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Ruth Gray QI



SEHSCT SAS event to allow staff to connect, celebrate achievements, despite the challenges over the past couple of years, and collaborate with colleagues to improve opportunities going forward.

This event will highlight the SAS Career as a positive choice for doctors interested in a hospital or portfolio career.

The in-person event will be held at :

Ards QII Centre, Ards Hospital, Church St, Newtownards, BT23 4AS

with catering provided by the award-winning Krazi Baker, Dromore

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Ruth Gray Clinical Lead in Quality Improvement Clinical Lead in Prison Dentistry @camperofdreams First law of improvement is 'Every system is perfectly designed to achieve exactly the results it gets’Quality in Reality• What part of your system/ pathway/ service is hindering Quality Care? QI- So What? GMC: Quality Improvement Activity should be robust, systematic and relevant to your work. • Training requirements for junior doctors • GMC- QI Appraisal/ Revalidation Cycle • GDC- Appraisal Cycle Mary Dixon Woods: Much improvement work is conducted by professionals in training, often in the form of small, time limited projects conducted for accreditation. But working in this isolated way means a lack of critical mass to support. standardisation and interoperability.sector-wide challenges need https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.l5514Health Foundation Evaluation Study Understanding the Impact of What We Do IOM 6 Domains of Quality • What do we measure? • Data sets and performance info • Service User Feedback • Teams Experience• How do you Measure the Impact of what you do?Medical Improvement Initiatives https://view.pagetiger.com/covid-frameworkCorporate Plan and Priorities • Corporate Improvement Priorities 1- Unscheduled Care 2- Domiciliary Care 3- Unallocated Case For a Quality Approach - What support, resource is needed to make this happen in your services?A Learning Organisation https://view.pagetiger.com/covid-framework