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Discover if ovarian cancer screening can improve survival rates in this on-demand teaching session. Led by expert in the field, Holly Haines, this comprehensive review explores the efficacy of different screening methods such as blood tests, diagnostic algorithms and ultrasound. Major randomised controlled trials, such as the PLCO and UKCTOCS, are analyzed in depth bringing important insights to the fore. The session also delves into significant factors like high risk populations and potential screening risks. It concludes with the future steps being taken in the field, such as the UK Familial Ovarian Cancer Screening Study. This session is a must-attend for any medical professional interested in the latest research on ovarian cancer.

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The annual EUOGS conference, is based on disruptions to the menstrual cycle. We have 3 speakers: Professor Colin Duncan, Professor Philippa Saunders and Women's Wellbeing Club, as well as a student abstract competition and a talk on MDU services!

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the current statistics and survival rates for different stages of ovarian cancer.
  2. Explore the efficacy of various ovarian cancer screening methods including sensitivity, specificity, and different screening methodologies such as blood tests, diagnostic algorithms and ultrasound.
  3. Identify and discuss high risk populations for ovarian cancer, specifically focusing on age and BRCA1/2 carriers.
  4. Understand the potential risks associated with ovarian cancer screening including false positives, invasive follow up procedures and potential surgical complications.
  5. Review the conclusions and future steps for improvements in ovarian cancer screening methodologies, particularly in high-risk populations.
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Would ovarian cancer screening improve survival rates? Holly HainesOvarian Cancer • Stage 1 – 93.3% • Stage 4 – 13.4% 2 1-Year 5-Year 120 100 80 % ( T R L 60 V V R S 40 20 0 1 2 3 4 STAGE OF OC One- and Five-Year Age-Standardised Net OC Survival Rate for Ages 15-99 by Stage at Diagnosis, England 3Overview • Objectives • Results • Objective 1 • Objective 2 • Objective 3 • Project Conclusions • Future Steps 4Objectives 51. Screening Method Efficacy 2. High Risk Populations 3. Screening Risks 67Results 8Randomised Controlled Trials • PLCO trial articles (4) • UKCTOCS trial articles (3) • Other articles (5) Total: 12 9PLCO Trial • Prostate, Lung, Colorectal, & Ovarian Cancer Trial • American • 68,557 analysed • 2 groups 10UKCTOCS • UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening • 193,408 analysed • 3 groups 11 Objective 1: Screening Method Efficacy 12Measuring Screening Methods • Sensitivity • Specificity 13Methods • Blood tests • Diagnostic algorithms • Ultrasound 14Blood Tests • CA125 highest sensitivity • With HE4 • More positive screens 15Algorithms - ROCA • Velocity based • Significant sensitivity compared to CA125 16Ultrasound • UKCTOCS • High sensitivity & specificity • No mortality reduction 17Multimodal • Specificity > USS • UKCTOCS • Stage shift • Jacobs et al. • Survival increase 18Multimodal • Specificity > USS • UKCTOCS • Stage shift No mortality reduction… • Jacobs et al. • Survival increase WHY? 192021 Objective 2: High Risk Populations 22Risk Factors • Age • BRCA1/2 23PLCO Trial Subgroup • FDR with breast/OC history • Stage shift • Survival increase • No mortality reduction 24 Objective 3: Screening Risks 25False Positives & Surgery • Invasive follow up procedures • 1/3 had surgery (PLCO) • Most with TVS • Major surgical complications • 15% PLCO • 3% UKCTOCS • 9% Menon et al. (2005) 26Project Conclusions 27• ROCA used in MMS • Increased familial risk • No mortality most effective more promising reductions • Survival & stage shifts • Role of bias greatest Therefore... 28General population screening cannot be recommended at this time. 29Future Steps 30Trials • UK Familial Ovarian Cancer Screening Study • Risk reducing salpingo-oophorectomy • Screening for circulating tumour cells or cell-free DNA 31References 1 1. American Cancer Society. Ovarian Cancer Stages [Internet]. 2018 [updated 2018 Apr 11; cited 2023 Feb 19]. Available from: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/ovarian-cancer/detection-diagnosis-staging/staging.html 2. American Cancer Society. Ovarian Cancer Risk Factors [Internet]. 2021 [updated 2021 Jan 26; cited 2023 Feb 01]. Available from: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/ovarian-cancer/causes-risks-prevention/risk-factors.html 3. 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