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This in-depth teaching session hosted by ST3 Radiology Registrar, Dr. Shiv Hadani, offers a comprehensive insight into the life of a Radiology Trainee. The session discusses training modules, the Royal College Radiology curriculum for 2023, and example rotas for General Block and Breast Radiology at West Herts. The session then trains attendees on effective audit and quality improvement practices and also provides guidance on managing on-call requests, arranging consultant-led teachings, and portfolio management. Other topics discussed include effective leadership, delivering organized teaching, and making contributions to local/regional teaching programs. Specialists and aspiring radiologists will find this teaching session particularly useful.

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Session 4 - Applying to Radiology Training in the UK and Life as a Radiology Trainee

Monday 25th November 2024 - 4:00 - 5:00 PM (GMT)

Come join our session about the application to radiology specialty training by current UK radiology trainees. We will also discuss what life is like as a radiology trainee.

Radiology Basics is an online radiology teaching course organised by foundation doctors from the United Kingdom to improve your confidence in interpreting radiology imaging as medical students, foundation doctors and interns.

Certificates will be awarded for each session on completion of the feedback form.

If you have any questions about the teaching session please email will.wong3@nhs.net.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the structure and stages involved in the UK's Clinical Radiology training programme, including subspecialties and examination requirements.
  2. Gain an understanding of the inherent tasks of a Radiology Registrar, including reporting, procedures, and participation in multi-disciplinary team (MDT) meetings.
  3. Learn about the types of training models, work-based assessments and supervision mechanisms within the radiology training structure.
  4. Gain awareness of key service provision tasks, such as on-call duties, and understand how these fit into the everyday responsibilities of a Radiology Registrar.
  5. Achieve a comprehensive understanding of the application process for radiology training in the UK, including portfolio requirements, scoring systems, and timeline.
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LifeasaRadiology T rainee DrShiv Hadani ST3 Radiology Registrar West Hertfordshire Teaching HospitalsNHSTrustClinicalRadiologytrainingprogramme • Duration: run-through5 yearsfull-time or 6 yearsfull-time if subspecialising in interventionalradiology: • 3 yearsCoreTraining (ST1-3): • Gastroenterology,Genitourinary,Chest, andNeck,Paediatrics,NuclearMedicine,gy,Head InterventionalRadiology • 2/3 yearsSubspecialty Training: • 2 years for DiagnosticRadiology(ST4-5) • 3 years for Interventional Radiology (ST4-6)FRCRExams • Part1 –Physicsand Anatomy –during ST1 • Part2a–Gastroenterologyand HPB, Genitourinary,Obstetricsand Gynaecology,Breast, Musculoskeletal,Neuroradiology and beginning ofST3ediatrics– •Casesand Viva –endofng, Long ST3/beginning ofST4Requirementsby thetimeyouCCT RCRCurriculum2023: • BasicImage GuidedBiopsy • BasicImage GuidedDrain • ImageGuidedVascular Accessand BasicCatheter/WireManipulation • ContrastStudiesofLinesandTubes • ContrastStudiesoftheAdultGIandGUTract • Protocoland PrioritiseImagingReferrals • Independently ReportEmergency DepartmentPlainFilms • Manageand Ultrasound Listtosupporttheacuteunselectedtake • ReportCT andMRIwithremote accessto theconsultanttosupportthe acuteunselectedtakeTrainingmodels • Twotrainingmodels: • Traditional Apprenticeships • Radiology Academies – tutorials,simulations,skill-labs with less focus seeing live cases earlyonDaytoDayactivitiesofaRadiologyRegistrar • Dedicated1-to-1 trainingandfeedback • Reporting – X-Ray,CT,MRI, Ultrasound,Fluoroscopy,Nuclear Medicine • Procedures – diagnostic ultrasound,Fluoroscopy,Intervention • Attendance andactive participation in MDTs • Audit/QIProjects/Research • Attendance atLocal and RegionalTeaching • Service