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PSA Prep Course
-INR, UTI, and other abbreviations
We are a group of F1 doctors preparing this course to help prepare/as
a supplement for your PSA. Please do not use this as your sole source
of revision.
None of the patients/cases are based on real-life scenarios, and any
similarities are coincidental. Some drug concentrations/preparations
may have been changed for ease of calculations, and may not
resemble real-life clinical practice.
Always consult your university for exam-related queries and support,
and the BNF/Medicines Complete for up-to-date information on drugs
and prescriptions.
International Normalised Ratio
3 A 68-year-old gentleman presents to the ED with new-onset left-sided
weakness, facial droop, and a GCS of 9/15. A CT head reveals an intracranial
bleed. His INR is 6.3.
PMHx: Atrial fibrillation, mechanical aortic valve
DHx: Bisoprolol 5mg OD, warfarin 5mg OD
Which of the following options is the most suitable for
the patient?
1. Swap the patient onto a DOAC
2. Withhold warfarin, give tranexamic acid
3. Withhold warfarin, give IV phytomenadione
4. Reduce the warfarin dose by 2mg and review
5. Withhold warfarin, give 1 unit FFP
Answer: 3.
NOTE CORRECTION: recording incorrectly says PO phytomenadione for option 3. This
slide as been corrected.
Vitamin K antagonist Target INR
◦ Prevents the formation of clotting
factors II, VII, IX, X 2.5 (2-3)
Takes 48-72h to fully anticoagulate ◦ AF
◦ Bioprosthetic heart valves
3.5 (3-4)
◦ Recurrent DVT/PE for those already on
anticoagulation with INR >2
Major bleed: INR >8.0, no bleed
◦ Stop warfarin ◦ Stop warfarin
◦ Give phytomenadione PO
◦ Give phytomenadione IV ◦ Restart warfarin when INR <5
◦ Give dried PCC
INR 5-8, minor bleed
◦ Stop warfarin
INR >8.0, minor bleed ◦ Give phytomenadione IV
◦ Stop warfarin ◦ Restart warfarin when INR <5
◦ Give phytomenadione IV INR 5-8, no bleed
◦ Restart warfarin when INR <5 ◦ Withhold 1-2 doses, reduce
maintenance dose
PCC: prothrombin complex concentrate (II, VII, IX, X)
If no PCC available, can give FFP, but is less effective
Extra information on PCC vs FFP vs cryo at the end of the slides.
TL;DR- any bleed, stop the warfarin and give IV phytomenadione
6Screenshot of the official wording found on BNF.
7 You’re bleeped by a nurse to review a patient’s warfarin dose. His most recent INR
is 7.6. He is currently on warfarin for prophylaxis of recurrent DVTs. His target INR is
OE: HR 78, BP 150/84, RR 19, Sats 95% on RA, temp 37.1
Which of the following options is the most suitable management?
1. Stop warfarin + give phytomenadione IV + give dried PCC
2. Stop warfarin + give phytomenadione IV + restart warfarin when INR <5
3. Stop warfarin + give phytomenadione IV + restart warfarin when INR <3.5
4. Stop warfarin + give phytomenadione PO + restart warfarin when INR <3.5
5. Withhold 1-2 doses, reduce maintenance dose
Answer: 5
Note that his INR is within the 5-8 range, and there are no features in the question
stem suggestive of an acute major or minor bleed.
8 You’re in the clinic and one of your patients has been started on warfarin.
Which of the following is the most important information that should be provided?
1. Warfarin tablets are brown
2. Warfarin should be stopped before dental procedures
3. Binge drinking alcohol should be avoided
4. Warfarin is not affected by dietary intake
5. If a dose is missed, they should take 2 tablets the next day
Answer. 3
1 is true but not an important fact to relay to the patient
2 is incorrect as warfarin can be continued for most outpatient procedures
4 is incorrect as it can be affected by some foods e.g. leafy greens contain lots of vit
K, cranberry juice can increase INR levels
6 is incorrect, patients should nevedouble-dosese their warfarin medication
9 UTI’s
Urinary Tract Infections
10 A 24-year-old female attends her GP appointment with a 2/7 history of dysuria and
offensive urine.
Urine dip reveals:
pH 6.0
Leukocytes ++ Bilirubin –
Blood - Protein –
Nitrites + Pregnancy –
Ketones – Glucose –
Please write a prescription for one medication to alleviate her symptoms.
Nitrofurantoin 50mg QDS for 3 days
Trimethoprim 200mg BD for 3 days
Make sure you state the duration of 3 days
Common PSA question
1 thing to consider:
◦Are they pregnant or a male?
12UTI – Non-Pregnant Females
1 line
◦ Nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim
◦ 3 day course
13UTI – Pregnant Females
1 line
◦ Nitrofurantoin
◦ Amoxicillin/cefalexin
7 day treatment
14UTI – Males
1 line
◦ Nitrofurantoin or trimethoprim
◦ 7 day course
15 A 26-year-old female attends her GP appointment with a 4/7 history of stinging
sensation when passing urine. She is currently emptying her bladder 7-8 times a
day, which she states is unusual for her. She is currently 17 weeks pregnant.
