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Qualitative Analysis - Presentation



AMSA Scotland is organising a webinar series on critical appraisal to provide students with the basic skills required for critical appraisal of academic papers.

The target audience is medical students, but the events are free and available to everyone.

The series consists of multiple talks, and the 3rd talk (Qualitative Analysis) of the series will be held:

Date: 9th November 2022

Time: 14:00 - 15:00 (UTC+0)

Speaker: Dr Heather May Morgan

Learning outcomes:

  • Recognise qualitative (health) research principles and practises
  • Distinguish between qualitative and quantitative approaches to (health) research study ethos and design
  • Outline how qualitative health research can be undertaken
  • Recognise general approaches to qualitative data analysis and steps involved
  • Have been introduced to the NVivo software platform for qualitative data analysis management
  • Appreciate how qualitative research is written up and can be presented as findings

Tentative schedule for AMSA Scotland Critical Appraisal Webinar series:

1. 12/10 (Wed) 1830-1930 (UK Time): Study designs (Speaker: Agi Jothi)

2. 22/10 (Sat) 1130-1230 (UK Time): Critical appraisal of a quantitative paper (Speaker: Agi Jothi)

3. 9/11 (Wed) 1400-1500 (UK Time): Qualitative Analysis - (Speaker: Dr Heather May Morgan)

4. 16/11 (Wed) 1700-1800 (UK Time): Academic writing (Speaker: Professor Phyo Myint)

5. 24/11 (Thur) 1730-1830 (UK Time): Systematic Reviews (Speaker: Dr Amudha Poobalan)

6. 29/11 (Fri) 1615-1700 (UK Time): Formulation of Research Questions - (Speaker: Professor Stephen Turner)