Provision • Preparing for the FRCR ExamsLocalT eaching • Consultantled –hot-seat teaching X-ray/CT/MRI • FRCR2bstyle: • Observation • Interpretation • Diagnosis • Differential Diagnosis • ManagementServiceProvision • On-call: • Vetting • Telephonequeries -in-patientandGP • Cross-sectionalreporting • Plainfilm x-ray reporting • Registrarled out-patient ultrasoundlist • Registrarled fluoroscopy listsExamplesofOn-callqueries • Please canyou vetthe CT scanforthispatient? • Please canwediscusstherejected scanrequest? • What isthe best imaging modality? • CanI givecontrast forthispatient withthisloweGFR? • Clinical reviewofimaging that is already reported? • Please canyou provide anofficial report forthisX-ray, CT orMRI?Work-basedplaced assessmentsand supervision • Rizr/Advancee-portfolio–equivalentof Horuse-portfolio • Components: • Mini-IPXs • Rad-DOPs • MSF • Teaching observations • Audit/QI assessment • MDT assessment • ClinicalSupervisor overseesyour coresub-specialty block • EducationalSupervisoroverseesthewholeof your training • CollegeTutor overseestraining activitiesin thehospital • Training ProgrammeDirector oversees training withintheregionCoreTrainingatWestHerts Year Block Locations Period ST1 General Radiology WGH August – January of ST1 (First 6 months) GastrointestinalRadiology WGH/HHGH ChestRadiology WGH Genitourinary Radiology WGH/SACH February – April ofST1, ST1 ST2andST3 (Second 6 Musculoskeletal Radiology WGH/HHGH/SACH months) May – July of PaediatricRadiology WGH/HHGH ST1andST2 Interventional and Vascular WGH ST2 August – Octoberof Radiology ST2andST3 Breast Radiology SACH/Edgware ST3 Haematology andOncology November – January of (First 9 months) includingRadionuclide MountVernon ST2andST3 Imaging Neuroradiology andHead WGH/HHGH/SACH and Neck Radiology ST3 General catchup WGH/HHGH/SACH May – July of ST3 (Last 3 months)ExampleRota–ST1GeneralBlockatWest Herts Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday CT andX-Ray CT andX-Ray AAUReportingand AM Reportingfrom Reportingfrom Out-Patient USS with Reporting USSwith Consultant List Consultant List Consultant Radiographers Consultants AAUReportingand Reporting Out-Patient USS with Anatomy PM Radiographers PhysicsTeaching Consultant Teaching USSwith ConsultantsExampleRota –BreastRadiologyatWestHerts Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Breast MDTat8am One-stop Clinic One-stop Clinic One-stop Clinic AM including feedback Edgware Out-patient Breast including feedback including feedback for Mammograms Screening USSlistafter MDT atfor Mammograms for Mammograms 11am Breast MDTPrep Edgware PM Breast procedures Breast reporting Breast reporting Out-patient Screening GeneralUSS listApplyingfor radiologytrainingintheUK Dr Kawser Ahmed ST1 RadiologyRegistrar WestHertfordshire Teaching Hospitals NHSTrust Why radiology? Intellectuallystimulatingand Working withlatest Working withdifferent specialties requires knowledgeofmultiple diagnostic/imaging tools andAI whooftenrequireyour input specialties Lifestyleandwork-lifebalance 5-year run-throughcourse with withopportunities for teaching, supportive environment andtime for remotework, researchandsub- learning(6-yearsifinterventional specialisation radiology) Applicationtimeline November December January February March Apply via Apply for Multi- MSRA test Invitation to Interview websiteOriel specialty recruitment interview and offer assessment(MSRA) Note:For internationalmedicalgraduates, youwillneedtoobtaina GMCregistrationanda Certificate of Readinesstoenter Specialtytraining before applying!Portfolioandscoringsystem • Scoringsystemcan changefromyeartoyear • Portfolioaccounts for 40% of youroverallscore(with60%forinterview) • However,ONLYyourMSRA scorecounts forinterviewselectionsodonot underestimate this • 7 domains (Commitment tospecialty, Leadershipand Management,Teaching and Training,Formal teaching qualifications,Auditand Quality Improvement,Academic achievements, Prizes andAwards) • Note thatall yourevidence needstobe dated aftercommencement of yourfirst relevant undergraduate degree andbe completedbytheapplicationdeadline onOriel (i.e 21stNovember2024forthisyear) Commitment