TODDLE Webinar 1: Dr Sam Danaher
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LEARNING ABOUTPAW PATROL… UKAPS ANDEUPS W EBINAR Dr Sam Danaher ST4 Paediatric ICU Royal Stoke Hospital for ChildrenA BOUT ME ST4 PICU Royal Stoke Hospital for Children. Aspiring PEM GRID application . Interest in Med ED/PICU/Simulation/ Human Factors / civility saves lives. Aspiring dog dad and gin connoisseur (or so I like to think) and I run on coffee.BESTT HINGS ABOUT MY JOBDAY IN THE L….ES TEPS TO APPLICATION Paediatric recruitment 2022 Recruitment for ST1 paediatrics will this year be composed of two scoring elements: Application form (white-space questions): to cover Past achievements, Clinical experience, Career motivation, Transferable Skills, Governance 30-minute virtual interview, one panel of four assessors/30-minute virtual with two x 15-minute stations, two panels of two assessors:* to cover Communications, Career motivation, Clinical reasoning, Reflective practiceC AREER PLANNING SSC / Interest modules Spend time with the MDT – play therapy/clinics etc Audit Research OOH experiences KIDS observer shipPORTFOLIO Levels 1-3 Certain competencies in each stage ES and CS Just get it done!T OP TIPS Paeds society! Find a friend DFTB have really good courses and resources and its free :D Speak to your nurses…they are a wealth of knowledge. Take time to learn your favourite dinosaur and why!