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ABERDEEN 2040 Asian Medical Students' Association (AMSA) Scotland Critical Appraisal Webinar Series Qualitative Analysis Dr Heather May Morgan IAHS PostgraduateEducation Group h.morgan@abdn.ac.uk @hm_morgan 09 November 2022 ABERDEEN 2040 Can i clude j st about any form of human communication: ▪ Transcripts from interviews/focus groups ▪ Observational notes ▪ E-mails ▪ Documents ▪ Web pages ▪ Photos ▪ Diaries ▪ Videos, Films ....the list goes on (and responds to new technologies as they emerge)Bulk and complexity of qualitative data • Often described as voluminous, ABERDEEN 2040 unstructured and unwieldy • High proportion is text based • Internal content is usually in detailed and micro-form • Task is to provide some coherence and structure to this data, relating it to a micro-, meso- or macro- picture, while retaining a hold of the original accounts and observations from which it is derived A few general points about analysis ABERDEEN 2040 Qualitative approaches to analysis: • Are time consuming • Require creativity and systematic rigour • Take various forms • Can be very stimulating/rewarding! How do you analyse qualitative data? ABERDEEN 2040 • Mystery surrounds way researchers analyse • Much written about data collection, less about analysis • No standardapproachto analysis – a rich variety of approaches is characteristic of conducting qualitative research • Essentially about detection:the tasks of defining, categorising, theorising, explaining,and exploring are fundamental to the analyst’s role What is the qualitative researcher trying to do? ABERDEEN 2040 This will vary depending on research questions the following are frequently included:h research, •structuresconcepts: understanding internal • Mapping the range, nature and dynamics of phenomena • Creating typologies: categorising different types of attitudes, behaviours, motivations • Finding associations: between experiences and attitudes, between attitudes and behaviours • Seeking explanations: explicit or implicit • Developing new ideas, theories or strategies Approaches to analysis ABERDEEN 2040 Prompted Framework (from what is known) Thematic/Framework Grounded Theory (emerging* from the data) * Do data ‘emerge’ or are they identified?Framework as a method of qualitative data analysis ABERDEEN 2 40to help the aims and outputs of applied research to be achieved • Designed to facilitate systematic analysis within the demands and constraints of applied research: • objectives are usually clearly set and shaped by specific information requirements • informed by a priori issues • output needs to be appropriately targeted towards providing ‘answers’ in the form of greater illumination or understanding of issues addressed • timescales tend to be shorter rather than longer • often carried out by teams of researchersKey features of Framework AB• Grounded or generative • Dynamic • Systematic • Comprehensive • Enables easy retrieval • Allows between and within case analysis • Accessible to othersKey features of Framework cont. ABERDn an lytical process which involves a number of distinct though highly interconnected stages (sifting, charting and sorting material according to key issues and themes) • However, not a purely mechanical process • Although systematic and disciplined, relies on the creative salience and connectionsf researcher to determine meaning,Five key stages involved in Framework ABERDEEN 2040 . a arisation 2. Identifying a thematic framework 3. Indexing 4. Charting 5. Interpretation (this being the stage at which the key objectives of qualitative analysis are addressed)1. Familiarisation ABERDEEN 2040 • Bef r beginning process of sifting and sorting data, the researcher must become familiar with their range and diversity • Essentially, this stage involves immersion in the data: listening to audio files, reading transcripts, studying observational notes • Although the researcher is likely to have formed hunches about key issues and emergent themes during data collection, it is important at this stage to set these firmly in context by taking stock and gaining a feel for the material as a whole2. Identifying a thematic framework AB• Durin familiarisation, the researcher will have gained an overview of the data but will also have begun the process of abstraction and conceptualisation • The researcher can now attempt to identify the key issues, concepts and themes according to which the data can be examined and referenced (the thematic framework) • The researcher will be drawing upon a priori issues, emergent issues raised by respondents, and analytical themes arising from the recurrence or patterning of particular views or experiences3. Indexing (or coding) ABE• KENp cess since it serves to organise the transcripts or documents that have been collected • Codes serve to summarise, synthesise and sort many observations made out of the data • Easy to view coding as an end in its own right, but always a good deal of intellectual work to be done when coding is completed3. Indexing (or coding) cont. • Refers to the process whereby the thematic framework is systematically ABERDEEN 2040o the data in its textual form • All the data are read and annotated according to the created thematic framework • Involves making numerous judgements as to the meaning and significance of the data • This process is subjective, and open to differing interpretations • By adopting a system of annotating the textual data, the process is made visible and accessible to others4. Charting • Having applied the thematic framework, the researcher needs to ABERbuil up a picture of the data as a whole, by considering the range of attitudes and experience for each issue or theme • Data are ‘lifted’ from their original context and rearranged according to appropriate thematic reference • Devised with headings which may be drawn up from: - thematic framework - a priori research questions Or according to considerations about how best to present and write up the study5. Interpretation ABERDEEN 204 • hen all the data has been sifted and charted according to core themes, the researcher begins to pull together key characteristics of the data and to interpret the data set as a whole • Emergent categories, associations and patterns will have been noted and recordedduring indexing and charting phases • The researcher will be guided by the original research questions to be addressed, and by the themes and associations which have emergedfrom the data themselves5. Interpretation cont. ABERDEEN 2040 i rt of the analytical process is the most difficult to describe, but essentially involves: • Reviewing the charts and research notes • Comparing and contrasting perceptions, accounts, or experiences • Searching for patterns and connections and seeking explanations for these internally within the dataSummary ABERDEEN 2040 • The Framework approach to analysis is just one approach for synthesising and interpreting qualitative data • The method needs to be adapted to suit the aims and coverage of a specific piece of research, but it has proved flexible for a range of different studiesABERDEEN 2040 open coding – open coding is the first organisation of the data to try to make some sense of it axial coding – axial coding is a way of interconnectingthe categories selective coding – selective coding is the building of a story that connects the categoriesABERDEEN 2040 Grounded theory This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SAABERDEEN 2040Three examples of projects that used the Framework approach and one that used a Case St d / rounded Theory approach 1. Enabling mutual helping? Peer support for urological cancer patients (F) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21377824 2. Parents talking about the MMR vaccine: analysis of an https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18703263 3. cessation (F)ncentives for Breastfeeding and Smoking https://www.journalslibrary.nihr.ac.uk/programmes/hta/ 103102#/ (chapter 6) 4. An interview study of pregnant women who were provided with indoor air quality measurements of second hand smoke to help them quit smoking (CS/GT) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27729030 ABERDEEN 2040 QSR NVivo Resources… and Workshop • QSR on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/QSRInternati onal • QSR Sample Project: http://www.qsrinternational.com/nvivo/supp ort-overview/faqs/how-to-access-the-nvivo- sample-project ABERDEEN 2040 Any questions? Qualitative Research: Data Collection, Analysis, and Management - PMC (nih.gov)