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Teaching slides for session: Anatomy of Axilla



This on-demand teaching session titled 'Anatomy of the Axilla' is an indispensable learning opportunity for medical professionals looking to broaden their understanding of this vital area. Led by experts Ramsha and LivILOs, this session delves into the boundaries and content of the axilla, including the major vessels and relevant parts of the brachial plexus. The course provides a crucial overview of the axillary lymph nodes and underlines the importance of lymphatic drainage in the spread of tumors. Attendees will engage with the components of the axilla, such as axillary arteries, veins, brachial plexus, axillary lymph nodes, and their associated muscles. The unique lymph flow from varying parts of the body will be highlighted, followed by an informative quiz to recap the learnt concepts. The knowledge obtained from this session will significantly assist medical professionals in their diagnosis and treatment stages.

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Learning objectives

  1. Understand the anatomy, boundaries and contents of the axilla, including major vessels and relevant parts of the brachial plexus.

  2. Analyze the anatomy of the Axillary lymph nodes and how they function within the body.

  3. Comprehend the significance of lymphatic drainage in the context of the breast, trunk and upper limb and its role in the spread of tumors.

  4. Distinguish the different components of the axilla including the Axillary artery, vein, brachial plexus, axillary lymph nodes and key muscle tendons.

  5. Gain knowledge on the lymph drainage pathways from the right and left sides of the body into the subclavian vein and how this process is critical for body function and health.

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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Anatomy of the Axilla Ramsha and LivILOs: • Boundaries andcontent of the AXILLA,major vesselsandrelevant parts of brachialplexus. • Anatomy of the Axillarylymph nodes • Importance oflymphatic drainage of the breast, trunk andupper limb, and in the spread of tumors.Boundariesofthe Axilla subMuscles -AxillaContentsofAxilla • Axillaryartery (&branches) • Axillaryvein • Brachialplexus* • Axillarylymphnodes • Musclestendons(Biceps brachii and Coracobrachialis)AxillaryLymphNodes Right Venous Angle Right SubclavianVein Left SubclavianVein Left Venous Angle Right Lymphatic Duct Thoracic DuctSummary RIGHT = anterior,posterior andlateral axillary-> central axillary-> Rlymphaticduct-> Rsubclavianvein LEFT = anterior,posterior andlateral axillary-> central axillary-> thoracic duct-> Lsubclavian vein *lymphdrains into thesubclavianveinattheR/L venous angle Lymphdrainage of breast Axillary Parasternal Subareolar/Sappey's Plexus Inferior phrenicLymphdrainage Lymph flowin parasternal LNs Lymph flowfromInferiorPhrenic LNsLymph drainage from the Trunk/Upper limb Rightside: Rightupper limb,Right halfof thethorax andright Head &Neck willdraininto the RightLymphatic duct re-introduced intothe circulatorysystemat Rightvenous angle. Leftside: All lymph belowthe diaphragm, Left halfof Head&Neck, Thorax, andleft upper extremity willdrainintotheThoracicduct re- introducedintothecirculatory systematLeft venousangle.Quiz 1. Axillary lymphnodes receivemajority ofthelymphfluidfromthe breast. 2. ExplainlymphdrainageoftheRight breast. 3. What forms the medialboundary oftheAxilla?FEEDBACK