Teaching slides for session: Duodenum and Spleen
This engaging on-demand teaching session for medical professionals dives deep into a detailed anatomy revision covering the structure and functioning of the abdominal wall and foregut. Particularly focusing on two central aspects of the session - the spleen and the duodenum, the different anatomical facets, including positions, blood supply, relationships with other abdominal organs, and peritoneal attachments, will be thoroughly explained. Attendees will gain insights into the intricate structure of the duodenum, its common ulceration site, and different parts. They will also learn about the spleen's position against the diaphragm, its connections, and blood supply. Moreover, the session will also examine the peritoneal attachments and their role. Come join this medical session to solidify and enhance your anatomical knowledge.
Learning objectives
By the end of this session, participants will be able to accurately describe the functional anatomy of the duodenum, including its position, parts, secondary retroperitoneal attachment and relations to other abdominal organs.
Participants will be able to detail the anatomy of the spleen, specifically its position, blood supply, relations and peritoneal attachments.
Attendees will be able to identify and describe the structure and function of the major and minor duodenal papillae.
Participants will have a clear understanding of the peritoneal attachments both for the duodenum and spleen, and the distinction between intra and retroperitoneal organs.
By the conclusion of the session, all involved should be able to describe the blood supply to the spleen, including the origins and connections of the splenic artery and vein.
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ABDOMINAL WALL & FOREGUT : DUODENUM + SPLEEN ANATOMY REVISION SESSION II RUKHMA + TASMIA STATION 4: DUODENUM AND SPLEEN ILOS 1. Describe the functional anatomy of the duodenum, include its: position, parts, secondary retroperitoneal attachment and relations other abdominal organs. 2. Describe the anatomy of the spleen, include: its position, blood supply, relations and peritoneal attachmentDUODENUM •25 cm long •4 parts SUPERIOR DUODENUM ❖ hepatoduodenal ligament ❖ most common ulceration site ❖ first 3 cm intraperitoneal rest retro-only covered anteriorly DESCENDING DUODENUM ❖ posterior to transverse colon ❖ anterior to right kidney ❖ major and minor duodenal papilla-2 cm above major INFERIOR AND ASCENDING DUODENUM ❖ Inferior-crosses aorta and vena cava anteriorly ,travels to left,inferior to pancreas, posterior to superior mesentric artery and vein ❖ Ascending-ascends then curves anteriorly- duodenojejunal flexure-controlled by suspensory muscle-contract-angle of flexure widens-aids movement of chymeILO #2….SPLEENPOSITIONLies against the diaphragm, in area of rib 9 to 10. Which of the 9 regions of the abdomen does it lie in?PERITONEAL ATTACHMENTSParietal – Visceral – surrounds surrounds the CAVITY the ORGANSINTRAPERITONEAL?FRONT - ANTERIOR BACK – POSTERIOR PARIETAL Peritoneum VISCERAL PeritoneumRELATIONS • Connected to the stomach, left kidney.BLOOD SUPPLYCommon Hepatic CT Splenic A. AA Abdominal Aorta 🡪 Celiac trunk 🡪 Splenic A.Portal vein --> splenic veinTHANK YOU :) ANY QS?