaluation of Out of Hours MHLT Activity in ED’: ➢Developed a spreadsheet ➢Collected data ➢Worked with psychiatry consultant and ED foundation doctors.MY QI EXPERIENCE th 2. 4 Year Medical School (Paediatrics) – ‘An innovative way to conduct a student hospital induction using a virtual tour and patient interviews’: ➢Advised on effectiveness of current induction ➢Filmed virtual tour ➢Conducted patient interviews ➢Worked with Paediatric Teaching Fellows & other medical students National Presentation at ASM Annual Meeting 2019MY QI EXPERIENCE 3. F2 (Academic & Clinical Paediatrics) – ‘Implementation of electronic handovers and task messaging in the general paediatrics team in a tertiary children’s hospital’: ➢Developed A3 ➢Weekly focus group meetings and PDSA cycles ➢Collected pre and post-implementation survey data ➢Training software users ➢Meeting stakeholders and QI experts ➢Worked with research fellow, paediatric consultants, research nurses & ANPsTOP TIPS ❖Collaboration! ❖Lots of consultants/seniors may have projects in mind. ❖Good times to work on a project – elective/SAMP/SSM… ❖Your project doesn’t always have to be related to the specialty you apply to. ❖Define your problem statement/recognised standard before you collect your data.BUILD YOUR PORTFOLIO AS YOU GO (SOMEWHERE CENTRAL)USEFUL RESOURCES ❖TIPS QI - https://tipsqi.co.uk/ ‘Trainees Improving Patient Safety through Quality Improvement’ ❖Mind the Bleep: Audit and Quality Improvement Projects - https://www.mindthebleep.com/audit-and-quality-improvement-projects/ ❖Writing a Medical CV (useful for generic applications/seeing gaps in portfolio) - https://www.bmj.com/content/337/bmj.a965 ❖Paediatrics ST1 Application Guidance, Person Specification & Application Scoring Criteria - https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/resources/specialty-training-level-1-application- guidance#downloadBox