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Phase 3 RadiologyLearning Outcomes
● Techniques
● Pathology
○ Gynae
○ Cardiac
○ Respiratory
○ Neuro
○ GI and Liver
● Disclaimer: We have based these on our own Phase 3 notes, lectures, and ILOs - if
something seems completely new to you it might be because it has been removed from
the course!! However, everything included should become relevant in your clinical
years.Exam Tips
● The story behind an image is the key to getting the correct diagnosis.
○ Don’t panic if you see a radiological image in the exam and can’t make sense of it!
○ Often you will be able to reach the diagnosis based on the story given in the question stem
○ Read the question stem thoroughly - look for keywords that might suggest a diagnosis. We
have bolded and highlighted some keywords in white.
○ Often the stem will point out key imaging findings for you and the image is just a wee bonus.
● At your stage (and while a medical student) there are a few images where the
diagnosis should be clear (even without the question stem).
○ E.g. pneumothorax.
○ We have included Spot the dog in our powerpoint to highlight the cases we think are Spot
diagnoses.Chest X-RayAssessing Image Quality (RIPE)
● Rotation
○ Equal distance between medial aspects of
clavicles and spinous processes.
○ Rotation can give the appearance of
tracheal deviation, mediastinal widening,
and asymmetric lung density.
● Inspiration
○ Count >7 anterior (slanty) or >9 posterior
(straight) ribs
○ 1st anterior rib highlighted in blue
● Picture
○ AP vs PA
○ Supine vs erect
○ Can you see all of lung fields?
● Exposure
○ Vertebral bodies behind the heartPA vs AP
● Posterior - Anterior (PA)
○ X-rays enter the patient back
to front. The detector is at their
○ Most CXRs will be PA.
○ Patient hugs detector → this
move scapulae out of the way.
● Anterior-Posterior (AP)
○ X-rays enter the patient front
to back. The receiver is at
their back.
○ Heart appears enlarged due to
increased distance from heart
to detector. (X-ray beams
○ AP CXRs are often performed
if the patient cannot mobilise
from their bed or chair.
○ Scapula border in lung fields
→ see red line.Erect vs Supine
● Erect vs supine
○ Erect
■ Performed standing.
■ Can be done PA or AP.
○ Supine (lying down)
■ Can be done using a mobile
x-ray unit on the ward. This is
useful for patients who cannot
sit up.
■ Results in physiological
widening of cardiomediastinal
outline. The image on the right
is a supine AP CXR, the
patient’s CT chest was normal.
■ Appearance of fluid or gas in the
pleural space will look different.Normal StructuresCXR: AnnotatedSilhouette Sign
“cast or show (someone or something) as a dark shape and outline
against a brighter background.”Silhouette Sign
● Four basic radiographic densities: gas, fat, soft tissue (water), metal (bone).
● When two adjacent anatomical structures in direct contact have different
densities we see a sharp margin on XR. If the structures have the same
density there is no margin and they cannot be differentiated from one another.Silhouette Sign
● Anterior box contains heart, posterior box
contains aorta. Heart and aorta = soft
tissue/water density.
● A: Heart adjacent to air, aorta adjacent to
air = both borders seen
● B: Heart adjacent to water = heart border
● C: Aorta adjacent to water = aorta border
obscured.Silhouette Sign
● Left heart border:
○ Healthy lung = air density
○ Heart = soft tissue density
○ Differing densities = silhouette
● Right heart border:
○ Lung pathology = soft tissue density
○ Heart = soft tissue density
○ Same density = silhouette is lost - i.e.
right heart border is no longer sharp
and defined - this is silhouette sign.Silhouette Sign
“An intrathoracic lesion touching a border of the
heart, aorta, or diaphragm will obliterate that
border. An intrathoracic lesion not anatomically
contiguous with a border of one of these
structures will not obliterate that border.”
- term Silhouette Sign)ho coined theSilhouette Sign
● Silhouette sign refers to the loss of a silhouette. It is indicative of pathology.
● The area of silhouette lost depends on the site of the pathology.