PMH: Migraines with aura, endometriosis
DHx: paracetamol, ibuprofen
Allergies: nitrofurantoin
A mid-stream urine sample is collected and sent off to the labs for MCS.
Please write a prescription for one medication to alleviate her symptoms.
Cefalexin 500mg BD for 7 days for full marks
Amoxicillin 500mg TDS for 7 days would not be full marks as you do not know the
16 NTD’s
Neural Tube Defects
17 A 26-year-old female attends her GP appointment asking for pregnancy advice. She
wants to try for a baby and says that one of her friends had to take tablets to
prevent the baby from being born without a hole in its spine.
PMH: haemorrhoids, alopecia areata
DH: nil
Which of the following is the most suitable prescription?
1. Folic acid 400 micrograms PO OD until week 12
2. Folic acid 400 micrograms PO OD until birth
3. Folic acid 5mg PO OD until week 12
4. Folic acid 5mg PO OD until birth
5. Reassure her
Answer: 1
18Neural Tube Defects
Occurs when the neural tube doesn’t At risk patients:
close properly during embryonic
development Previous child with NTD
◦ Spina bifida Antiepileptic medication
◦ Anencephaly Diabetes
Sickle cell disease
19NTD prevention
Prevention (low risk)
Folic acid 400 micrograms PO OD until week 12
Prevention (high risk)
Folic acid 5mg PO OD until week 12
Prevention (sickle cell)
Folic acid 5mg PO OD until birth
20 A 29-year-old female attends her GP appointment asking for pregnancy advice. She
is currently 6 weeks pregnant and states her mother told her to come to the GP for
advice about taking nutritional supplements to support the baby’s development.
PMH: orthostatic hypotension, sickle cell disease, Factor V Leiden deficiency
DH: nil
Allergies: aspirin
Please write a prescription for one medication to prevent a neural tube defect.
Note that the patient has a history of sickle cell disease, hence the correct
prescription would be folic acid 5mg PO OD until birth.
21 ACEi’s
ACE inhibitors
22 An 85-year-old gentleman comes into the GP clinic for a routine review 1 week
after increasing his ramipril from 5mg to 10mg PO OD. Below are his recent blood
test results:
12/11/22 15/09/22 Which of the following is the most suitable
Na+ 137 (135-145) Na+ 135 management option?
K+ 4.9 (3.5-5.3) K+ 4.2 1. Carry on the ramipril at 10mg
Urea 6.8 (2.0-7.0) Urea 4.9 2. Stop the ramipril completely
Creatinine 117 (55-120) Creatinine 86 3. Switch back to 5mg PO OD
eGFR 86 eGFR 93 4. Re-assess the BP
5. Re-check bloods in 2 weeks
Answer: 3.
As the creatinine has increased by 36% (even though it is within normal range), the
NICE CKS recommendation is that you cut back to the last tolerated dose and
23 ACEi Management
If eGFR drops by <25% or creatinine If eGFR drops by >25% or creatinine
increases by <30% increases by >30%
Do not modify ACEi dose Investigate other causes e.g. volume
Re-check levels in 2 weeks Consider drugs which may contribute to
renal function drop
Stop the ACEi dose
Reduce dose to previously tolerable
dose & re-check in 5-7/7
Example drugs: NSAIDs, vasodilators (CCB, nitrates), K sparing diuretics, diuretics.
24 PCC vs FFP vs CPT
Prothrombin Complex Concentrate vs Fresh Frozen Plasma vs Cryoprecipitate
25 PCC (Beriplex/Octaplex) Fresh Frozen Plasma Cryoprecipitate
Contents: Contents: Contents:
• Factors II, VII, IX, X • All clotting factors • Factors VIII, XIII,
• Protein C & S Slower administration fibrinogen, vWF
Fast administration Needs thawing Indicated in:
Corrects the INR in <5 Needs to be blood group • Fibrogen deficiency (vWD,
mins specific haemophilia)
Virally inactivated Often not virally • dysfibrinogenaemia due
inactivated to:
• Critical bleeding
• Invasive procedures
• Trauma
PCC- prothrombin complex concentrate
vWF- von Willebrand factor
vWD- von Willebrand disease
Takeaway message from this slide: In acute warfarin-related bleeds, evidence based
medicine suggests that the use of PCC provides better outcomes and quicker
responses than FFP.
NICE recommends PCC, but if not available, FFP is a suitable alternative for INR
Viral inactivation: the process when viruses in a sample are either removed or
rendered non-infectious.
26Important BNF Pages
Treatment summaries
◦ Oral anticoagulants
◦ Urinary Tract Infections
◦ Neural Tube Defects
◦ Hypertension (NICE CKS)
27 NextWeek Feedback
Data Interpretation
Drug Monitoring
Dr Sa-Bin Hong