to specialty Description Points Multiple significant exposurestotheworkofaclinical radiology department 10 One significant exposure totheworkofaradiologydepartment 6 Attenda radiology-basedcourseor conference of at least 1 day inlength 2 Noneoftheabove 0LeadershipandManagement Description Points Examples Hold/have held a national level leadership ormanagerial role 7 National rolee.g. within specialist society,royal college, involving radiology nationallyheld fellowship position, relevant to radiology. Hold/have held a national level leadership ormanagerial role not 5 National non-radiology healthcare role e.g.within BMA, royal involving radiology, but relating to healthcare college,etc. OR Local role e.g.committee member of undergraduate radiology Hold/have held a local/regional level leadership or managerial society roleinvolving radiology Hold/have held a national level leadership ormanagerial role 3 National roles outside healthcare mayincludecharitywork, outside healthcare sports, creative arts. OR Local role relevant to healthcarebut not radiology e.g.Junior Hold/have held a local/regional leadership ormanagement role Doctors Forum orMess committee, Foundation programme not involving radiologybut relevant to healthcare rep. Hold/have held a local/regional leadership ormanagement role 2 As above,at alocal level. outside healthcare None of the above 0 Teaching andTraining Description Points Madeamajorcontributiontoanationalorinternationalteaching 5 programme Madeamajorcontributiontoalocalorregionalteaching 4 programme Haveevidence ofprovidingorganised teachingor training 2 Noneoftheabove 0 FormalTeaching Qualifications Description Points Hold aformalmasterslevelteaching qualificationor above 5 Hold aformalteachingqualificationawardedat postgraduatelevel(e.g.CILT, PGCert, PGDip)4 or FHEA. Evidenceofother traininginteachingmethods after study ofatleast2 days(e.g. Trainthe 2 Trainers) Noformalqualificationinteaching/education 0AuditandQuality Improvement Description Points I have led 2 ormore audits orquality improvementprojectrelatingto 7 radiologywhichcanbeshown tohave resultedin changedpractice I have led anaudit orquality improvementprojectrelatingto 5 radiologywhichcanbeshown tohave resultedin changedpractice I have led anaudit orquality improvementprojectbutnotmeeting all 3 criteriaabove I have contributedto,but notled,anauditorquality improvement 2 project None of theabove 0Academic Achievements Description Points I hold apostgraduateresearch degree(PhD, MD, MDRes) 5 OR, A research Masters At least onepeer-reviewed publication relating to radiology as first author 4 OR, A postgraduate qualification with no substantialresearch component At least onepeer-reviewed publication, not relating to radiology, as first author 3 OR, A case report related to radiology OR, At least one oralor poster presentation relating to radiology at nationalor internationallevel, as first author At least onepeer-reviewed publication, not as first author 2 OR, A case report not related to radiology OR, At least oneoral or poster presentation at nationalor internationallevel, as first author At least oneoral or poster presentation, at anylevel 1 OR, Involvement in aresearch team as part of an elective, intercalated degree,extended student research and enterprise project, academic foundation programme,academic summer school or other research taster None of the above 0 PrizesandAwards DESCRIPTION POINTS Prizeawarded by a recognisedradiology institution/specialist society or at 6 national/internationallevel meeting Prizeawarded by a recognisedregional levelinstitution or meeting 3 Morethan one prize awardedby alocal organisation or meeting 2 Oneprizeawarded by a localorganisation or meeting 1 None of the above 0Proposedchangesfor2025/2026 Proposed changesfor2025/206 butnotyetapproved: • Reducing thedomainsfrom7to5 • Mergingteaching andtraining andformal teaching qualifications • Removing Prizes andawards • Introductionofa portfoliostationat interview • Removal of the verificationprocessResources • Radiology Café • RadCast • Society of Radiologists in Training (SRT) • HEE ClinicalRadiology ST1 • RCR Curriculum 2023Thankyou!