○ Right paratracheal stripe (blue): right upper lobe
○ Right heart border: right middle lobe or medial right lower lobe
○ Right hemidiaphragm: right lower lobe
○ Aortic knuckle (green): left upper lobe
○ Left heart border: lingula
○ Left hemidiaphragm: Left lower lobeSilhouette sign
● This X-ray is an example of
silhouette sign.
● Which anatomical area is
○ A: Right middle lobe
○ B: Lingula
○ C: Right lower lobe
○ D: Left upper lobe
○ E: Left lower lobeSilhouette sign
● This X-ray is an example of
silhouette sign.
● Which anatomical area is
○ A: Right middle lobe
○ B: Lingula
○ C: Right lower lobe
○ D: Left upper lobe
○ E: Left lower lobe
● B: There is pathology in the
lingula.CardiorespiratoryHeart Failure
● A patient is admitted with
decompensated heart failure.
● Look at this erect PA CXR, what
signs of heart failure are present?
○ A: Alveolar oedema
○ B: Kerley B lines
○ C: Cardiomegaly
○ D: Cephalization of vessels
○ E: All of the above!Heart Failure
● The answer is all of the above!
(+ pleural effusions)
○ A: alveolar oedema
■ Bat wing opacities
○ B: Kerley B lines
■ Horizontal lines in periphery
of lower lung fields
○ C: Cardiomegaly
■ Cardiothoracic ratio >0.5
○ D: Dilated upper lobe vessels
■ Staghorn sign
○ E: Pleural Effusion
■ Blunting of costophrenic
angles ● Findings
Heart Failure ○ Cephalization of vessels → interstitial oedema
Progression (Kerley B lines) → alveolar oedema and pleural
● Pathophysiology
○ Increased pressure in left side of the heart →
increased pulmonary venous pressure →
increased capillary pressure in lungs → fluid
leaks out into interstitial spaces → further
increase in pressure → fluid leaks out from
interstitial to alveolar spaces.Heart Failure: Cardiomegaly
● Horizontal width of heart / widest
internal diameter of the thorax.
○ Normal <0.5
○ Enlarged >0.5
○ Increase in heart size compared to previous
films of similar quality can also be significant.
○ Remember! The heart appears enlarged on
AP CXR so measurement is unreliable..
(However, if the ratio is normal on AP then
cardiomegaly is unlikely to be present).Heart Failure: Dilated Upper Lobe Vessels
● Normally in an erect
patient, gravity causes
most of the blood in
pulmonary vessels to
flow to the base.
○ Lower vessels should be
wider than upper.
● Heart disease can cause
cephalization or vascular
○ Due to increase in LA
■ Causes include
left heart failure
and mitral valve
○ Upper vessels are of
same or higher diameter
of lower vessels.
○ Resembles stag antlers.Heart Failure - Kerley B Lines
● Lines perpendicular to pleural
● Fluid in interlobular septa. Indicator
of interstitial oedema.
● Some are outlined in blue, can you
spot some more?
● Sir Peter James Kerley (1900-1979)
was an Irish Radiologist who named
3 lines - A, B, & C - the most useful
of which are Kerley B lines.Heart Failure: Alveolar Oedema
● Fluid leaks out of interstitial spaces and
into alveoli.
● Bat wing opacities: bilateral perihilar lung
shadowing.CR: Pathology
● 40F presenting with
shortness of breath and
haemoptysis. She has
then collapsed. Her
D-dimer is raised.
● What is the diagnosis?
○ A: Myocardial infarction
○ B: Pneumonia
○ C: Trauma
○ D: Pulmonary embolismCR: Saddle Pulmonary Embolism (PE)
● PE which extends into both
pulmonary arteries.
○ Blue: Pulmonary trunk
○ Red: PE
○ Green: Aorta
■ Ascending and descending
○ Yellow: Superior Vena CavaCR: Pathology
● 20M presents to A&E with
sudden onset pleuritic chest
pain and shortness of
breath. He has no known
lung disease.
● What is the diagnosis?
○ A: Asthma
○ B: Pneumonia
○ D: Pneumothorax
○ E: Myocardial infarctionPneumothorax
● Presence of gas in the pleural
○ If gas enlarges and compresses
mediastinal structures → tension
pneumothorax. May present with
tracheal deviation (away from
pneumothorax), cardiac arrest, and
● Primary/spontaneous vs secondary
(underlying lung disease) vs
● Findings
○ Visceral pleural edge looks like a thin
white line (blue).
