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Research methodology ppt



This on-demand teaching session is designed for medical professionals and is presented by Dr. MohamedAshiq Shazahan, an experienced Research Fellow, and International Medical Graduate (IMG). The session offers a comprehensive guide to research methodology, encompassing everything from systematic approaches and techniques, to ethical considerations. It also explores various types of research ranging from pure research to applied research. The structure of the research pathway, hypothesis testing, validity, reliability, funding, and the online application platform, IRAS, used for health and social care research are all discussed. The session promises to help medical professionals navigate the research process with more ease and confidence. It's an enriching experience not to be missed!

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Welcome to Session 3 of our 'Research in the NHS: Teaching series for IMGs'

This teaching session for medical professionals will provide an introduction to fundamental research methodology and research governance. Led by Dr Mohamed Ashiq Shazahan, Research fellow attendees will gain an understanding of good medical practice and protocol when conducting research and also the types of research bias.

To stay up-to-date with upcoming teaching sessions, please follow our page.

Speaker: Mohamed Ashiq Shazahan

Learning objectives

  1. By the end of this session, participants should be able to understand and apply different sampling techniques, data analysis and interpretation methods in their respective research.
  2. Participants should also be able to differentiate between validity and reliability and understand why they are important in research methodology.
  3. They should be able to distinguish between different types of research and understand their uses; including but not limited to basic research and applied medical research.
  4. Participants should be conversant with both qualitative and quantitative data collection types and understand the contexts in which each is used.
  5. Finally, by the end of this teaching session, participants should understand the ethical considerations necessary in research and how to manage them. They should also be knowledgeable about IRAS and its role in UK health and social care research.
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Starter guide for IMGs RESEARCH METHODOLOGY DR MohamedAshiq Shazahan MD.,PGdip Research Fellow, T&O WELCOME,please wait while other attendees join the sessionABOUT ME • Graduated fromTbilisi State Medical University,Georgia (IMG) • GMC registration • PGDip in Education andT eaching • Research Fellow HOUSE KEEPING RULES Questions can be asked Remain on mute Turn off your video through the chat only; keep for the duration of for the duration of the the webinar questions relevant to the session topic Disclaimer! All views expressed in this talk and series are solely those of the presenters, and do not reflect those of the NHS nor our employing Trust.RESEARCH METHODOLOGY • Systematic approach and techniques used to conduct research,gather data and analyze information to answer research questions. 1. Sampling techniques 2. DataAnalysis and Interpretation 3. Validity and Reliability 4. Ethical considerations in ResearchTYPES OF RESEARCH – WHAT WILL THIS BE USED FOR? • BASIC RESEARCH:Fundamental or pure research aims to expand knowledge and understanding without specific practical goals • PHYSICS,BIOLOGY,MATHEMATICS ETC ….TYPES OF RESEARCH – WHAT WILL THIS BE USED FOR • Applied Research:Practical research,is conducted with the specific goal of solving problems or addressing real-world challenges • Medical Research • Engineering Research • Agricultural research • Education research • Market ResearchAPPLIED MEDICAL RESEARCH • Medical Research: ❑Developing new Drugs ❑Treatments ❑Medical Devices With an aim to improve patient outcomes or address specific diseases.DA T A COLLECTIONTYPES 1. Qualitative: ▪ Non Numerical Data ▪ Focuses on understanding the experiences,behaviors,and interactions of patients, healthcare providers ▪ Useful for exploring complex phenomena that cannot be easily quantified,such as patient satisfaction,the impact of chronic illness on daily life. ▪ Eg:Exploring Patient Experiences of Living with Chronic Pain:A Qualitative Study2.Quantitative : ▪ Involves the systematic investigation of health and disease using numerical data and statistical methods. ▪ Focuses on measuring variables related to health outcomes,treatment efficacy,disease prevalence,and other aspects of medicine. ▪ Allowing researchers to identify patterns,test hypotheses,and make generalizations that can improve patient care and public health. ▪ Data collected is analyzed using statistical methods to identify trends,correlations,and causal relationships. ▪ Eg:Is there an improvement in Oxford hip score after a hip replacementTHE RESEARCH PA THWA Y • The Research question.. • Preparing a Research Proposal • Funding • Protocol/ Patient Information Sheet / Consent form • Ethics Review • Filed / Lab work (data collection) • PublishingWHA T IS HYPOTHESIS? • Clear,testable statement or prediction about the relationship between two or more variables. • It is an educated guess based on prior knowledge,observations,or theories,and it guides the direction of a research study. • Starting point for investigation – Provide a Framework for designing experiments or gathering evidenceWHA T IS NULL HYPOTHESIS? • The null hypothesis is a statement that there is no effect or no relationship between variables. • Default assumption. • Researchers use statistical tests to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis, which would imply that the alternative hypothesis (the research hypothesis) is supported.VALIDITY • Research study or measurement accurately reflects or assesses the specific concept or outcome that it is intended to measure. • InternalValidity :An extent to which a study establishes a trustworthy cause-and- effect relationship between the treatment and the observed outcomes. • Example: In a clinical trial assessing a new drug,internal validity would be concerned with whether the observed effect on the patients' health is truly due to the drug and not other factors like placebo effect,participant selection bias,or confounding variables.• ExternalValidity: • It refers to the extent to which the results of a study can be generalized or applied to other settings,populations,or time periods. • Example:A study conducted on a specific population in a hospital in one country might have limited external validity if its findings cannot be generalized to other populations or healthcare settings in different countries.RELIABILITY • It refers to the consistency or repeatability of a measure or research finding.If a study or test is reliable,it will produce the same results under consistent conditions. • It involves concepts such as : • Test-retest reliability: Assesses the stability of a measure over time • Inter-rater reliability:Measures the degree of agreement between different observers assessing the same phenomenon. • Internal consistency:Refers to the extent to which all items in a test measure the same concept or construct.LITERATURE REVIEWWHERE DOES FUNDING COME FROM?ETHICS IN MEDICAL RESEARCH • Ethical considerations are paramount in medical research due to the potential impact on human health and the responsibility to protect vulnerable populations. • It involves principles and guidelines that govern the conduct of research,ensuring that studies are conducted in a manner that respects the dignity,rights,safety,and well-being of participants.INTEGRA TED RESEARCHAPPLICA TION SYSTEM (IRAS) • IRAS is an online platform used in the UK for applying for the necessary approvals to conduct health and social care research. • It helps protect participants and uphold the integrity of the research. • Ethics and the IRAS system are crucial components of conducting medical research in the UK."ELEPHANT MAN" DRUGTRIAL • It refers to the 2006 clinical trial at Northwick Park Hospital,where six healthy volunteers were administered an experimental drug aimed at treating autoimmune diseases and leukemia. • The drug triggered a catastrophic immune reaction leading to multi-organ failure within hours. • The trial's failures highlighted significant flaws in clinical trial design and regulatory oversight,leading to stricter safety protocols in drug testing.THANKYOU for listening dr.ashiqmd@gmail.com Don’t forget to join our community for more sessions… Upcoming sessions i. Introduction ii. Study Design viii. Critical Appraisal of a Paper ix. Statistics Overview iii. Research Methodology iv. Clinical Trial – Sun 8 Sept 8am (UK time) x. Fraud in Research xi. Opportunities in Research v. Levels of Evidence – Sun 15 Sept 8am (UK time) vi. GCP and declaration of Helsinki vii. How to Write Up a Research Paper