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Radiological Anatomy
Second YearILOs
● Imaging Techniques
○ Basics: (XR, CT, MRI, Nuclear, USS)
○ Abdominal CT
○ Barium swallow Link to Chat only (can
○ Barium enema take part in polls but slides and take part in see
○ ERCP/MRCP cannot see slides) polls)
○ Ultrasound
○ Cystography
● Anatomy
○ Basic GI
○ Upper GI
○ Lower GI
○ Biliary
○ Renal
○ Genitourinary
We’ve included cases to illustrate the anatomy and make it more memorable, we do not
expect you to recognise these conditions on imaging for your exams!!Imaging T echniques
The BasicsX-Ray
● What is it?
○ X-ray radiation is passed through the body.
○ Areas with high levels of density block the radiation - appear white.
■ Metal (very white), bone or calcium (white)
○ Soft tissues allow some radiation to pass through - appear gray.
■ Fat, soft tissue, fluid
○ Air allows all radiation to pass through - appear black.
■ Lungs, bowel gas
● Indications
○ Boney pathology
■ Fractures, dislocations
○ First line investigations
● Benefits
○ Fast (seconds)
● Negatives
○ Uses ionising radiation +
○ Structures overlapX-Ray
● What is it?
○ X-ray radiation is passed through the body.
○ Areas with high levels of density block the radiation - appear white.
■ Metal (very white), bone or calcium (white)
○ Soft tissues allow some radiation to pass through - appear gray.
■ Fat, soft tissue, fluid
○ Air allows all radiation to pass through - appear black.
■ Lungs, bowel gas
● Indications
○ Boney pathology
■ Fractures, dislocations
○ First line investigations
● Benefits
○ Fast (seconds)
● Negatives
○ Uses ionising radiation +
○ Structures overlapCT
● What is it?
○ Uses rotating X-ray source and detector
■ Creates 360 degree views of body structures.
● Indications
○ Trauma (CT brain for bleed)
○ Malignancy
○ Assessing abnormalities seen on X-ray
● Benefits
○ Fast (often <10 minutes)
○ Structures can be viewed in different planes
■ Overlapping structures not an issue
○ 3D reconstructions
● Negatives
○ Ionising radiation +++MRI
● What is it?
○ Powerful magnet and radiofrequency pulses through the body.
○ Protons (hydrogen ions) are excited by the signal.
○ Protons relax after each pulse and give off a signal that is detected by the receiver.
○ Highly detailed images are created.
● Indications
○ Soft tissue
■ Brain, MSK (muscles, ligaments)
● Benefits
○ Good at imaging soft tissues.
○ No ionising radiation
● Negatives
○ Slow (often 10+ minutes)
○ Patient must remain motionless
○ Claustrophobic
○ Ferrous metallic objects cannot go near the scanner
■ May include pacemakers, cochlear implants, prosthetic heart valves
○ Not available at smaller hospitalsMRI T1 vs T2
● T1 fat is bright.
● T2 fat and water are bright.
○ E.g. CSF
Sarah Connor,
you’re terminated!CT (and MRI) Planes
● Coronal
○ Crown
● Sagittal
○ Arrow
○ Side on view
● Axial
○ AxleUltrasound
● What is it?
○ Sound waves travel inside patient and bounce back to the probe
○ Different tissues reflect different amounts of the signal.
○ A picture is created.
○ Use of the Doppler effect can show direction and velocity of blood
● Indications
○ Good at differentiating between cysts (fluid filled) or solid lesions
○ Kidneys
○ Pregnancy scans
○ Cannula placement
● Benefits
○ No ionising radiation
● Negatives
○ Operator error
○ Cannot see past air and bone Nuclear Medicine
● What is it?
○ Patients ingest or are injected with radioactive
■ E.g. radioactive substance may
accumulate in tumours.
○ This radioactive substance can be detected and
an image created.
○ Often combined with CT to created a hybrid
image showing anatomy and physiology
● Indications
○ Evaluation of masses ?cancer
■ Cancers are highly metabolically active
and likely to take up radioactive
substance and appear bright.