○ No lung markings peripheral to this line.
○ Mediastinal shift = tension (see image)CR: Pathology
● This CXR shows a lobar collapse.
Which lobe has collapsed?
○ A: RUL
○ B: RML
○ C: RLL
○ D: LUL
○ E: LLL
● Tip: compare both lungs carefully.Lobar Collapse - Left Upper Lobe
● Veil-like opacity over left
hemithoraxLobar Collapse - LLL (sail sign)Lobar Collapse - Right Upper Lobe
● Elevation of horizontal fissure
● Elevation of right hilum.
● Elevation of right
● Increased density in upper
medial right hemithorax.Lobar Collapse: Right Middle Lobe
● Silhouette sign:
loss of right heart
border. (blue
● Best seen on
lateral projection.Lobar Collapse: Right Lower Lobe
● Silhouette sign: Loss of right
hemidiaphragm border.
● Triangular opacity in posterior medial
right hemithorax.CR: Pathology
● 60M, acute onset
abdominal pain with
● Look at the
diaphragm, what does
this abnormality
○ A. Pneumoperitoneum
○ B. Pneumonia
○ C. Hepatitis
○ D. Normal anatomical
variantCR: Pneumoperitoneum
● Air in the abdominal cavity
● Findings include free air under
the diaphragm.
○ Note how thin the diaphragm is!
● Can be caused by bowel
● Can be a normal finding
following recent abdominal
● 70M is admitted to hospital
with a 7/7 history of coughing
up green and brown sputum.
He has a fever, is confused,
and is hypotensive.
● What is the most likely
treatment for this man’s
○ A: Lobectomy
○ B: Antibiotics
○ C: Steroids
○ D: Drainage
○ E: ImmunosuppressantsPneumonia
● Infection within the lung.
○ Material fills alveoli →
consolidation on the CXR.
○ Often infectious cause - can be
due to bacterial, viruses,
mycobacteria, fungi.
● CURB65 scoring system for
pneumonia severity - guides
outpatient or inpatient
○ Confusion
○ Urea >7mmol/L
○ Resp rate >30
○ SBP <90 DBP <60
○ >65MSKBone Tumours
● 15M with worsening pain below
his knee.
● X-ray shows a lesion in his
proximal fibula with sunburst
periosteal reaction.
● What is the most likely
○ A: Fracture
○ B: Osteoid osteoma
○ C: Osteosarcoma
○ D: Bone mets
○ E: Paget’s disease Bone Tumours - Malignant
● Osteosarcoma
○ Most common primary malignant bone tumour
○ Children and adolescents
○ Typically femur and tibia
○ Sunburst (top image) periosteal reaction
■ Indicates aggressive disease
○ Codman triangle
■ Bone lesion lifts periosteum off bone
● Ewing’s sarcoma
○ Common in children
○ Onion skin reaction (bottom image)
■ Intermittent or discontinuous growth.
Bone laid down between growth periods.
● Chondrosarcoma
○ More common middle-age
○ Malignant tumour of cartilage
○ Typically axial skeletonBone Tumours - Benign
● Osteoid osteoma
○ Benign, bone-forming neoplasm
○ Children and young adults.
● Osteochondroma
○ Most common benign bone tumour
○ Benign protuberance surrounded by a
layer of cartilage
○ Adolescents
● Giant cell tumour of bone (image)
○ Soap bubble appearance
○ Benign
○ Peak age 20-40Knee: Pathology
● 70M presenting with 4/12 of
worsening knee stiffness and
pain. He is now housebound
due to his symptoms.
● What is the definitive
management for this
○ A. Steroids
○ B. Knee replacement
○ C. Immunosuppression
○ D. Rest Knee: Osteoarthritis
● Findings (LOSS)
○ Loss of joint space
○ Osteophytes
○ Subchondral sclerosis
○ Subchondral cysts
● Management:
○ Total knee replacementHand: Pathology
● 70F with chronic pain and
stiffness in fingers.
● What’s the diagnosis?
