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Tips for Building a Surgical CV GU Vascular Surgery SocietyCore Surgical T raining  2-3 year junior surgical registrar job  Rotate 6-month jobs in general, vascular, paediatric, urological surgery etc  Competitive application process  CV counts for a third of points in overall applicationCommitment to Surgery  Attend surgical courses  Attend surgical conferences  Undertake surgical elective or surgical job in FY  Complete the MSRA, MRCS  Operative experienceLogging Theatre Time  Quick, easy and early points in applications  Log every surgery that you assist in (ie any you scrub into)  Take note of patient details and a short op note  Can be verified at a later dateAudits  Can be done in medical school or FY1 onwards  For points on CST it must be a full cycle and demonstrate change  More points for more involvement  Does not have to be surgical  Can share workload with other students/juniors/registrar/consultantsPresentations  Can be oral or poster presentations  Can range from local meetings to international conferences  Ensure to get a certificate or conformationPrizes  Prizes awarded by recognised medical or surgical bodies for presentations, essays, audits etc  Distinction at medical schoolPublications  Difficult to achieve in medical school or postgraduate but worth a shot  More points for being first author etcLeadership  Can be done in medical school by joining societies  Must be greater than 6 months  Local or regional jobs in FY1 or 2 are excellent sources of points  Student/doctor representative, BMA rep, role in doctors’ mess, rota coordinator, start a journal clubTeaching  Teaching medical students as a senior student or junior doctor  Must get feedback  More sessions or organising teaching programs awards more points  Get involved with societies, the medical school etc  Harass medical students on the wards  Points awarded for training in teachingDegrees  Points for doing medicine as a postgraduate degree  More points for higher qualifications ie PhD > Bachelors  Intercal counts and is a great opportunity for other pointsTake Home Messages  CV building is important throughout medicine  Don’t stress but start thinking about your CV sooner rather than later  Get certificates, feedback and record it all!!!  Undergraduate and postgraduate medicine is non-linearFeedback