○ Evaluation for metastatic disease
○ Evaluation of lung disease
■ Patients breathe in radioactive
substance, allows dead space in lungs to
be seenBasic GI AnatomyAbdominal X-Rays
● Indications
○ Emergency presentations
■ Toxic megacolon
■ Bowel obstruction
■ Ingestion of foreign body
○ Monitoring radiopaque renal calculi
○ Colonic transit studies
■ Radiopaque markers ingested, time to exit bowel is monitored by AXR.
● Negatives
○ Ionising radiation
■ Pregnancy
○ Limited use
■ Less sensitive and specific than abdominal CT
○ Huge radiation dose - up to 35x that of CXR!
● Positives
○ Rapid, accessibleAXRAXR Annotated
● Large bowel in red
○ Large diameter
○ More peripheral
○ Sections
■ Ascending (pink arrow)
■ Transverse (orange arrow)
■ Descending (yellow arrow)
■ Sigmoid (blue arrow)
○ Flexures
■ Hepatic (green arrow)
■ Splenic (purple arrow)
● Small bowel (not annotated)
○ Central
○ Smaller diameterAbdominal CT
● Indications
○ Trauma
○ Cancer
○ Abdominal aortic aneurysms
○ Infection and inflammation
■ Appendicitis, pyelonephritis, abscesses
○ Guided biopsy
● Negatives:
○ Ionising radiation
● Positives:
○ Relatively quick and accessible
○ Can be taken with oral and/or IV contrast.CT Abdomen Axial CT Abdomen: Annotated
1. Red: Gallbladder
2. Orange:
3. Yellow: Pancreas
a. Sausage like
4. Pink: Aorta
5. D. Green: Spine
6. L. Green: Spleen
7. L. Blue: Kidneys
8. Purple: LiverCT Abdomen: CoronalCT Abdomen Coronal: Annotated Case 1
● 12M with 4/24 RIF pain,
fever, and anorexia.
● Tender ++ in RIF, Rovsing’s
sign positive.
● What is the diagnosis?
○ A: Diverticulitis
○ B: Appendicitis
○ C: Constipation
○ D: UTI
RIF: Right Iliac Fossa GI: Appendicitis
● Presents with central abdominal
pain that migrates to the RIF.
○ Associated Sx: fever, anorexia
● Rovsing’s sign
○ Palpation of LIF → pain in RIF
● Findings on imaging
○ Faecolith
■ Bright white dot
○ Fat stranding
■ Notice the area around the
appendix is blurry and grey.
■ Indicates inflammation around
a structure.
RIF: Right Iliac Fossa
LIF: Left Iliac FossaUpper GI AnatomyUpper GI: Celiac Trunk
● Celiac artery arises from the
● Its branches supply the liver,
stomach, abdominal oesophagus,
spleen, and superior half of
duodenum and pancreas.Celiac Trunk
6 2
1. Splenic
2. Left gastric
3. Gastroduodenal 4
4. Hepatic 5
5. Right Hepatic
6. Left Hepatic 3
Anatomical variants
exist but this is the
‘standard’ anatomy.Barium Swallow
● What is it?
○ Fluoroscopy
■ Barium/contrast is swallowed and
continuous or pulsed X-ray beam is used.
■ Lots of images taken to assess movement.
● Similar to stop motion animation.
● Indications
○ Evaluation of pharynx, oesophagus, and proximal
○ Dysphagia
○ Hiatus hernia
○ Persistent vomiting
● Contraindications to barium (use water
soluble contrast instead)
○ Suspected perforation
○ Postoperative assessment for leak
● Things to note:
○ Largely replaced by upper GI endoscopy.GI: Case
● 70F with 3/12 dysphagia and regurgitation of
● What radiological sign is present in this
○ A: Veil sign
○ B: Steeple sign
○ C: Bird’s beak sign
○ D: Sail signAchalasia
● Barium swallow
○ Examination of upper GI
● Achalasia
○ Failure of smooth muscle to relax,
causes lower oesophageal
sphincter to remain constricted.
○ Bird’s beak sign
○ Tapering at lower oesophageal
sphincter and narrowing at
gastro-oesophageal junction
● Other signs mentioned in the
○ Veil sign: Left upper lobe lung
○ Steeple sign: croup
○ Sail sign: Left lower lobe lung
collapseGI: Case
● 60M with 4/12 of burning pain
in throat.