○ A: Osteoporosis
○ B: Osteoarthritis
○ C: Gout
○ D: Fracture Osteoarthritis
● Findings (LOSS)
○ Loss of joint space
■ I.e. loss of cartilage
○ Osteophytes
■ Bony lumps/spurs
○ Subchondral sclerosis
■ Whitening of bone
beneath cartilage
○ Subchondral cysts
■ Look like black
holes in bonePaget’s Disease (bone)
● Chronic bone disorder.
● Excessive abnormal bone
● Often affects skull, spine,
pelvis, and lower extremity
long bones
● Left femur:
○ Coarse trabeculations (see lines
a lot more clearly)
○ Expanded femoral head
● Skull:
○ Thickened vault
○ Osteoporosis circumscripta
■ Well-defined lucency often
in frontal bone (arrows)Ankylosing Spondylitis
● Seronegative spondyloarthropathy
○ Rheumatoid factor negative (seronegative)
○ HLA B27 associated
● Fusion (ankylosis) of spine and
sacroiliac joints
● Findings
○ Sacroilitis
○ Vertebral body squaring
○ Dagger spine
■ Interspinous ligament ossification
○ Bamboo spine (images)
■ Syndesmophytic ankylosisAS: Dagger Spine
● Calcification of
supraspinous (SSL) and
interspinous (ISL)
● Normal x-ray is on the
left.Hand: Pathology
● 20M with hand pain
following fall onto
outstretched hand. Tender
in anatomical snuffbox.
● What bone has been
○ A. Scaphoid
○ B. Lunate
○ C. 4th Metacarpal
○ D. TrapezoidHand: Scaphoid Fracture
● Important not to miss!
○ Blood supply for the scaphoid comes in
one direction.
■ Risk of avascular necrosis due to
disrupted blood supply in fracture.
○ Not always seen on X-ray, MRI is the
gold standard.
Waist and
disrupt the
blood supply to
prox. scaphoid!NeurologyNeuro: Case
● 55F presents with a thunderclap
headache and neck-stiffness.
● A non-contrast CT head is
● What is the diagnosis?
○ A: Subarachnoid haemorrhage
○ B: Epidural haematoma
○ C: Subdural haematoma
○ D: Brain tumour
○ E: Multiple sclerosisSubarachnoid Haemorrhage
● Cause
○ 85% due to ruptured aneurysm
○ Trauma
○ Vascular malformation
● S+S
○ Thunderclap headache - like being hit
with a bat. Reaches maximum intensity in
<1 minute.
● Investigate with CT head, if negative
LP >12 hours after onset (to look for
● Findings
○ Acute blood looks bright on CT. There is
blood in the basal cisterns and sulci.
○ Consider CT angiogram to look for
● Epi/extradural haematoma
○ Between skull and dura mater
○ Limited by suture lines
○ Lens/convex shaped
○ Middle meningeal artery
○ Presents with lucid interval
(temporary improvement
before deterioration)
● Subdural haematoma
○ Concave/crescent shaped
○ Bridging veins
○ Seen in elderly (brain atrophy
is common in older age and
makes bridging veins more
vulnerable) and excessive
alcohol use.Neuro: Case
● A 70F presents with a 1/24
history of hemiparesis and
facial droop. It is suspected she
has had a stroke.
● A non-contrast CT head is
performed - no acute
abnormality is detected.
● Does this mean stroke is ruled
○ A: Yes
○ B: NoStroke: CT
● CT is a quick and accessible test that
can be performed in stroke
● However, it takes time for changes due
to ischaemic stroke to show up on CT.
○ 60% seen in 3-6 hours, virtually all in 24h.
○ Ischaemic cytotoxic cerebral oedema looks
hypodense (dark)
● CT in the acute setting is used to
○ Exclude intracranial haemorrhage (white
blood) → thrombolysis would be
contraindicated if haemorrhage is present
○ Look for early features of ischaemia
○ Exclude other intracranial pathology e.g.
tumour.Stroke: CT
● Hyperdense middle
cerebral artery sign
○ Artery appears bright
○ Due to thromboembolic
material in arterial lumen.
■ Thrombus formed in
heart or carotids →
embolism → occlusion
of MCA.
