Research 104
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RESEARCH 104 Materials & Aims & Operational Rationale Methodology Objectives Definition 3 1 2 4 What to do Goals and How to Why are you andHow todo How to measure your doingit? it? achievethem? variables? AAIZ FEROZE KHAN Final Year MBBS Fazaia Medical College - Completed a total of three Research Projects - One got published in PJMS with an Impact Factor, got classified into Category W - Another one got published in JAMC12 Materials & Methodology 1 What to do andHoit?odoThe materials and methods outline WHAT WAS DONE and HOW IT WAS DONE . There should be enough detail so that someone else could repeat your study. It should be arranged in a logical manner. Study Design Sample Size 1 Name of the design 4 How many individualswereincluded Study Setting Sampling Technique Placewhere the research has been ProbabilityandNon-Probability 2 conducted 5 sampling Duration of Study Target Population 3 Total time it took to completethe stu6y Inclusion andExclusion criteria Ethical Consideration Methods for Data Collection 7 Permission and consent from allpartie10 How was the data be collected included Data Collection Procedure Data Collection Tools How didyou perform the research Tools used to collectdata 8 11 Study Variables Data Analysis Procedure 9 Identify the variables 12 How was the data analyzed ASSOCIATION OF POST -TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER WITH PRE -MATURE MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION: TWIN CITIES, TWIN PROBLEMS Group 6 (Batch C and D) Aaiz Khan -16053 Sarah Saleem-16093 Durrab Khan -16061 AamnaBatool-16081 Zain Ahmad – 16089 Fatima Amir 16077 RabbyaAmlish- 16099 MATERIAL AND METHODS • Study design: nalytical cross sectional • Setting: Ø Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology (RIC) Ø District Headquarter (DHQ) Rawalpindi Ø Benazir Bhutto Hospital (BBH) Ø Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology, Rawalpindi Ø PAF, E9 hospital, Islamabad Ø Polyclinic Hospital • Duration of study: November 2019 to August 2020 • Sample size: Confidence level (1-α) 95%, prevalence as unknown taken as 50%, relative precision 20%, Sample Size is 97. • Sampling technique: ystemic sampling• Target population: ØInclusion criteria:A ll pre-diagnosed (by the attending physician) or known patients of MI admitted to the above mentioned hospitals, who voluntarily consent to participate in the study. ØExclusion criteria: Unable to give the interview for the survey or admitted in CCU. Patients getting treatment for PTSD prior to an attack of MI will also be excluded from the research. • Ethical consideration: ØPermission from IRB (FMC) ØPermission from Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology (RIC) ØPermission from District Headquarter (DHQ) Rawalpindi ØPermission from Benazir Bhutto Hospital (BBH) ØPermission from Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) ØPermission from PAF, E-9 Hospital, Islamabad ØPermission from Polyclinic hospital ØIndividual consent of participants• Data collection procedure: PTSD questionnaire modified by the students of FMC. The questionnaires will be piloted and translated into Urdu. The students shall be trained prior to the interviews. The interviews will be conducted by the students themselves. • Identification of study variablesT he study variables include: Age, Gender, Education, Marital status, Residence, Occupation, Current monthly income, PTSD status and MI status. • Methods for Data CollectionD : ata will be collected via interviews by the researchers using a modified version of the UK-PTSS-14 questionnaire. • Data Collection Tools: Slightly modified version of the UKPTSS-14 Questionnaire. • Data analysis procedure: ØSPSS will have all the data entered into it ØMean and standard deviation will be calculated ØChi square test ØP-value 0.05 will be taken as significant Aims & Objectives 2 Goals and How to achievethem?Aims can be defined as the main end goals you want to be reaching at throughyour research. Objectives are the small steps you need to take to reach those goals.AIMS Our study aims: • to bring mental disorders such as PTSD into limelight and to encourage its treatment. • to sensitize the government and private health organizations towards the risks associated with untreated PTSD and devise early screening and comprehensive treatment programs to reduce the numbers. Objectives Our objectives are to: • Assess the frequency of PTSD in patients with MI admitted in the Cardiac wards of the respected hospitals mentioned below • Assess the frequency of pre-mature MI in patients with MI admitted in the Cardiac wards of the respected hospitals mentioned below • Determine the association of PTSD and pre-mature MI, in patients with MI Specific Relevant S Here you need to addsome brief R Here you need to addsome brief about the service that your companyis about the service that your companyis providingcurrently providingcurrently Measurable Time Bound M Here you need to addsome brief T Here you need to addsome brief about the service that your companyis about the service that your companyis providingcurrently providingcurrently Achievable A Here you need to addsome brief about the service that your companyis providingcurrentlyOperational Definition 3 How to measure your variables? An operational definition is a clear, concise detailed definition of a measure. It is the definition of a term specifically telling how it will be measured.Operational definition s • PTSD: • a psychiatric disorder characterized by dysregulation in the adaptive stress response to traumatic events. The UK-PTSS-14 scale was used to diagnose patients with PTSD and its relative severity. Scores ranging from 14-98 with 14 being least PTSD and 98 being extreme level of PTSD • Patient scoring of PTSD: • Mild = 14-42 • Moderate = 43-70 • Severe = 71-98 • This questionnaire was used in a research in UK for diagnosing PTSD in ICU patients at 3 time points. It was most reliable between time point 2 and (ICC=0.90). This proves that the UK -PTSS-14 can be reliably be used as a screening tool for diagnosing PTSD. (13) • Pre-Mature Myocardial Infarction: • Pre-mature Myocardial Infarction (MI) generally refers to: • MI in men ≤55 years of age. • MI in women ≤65 years of age. Rationale 4 Why are you doingit?Rationale refers to the set of reasons or logical basis behind your conducting this particular researchRationale • Up to our knowledge, there is currently little to no studies done on the topic in Pakistan or South Asia, despite being perfect candidates for PTSD. • disorders such as PTSD is necessary since it can lead to serious health problems such as pre-mature myocardial infarction. Summary Materials & Aims & Operational Rationale Methodology Objectives Definition 3 1 2 4 What to do Goals and How to Why are you andHow todo How to measure your doingit? it? achievethem? variables?