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This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and would entice them to attend in order to learn more about applying for the Foundation Programme. It provides an overview of the Foundation Programme, what makes it attractive, what the process of application looks like, and how to use the scoring systems to work out which applications best suit your CV. Specific information for each SUoA is provided and questions can be asked during the session.

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Session 1 of the Team SFP national teaching course will give an an introduction to the SFP, identifying the key components of the application process and the programme itself. It will provide a basic understanding of how the the SFP application system varies within deaneries.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the purpose and structure of the Specialized Foundation Programme (SFP).
  2. Understand the advantages of applying to the SFP.
  3. Familiarise themselves with the structure of various units of application and the related scoring systems.
  4. Analyse their own CV and experiences to decide which units of application are best for them.
  5. Understand the timeline and application process for the SFP.
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Introductions Angus Specialised Foundation Doctor in Newcastle (Northern) Tilly Specialised Foundation Doctor in Brighton (Kent, Surrey and Sussex) Disclaimer: We cannot divulge any deanery-specific information based on last year’s application cycleWhat is an SFP? - A foundation programme where you have allocated time for research, teaching or leadership and management. - Aim to enable doctors to develop their clinical skills while developing other key skills. - The allocated academic time is affiliated with a medical school within the deanery. - Structure of the programme can vary: Newcastle- 2x 4 month blocks, KSS/Wessex- 1 x 4 month blocks, Scotland- 1x afternoon a week in F2 etc.Why should you apply? - Interest in research, education or leadership and management - Academic supervision and support - Opportunity to grow your CV/portfolio for future job applications - Job (and location) security - Same Hospital/Place for 2 years - Caveat: by no means the end of the world if you don’t applyHow to apply? - Through Oriel - Can apply to 2 units of application - Units of application correlate with deaneries on normal application. - KSS & Wessex are joined - WSQs and academic achievements you fill in on Oriel - Some units of applications use their own WSQs e.g. Oxford.Why should you apply? - Interest in research, education or leadership and management - Academic supervision - Oppurtunity to grow your CV/ portfolio for future jobs Key Dates - National Application Window Opens: 20 September 2023 (9:00 am BST) - National Application Window Closes : 04 October 2023 (12:00 pm BST) - Interview shortlisting- Varies between units of applications Example: London DatesChoosing your units of application - Location - Structure of programme - Number of programmes available - Your CV strengths vs units of application - Family and friendsScoring for Interview Shortlisting - NO EPM! - All educational achievements +/- WSQs - https://foundationprogramme.nhs.uk/contact-us/foundation-schools/ Prizes Publications Degrees Posters/PresentationsUnits of Application: WSQs + Academic Achievements - KSS/Wessex: WSQs (all) 60 points, Academic Achievements 26 points - Severn/ Peninsula: WSQs (3qs) and Academic Achievements - Scotland: WSQs (4qs) 30 points and Academic achievements (no degrees) 20 points - Northern: WSQs (all) 20 points and Academic Achievements 20 points - North West: WSQs (2qs) 20 points and Academic achievements (no degrees) 14 points - West Midlands: WSQs (all) and Academic Achievements - East of England (Cambridge, EBH, Norwich, Anglia Ruskin): WSQs (https://heeoe.hee.nhs.uk/foundation/foundation-recruitment/academic-tra ining) - Wales - Matching takes place after allocation to foundation programmeUnits of Application: Only Academic Achievements London - Phase 1- publication/ presentations. Phase 2- prizes/ degrees https://london.hee.nhs.uk/sites/default/files/2023_london_suoa_sfp_applicant_guide.pdf Northern Ireland - Academic Achievements only- no degrees https://www.nimdta.gov.uk/media/3oyf5ann/specialised-shortlisting-criteria-2024.pdfLNR/Trent- WSQs only - Only able to rank one type of sfp - WSQs (3qs- teamworking highest weighting) Yorkshire and Humber - WSQs & Self Assessment - NO INTERVIEW - WSQS - Self assessment tool (https://www.yorksandhumberdeanery.nhs.uk/sites/default/fi les/2023.08.08_example_self_assessment_form_.pdf)Summary - Weigh up the benefits of SFP and how it will help you - Research different SUoAs to see what they offer - Use the scoring systems to work out which applications suit your CV and experience the best Questions? Next session: Monday 18th Sep (WSQs) Feedback form