TODDLE Webinar 2: Flora Jardine
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A MED STUDENT’S PERSPECTIVE ON TRYING TO BECOME A PAEDIATRIC DOCTOR Flora Jardine, Y6 Medical StudentABOUT ME • 6 year medical student scheduled to do Paediatrics in FY1 • Treasurer (2021-22) on Edinburgh University Paediatric Society • Academic Tutorial Convenor (2020-21) and Tutorials Lead (2021-22) for Accessibility in Medicine • Academic (2019-20) and Clinical Tutorial Convenor (2020-21) for Edinburgh University Medical Education Society Paediatric Safeguarding Course (level 2 or 3) CLINICAL SKILLS Paediatric and/or Neonatal Life Support ACADEMIC SKILLS Research and Audit skills Teaching with feedback and reflection Communication, team-working, leadership, PERSONAL SKILLS organisation/planning COMMITMENT TO SPECIALTY Extracurricular activities/achievements PERSON SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAEDIATRIC ST1 Paediatric Safeguarding Course (level 2 or 3) CLINICAL SKILLS Paediatric and/or Neonatal Life Support ACADEMIC SKILLS Research and Audit skills Teaching with feedback and reflection Communication, team-working, leadership, PERSONAL SKILLS organisation/planning COMMITMENT TO SPECIALTY Extracurricular activities/achievements PERSON SPECIFICATIONS FOR PAEDIATRIC ST1WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN TEACHING SO FAR? S OCIE TIE S Most medical schools have societies centred around medical education. In Edinburgh, there’s EUMES and AIM, although most specialist societies also offer teaching sessions. MEDICAL SC HOOL Some universities offer an opportunity to teach as part of the curriculum. If they don’t, ask! PRIMARY SC HOOL Ask your old school if you can help in any way. HOW TO BUILD HOS PITAL-BAS E D At weekly MDT meetings there is sometimes an opportunity for YOUR TEACHING teaching. Ask if you can get involved in future sessions! PORTFOLIO S E LF-DRIVE N See a gap in the market? Fill it!HOW TO TEACH SET Tell them what you’re going to tell them. BODY Tell them. CLOSE Tell them what you have just told them. SET FLATTEN THE HIERARCHY Build trust, use names, explain your agenda LEARNING OBJECTIVES Should be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timebound CONSIDER YOUR AUDIENCE Try to assess prior knowledge – always best to check than assume.BODY DELIVERY OF CONTENT Use of PowerPoint? Tutorial worksheets? PRIORITISATION OF CONTENT What are the most important learning objectives? How to split time? CHUNK AND CHECK Gather feedback and adjust your approach accordingly. Make sure everybody feels included. PRESENTATIONS Keep word Add visuals, Keep animations PowerPoint Scripting your content short! graphical simple design session abstract or flow- chart that enhance learningCLOSE Build this into your timings – ideally shouldn’t be squeezed into the last 1 minute. Check learning and test learning objectives. Questions – it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers.FEEDBACK Feedback should be: • Purposeful • Collected fairly (don’t just show off your good side) • Reflected upon, ideally with demonstration of change Find your preferred platform for collating feedback – get rid of the paper forms!QUESTIONS TO INCLUDE ON FEEDBACK MAY INCLUDE: General Specific Content Educator Content Educator Did the session improve Do you think they are Lists 3 key learning points If this educator runs a your understanding of the knowledgeable in for yourself different session, would topic? answering questions? you attend? Did the session improve Was the session Is there anything you What specifically did you your confidence in the enjoyable? would change in your like or dislike about the topic? practice after this session?way they led the session? Was it pitched at the right Was their pace What question remains Did the educator inspire unanswered from this you? level for you? appropriate for the topic? session for you? Was the topic relevant to Was the educator your practice? credible?THANK YOU Any questions?