● What is the diagnosis?
○ A: Hiatus hernia
○ B: Stomach cancer
○ C: Oesophageal stricture
○ D: Achalasia
Lateral APGI: Hiatus Hernia
● Protrusion of part of stomach
through diaphragm and into
thoracic cavity.
○ Red circle: area where stomach
passes through diaphragm.
● Can be asymptomatic or present
with heartburn, dysphagia,
● Obesity and increased age are
risk factors. GI: Case
● 30F presenting with chronic
epigastric abdominal pain.
● Where is the abnormality?
○ A: Stomach
○ B: Liver
○ C: Pancreas
○ D: KidneyGI: Chronic Pancreatitis
● Chronic pancreatitis can lead to
calcification of the pancreas.
○ Often due to chronic alcohol use.
● Pancreas looks like a sausage
on CT (in my opinion).Lower GI AnatomyCT Colonography
● AKA virtual colonoscopy
○ Minimally invasive technique used for colorectal cancer screening.
○ Often used if colonoscopy is unsuccessful, contraindicated, or refused.
○ 3D image created.
● Benefits
○ Less invasive, fewer complications
○ Can detect extracolonic pathology
● Negatives
○ Cannot biopsy at time of procedure
○ Ionising radiation
○ Faecal matter can mimic masses Lower GI: Case
● 70F, 3/12 abdominal pain and constipation.
● Colonoscopy not tolerated.
● CT colon is performed, what is the
○ A: Colon cancer
○ B: Ulcerative colitis
○ C: Coeliac disease
○ D: Diverticular diseaseLower GI: Diverticular Disease
● Diverticulosis
○ Presence of noninflamed outpouchings called
■ Most commonly in sigmoid
○ Often asymptomatic
● Diverticulitis
○ Inflamed diverticulum
○ 4% of those with diverticulosis develop
● Barium enema (bottom left image)
○ Similar to barium swallow
○ Largely replaced by CTBiliary Anatomy MRCP L + R hepatic
hepatic →
common bile
● Magnetic Resonance CholangioPancreatography
● Indications
○ Visualize intra and extrahepatic biliary tree and pancreatic
ductal system
○ Choldocholithiasis
■ Gallstones in common bile duct. Pancreatic
○ Chronic pancreatitis Gallbladder duct
○ Pancreatic cystic lesions
● Things to note Oddi goingof
○ No contrast required! into duodenum
■ Through the magic of MRI the fluid in the biliary and
pancreatic ducts is used as an intrinsic contrast medium.
○ Often used instead of ERCP - reduces morbidity and mortality
in high risk patients.
ERCP: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (we will discuss this in a few slides!)Biliary Anatomy
mj.e7805 Biliary Anatomy: Annotated
● A: Right hepatic duct
● B: Left hepatic duct
● C: Common hepatic duct
● D: Common bile duct
○ Abnormally dilated in this image!
● E: Pancreatic duct
● F: Second part of duodenum
● G: Gallbladder
● H: Cystic duct
● Yellow: Liver
● Green: GB + bile ducts
● Red: Duodenum
● Blue: PancreasGI: Case
● 40F with 3/12 RUQ pain
after eating.
● Where is the abnormality?
○ A: Gallbladder
○ B: Liver
○ C: Small bowel
○ D: Stomach
RUQ: Right
QuadrantGI: Gallstones
● Cholelithiasis:
○ Gallstones in the gallbladder
○ Can be multiple (like the AXR) or single and large (like the
● Choledocholithiasis
○ Gallstones within common bile duct.ERCP
● Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
○ Procedure involving endoscope passed down into
duodenum. Wire is passed through sphincter of Oddi into
CBD. Contrast has been injected and X-ray taken.
○ Usually performed by gastroenterologists or general
surgeons rather than radiologists.
● Indications
○ Diagnostic
■ Evaluation of biliary tree and pancreatic ducts.
○ Therapeutic
■ Sphincterotomy
■ Biliary stenting
■ Bile duct stones removal
● Contraindications
○ Unstable patient
○ Coagulopathy
● Complications
○ Pancreatitis
○ Haemorrhage
○ Perforation
○ Infection (cholangitis)Renal AnatomyCT KUB
● Non-contrast CT specifically for kidneys, ureters, and bladder.
