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Tim Hughes, Brydie Murphy and Scott Yearling - Saving Energy and Reducing Waste at ESNEFT



This on-demand teaching session hosts Scott Yearling and Brydie Murphy of ESNEFT, who focus on energy saving measures, reducing waste, and promoting sustainable practices at your medical facility. The workshop will review ESNEFT's energy consumption and carbon footprint, breakdown where energy is expended in hospitals, and explore alternate methods to optimize energy use.

The senior ward staff will also discuss simple habits that can significantly contribute towards energy conservation. These include adjusting room temperatures, avoiding blocking vents and radiators, using Trust-approved equipment, washing hands with cold water, etc.

The session importantly comprises ESNEFT's waste management strategy, accentuating the importance of proper waste segregation, minimizing single-use items, and reducing printing. You can participate in interactive poll sessions to understand waste segregation practices. The workshop also encourages the redistribution of items like furniture and includes a Q&A to address related concerns, providing a well-rounded learning experience on energy-saving and sustainability practices in healthcare settings.

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Please note that the figures mentioned in this talk might differ from elsewhere and are subject to change

Learning objectives

  1. Analyze the amount of energy used by ESNEFT, identifying the main sources of consumption and the overall carbon footprint.
  2. Discuss the impacts of energy waste in the context of a medical organization, including financial implications and environmental effects.
  3. Identify strategies to improve energy consumption, including the use of renewable sources and energy-efficient technologies.
  4. Understand and apply appropriate waste management practices, such as recycling and the correct disposal of medical waste, to reduce waste at ESNEFT.
  5. Utilize the insights from the staff sustainability survey to develop ideas for reducing waste and improving sustainability practices throughout the organization.
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Saving Energy and Reducing Waste at ESNEFT Scott Yearling – Portering & Waste Managerr Brydie Murphy – Energy & Sustainability CoordinatorEnergy at ESNEFTCarbon Footprint and Footprint Plus The Volume of Energy used at ESNEFT 2023-24 Site Electricity Gas Water Oil Solar PV Steam kWh SitekWh Cubic MetrekWh/m²kWh Site kWh kWh CO2e(kg) / m² Ipswich Hospital Colchester - Microbiology Unit 294,015ter59178,541iolo7,694it 17,819,096 119 Colchester Hospital Aldeburgh Community Hospital7 317,736gh 57780,282 Hos9,362 0 109 Ipswich Hospital - Garrett Anderson CentIpswich Hospital - Garrett Anderson Centreter52362,438 0 0 92 Aldeburgh Community Hospital Ipswich Hospital 851,249 F4,358towe4963,980l 0 0 88 Felixstowe Hospital Colchester Hospital 335,384 C1,491ster4696 0igh Stree0 0 65 Bluebird Lodge Felixstowe Hospital 186,834 I2,268h Ho461ta0 0 0 62 Colchester - Microbiology Unit Colchester - 66 High Street I1,102h - 340 528dseer Ro0d 0 53 Colchester - 659-662 The Crescent Ipswich 4769Landseer10oa,81 I359ich Ho263ta0 - Garret0 Anderson C0ntre 51 Colchester - 66 High Street Bluebird Lodge 99,105 B160bird L232e 0 0 0 47 Colchester - 659-662 The Crescent 34 Ipswich - 476 Landseer Road Colchest2r4659-662 The3,2escent 113 174 0 0 0 Colchester - 7 Easter Park Colchester-72Easter Park0 Col0hester 1 7 0aster Par0 0 0 Total 32,505,368 32,044,676 633,388 325,769 17,056 17,819,096 Total kWh 83,345,353 Total CO2e (tonnes) 12,852 (72% of our Carbon Footprint) (8.4%of ourCarbon Footprint Plus) Where does it all go? • Heating Plant (Boilers, Heat Pumps, Electric Heaters etc.) • Cooling Plant (Chillers, Heat Pumps, Portable AC) • Hot Water Production • Lighting (Internal and External) • Ventilation Equipment • IT Equipment and Servers • Diagnostic Imaging • Operating Theatres • Biomedical Equipment • Catering Equipment • Domestic Use (Toasters, Kettles, Microwaves, Coffee Machines etc) • Washing and Flushing • System Loss and LeaksHow do we do things the same but different? A few examples: • LED Lighting • Removal of chilled water storage • Upgrading Fans and Pumps to direct Drive • HeatingSystem ImprovementsEnergy: what can you do? • Small contributions make a bigdifference – room temperature exampleEnergy: what can you do? • Switch off or turn it down. o Itemperature by 1ºC can cut heating bills by 10%(Energy SavingTrust). Usea lower thermostat setting where possible. Even a small reduction in temperature can save a valuable amount of money. • Use the environment. o Opening windows during thesummer evenings to let out hot air but closing themagain before it gets hot (ideally closeblinds and curtains). o Don't run cooling during thewinter. o Report any temperatureissues to estates helpdesk(don'tbring in your own heaters and coolers). o Turn lights off during the day. o If it's hotinside,can you havea meeting outside? • Don't block vents and radiators. • Only use Trustissued equipment. • Use cold water to wash hands. • Turn off computers and monitors when you leave(small loads soon add up). • Close the microwave door!Energy & Sustainability: What can you do?Waste at ESNEFTWhat is the correct bin? Slido.com 1721185 Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use Which bin (or bag) would you put used gloves in? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide. Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use Which bin (or bag) would you put medicated dressings in? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide. Please download and install the Slido app on all computers you use In a clinical setting, which bin (or bag) would you put used hand towels in? ⓘ Start presenting to display the poll results on this slide.1. Gloves – Tiger stripe bags (non infectious waste) 2. Medicated dressings – Yellow bag or blue bins (High- risk clinical waste in theaters & non-sharps contaminated with medicines) 3. Hand towels – Domestic wasteBin labels for each waste type available on the IntranetWaste: what can you do? • Ensure proper waste management – use the bin labels, reach out to us if you need guidance, support or particular bins • Include waste management in ward inductions • Reuse and redistribute furniture and other items e.g WarpIt / A Good Thing • Limit your use of single use items where possible – clinically and non-clinically • Reduce printing where possibleESNEFT Staff Sustainability SurveyStaff Survey – Suggestions & Questions Energy Waste ‘Heating is on yet windows and ‘More recycling bins’ doors are regularly wedged open’ ‘How much of what we attempt to recycle ‘Lights could be turned off in rooms, in theatre is actually recycled?’ machines shut down’ ‘How can we maximise recycling and sustainability at ward/unit level?’Questions