● Indications
○ Urolithiasis
■ Initial imaging in emergency setting
○ Haematuria
○ Flank pain
● Findings
○ Radiopaque stones
■ Size can guide management
○ Sequelae of stones
■ Obstruction
● Hydronephrosis
● Dilatation of ureter
■ InfectionRenal Pathology
● 30M with left sided back pain
and intermittent haematuria.
● What is the diagnosis?
○ A: renal cancer
○ B: UTI
○ C: Renal calculus
○ D: Bladder tumourRenal: Staghorn Calculus
● Branching kidney stone.Ultrasound
● Indications
○ Hydronephrosis assessment
■ ?obstruction
○ Cystic kidney disease
○ Monitoring of chronic kidney disease
● Things to note:
○ Does not use ionising radiation
○ User dependentRenal: Pathology
● 70F with known
bladder tumour
that is obstructing
her ureterovesical
● An US of her
kidney shows
○ A: Normal finding
○ B: Hydronephrosis
○ C: Metastatic
○ D: StoneRenal: Pathology
● Hydronephrosis is
dilatation of the
urinary collecting
system of the
● Often due to
obstruction e.g.
tumours, stones,
enlarged prostateRenal: Pathology (tricky!!)
● 60M presenting with frank haematuria. Diagnosed with ‘nutcracker syndrome’.
● A key vessel (circled in red) is being squished. What is the name of this
vessel? A: Right renal artery B: Left renal artery C: Right renal vein D: Left
renal vein GI: Nutcracker Syndrome
● A complicated case but it
demonstrates anatomy well!
● Nutcracker syndrome
○ Left renal vein is squished between
the SMA and the aorta as the SMA
branches off
■ (although other variations
○ → renal venous hypertension →
bursting of thin walled veins in
kidneys → haematuria.
○ Left gonadal vein drains into the
left renal vein and is affected by
renal venous hypertension
■ → tortuosity of the left gonadal
■ The right gonadal vein usually
SMA: Superior drains directly into the IVC.
Mesenteric ArteryGenitourinary AnatomyGU: Case 1
● 70M presenting with
3/12 haematuria
and weight loss.
● What is the
○ A: Stone
○ B: Bladder tumour
○ C: Prostate disease
○ D: UTIGU: Bladder tumourCystography
● Fluoroscopic study that images the bladder.
○ Similar to a voiding cystourethrogram which images the urethra.
● A catheter is inserted and water soluble contrast is injected through the
catheter and into the bladder. An X-ray is taken.
● Indications
○ Bladder leak following trauma
○ Dysfunctional voiding
○ Bladder outlet obstruction
○ Haematuria
○ Congenital abnormalities of the GU tract.GU: Case 2
● 30F with chronic kidney disease.
● This is cystography.
● Abnormal: yes or no?GU: Vesicoureteric Reflux
● Vesicoureteric reflux bilaterally
○ Contrast should not enter ureters.
■ Indicates urine is going the wrong way up a one way street (the ureters)
○ Often occurs in children.
○ Urine backflow into ureters and kidneys → renal scarring → CKD
● Other findings include a small bladderGU: Vesicoureteric Reflux
● Reflux nephropathy can be monitored with
nuclear medicine scans.
● DMSA is a radioactive substance taken up
by the kidneys.
○ Areas of less uptake represent renal scarring
(non-functioning nephrons)
○ Can also be used to check kidney position, size,
presence of duplex kidneyConclusion
● Lots of imaging techniques exist
○ Know the basics of XR, CT, MRI, US
■ Are they good for bones, soft tissue?
■ Ionising radiation?
○ Know some of the more special tests e.g. barium swallow/enema, nuclear medicine scans,
■ Consider if they are good tests for anatomy or physiology (or both)
● One of the best ways to learn anatomy is by comparing normal with the abnormal!
○ Clinical scenarios help to put anatomy into context and make it more memorable (and fun).
● The key to imaging is exposure
○ Radiology masterclass (beginner interpretation), MRI master (scrollable scans with labelled anatomy),
Radiopedia (more advanced)
○ Use PACS on placement/ask Drs to show you scansQuestions/Feedback
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