○ First visible sign of MCA
infarction - visible within 90
minutes.Stroke: MRI
● MRI is more sensitive and specific in
the diagnosis of acute ischaemic
stroke in the first few hours after
● However, it is more time-consuming
and may not always be available
(e.g. remote and rural hospitals).
● Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) is
often used to look for ischaemic
○ The ischaemic changes on the CT (left)
are very hard to spot but very noticeable
on the DWI images. Stroke: Additional Imaging
● Carotid imaging
○ ?carotid disease and carotid dissection
○ Consider carotid endarterectomy if
significant stenosis present and patient
has had stroke or TIA in carotid territory.
● CT or MR angiography
○ ?thrombectomy
■ Location of thrombus is important
when considering thrombectomy.
● Perfusion imaging (CT)
○ Can be used to determine if there is
salvageable tissue and if patient would
benefit from treatment.
■ DWI MRI is also used for this
For in-depth criteria for what imaging to use and when to thrombolyse see the NICE guidelines: Gynaecology
Note: We think you are unlikely to be asked to interpret gynae imaging in your exams but you could receive a
question stem that describes imaging findings and be asked for a diagnosis based on that.Ovarian Pathology
● 30F, transvaginal ultrasound scan
of the left ovary.
● The patient has no symptoms.
● The scan shows a left ovarian
lesion (large black circle). It is
thinned walled and has no solid
component. Doppler scan (bottom
right image) shows no flow within
the lesion.
● This lesion is most likely:
○ A: Teratoma
○ B: Ovarian follicular cyst
○ E: Ovarian cancerBenign Ovarian Cysts
● Ovarian follicle (<3cm)
○ ~10 ovarian follicles grow and develop during a normal menstrual cycle.
○ Usually one will become a dominant ovarian follicle.
● Ovarian follicular cyst (>3cm)
○ Dominant ovarian follicle enlarges to become an ovarian follicular cyst.
○ Asymptomatic, commonly seen on pelvic USS.
○ Does not occur post-menopause.
○ Findings:
■ Looks like a cyst - empty and dark inside.
■ Thin walled and unilocular.
■ No colour flow on doppler, no solid component.
○ Management
■ Most require no follow-up.
■ May require more imaging/follow-up if large.Benign Ovarian Cysts
● Corpus luteum
○ Remnants of follicle after ovulation
○ Produces oestrogen and progesterone
○ If fertilisation does not occur → involutes →
corpus albicans
○ If fertilisation occurs → enlarges and
secretes hormones → involutes 16-20
● Corpus luteum cyst
○ Failure of corpus luteum to regress after
ovum release.
○ Most common pelvic mass in 1st trimester.
Most will involute by end of 2nd trimester.
○ Has “ring of fire” appearance on doppler.Ovarian Pathology
● 25F presents with
sudden-onset pelvic pain.
● Pelvic USS shows a left
ovarian cyst. Doppler
shows no flow within cyst.
● What complication has
○ A: Ovarian torsion
○ B: Rupture of cyst
○ C: Haemorrhage into cyst
○ D: Normal appearance
○ E: Malignant transformation
of cystBenign Ovarian Cysts
● This is an example of a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst.
○ These are usually formed due to haemorrhage into a corpus luteum.
○ Most common cause of acute pelvic pain in afebrile, premenopausal females.
● Findings
○ Cyst no longer looks dark and empty.
■ Typically, a lace-like pattern within cyst.
○ No internal blood flow on doppler.
○ Thin walled.
● Management
○ Usually completely resolve within 8 weeks.
■ Follow-up with a repeat USS.
○ If post-menopausal → further investigation. Benign Ovarian Cysts
● Endometrioma (AKA chocolate cyst)
○ Localised form of endometriosis, forms cysts
containing dark degenerated blood products
following repeated haemorrhage.
○ Usually found in ovary.
○ Patients may present with S+S of
endometriosis (dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia,
○ Findings
■ Classically unilocular cyst,
“ground-glass” internally.
■ No flow on doppler.
○ Management
■ 1% chance of malignant
transformation, often excised or
followed-up annually. Benign Ovarian Cysts
● Endometrioma (AKA chocolate cyst)
○ Localised form of endometriosis, forms cysts
containing dark degenerated blood products
following repeated haemorrhage.
○ Usually found in ovary.
○ Patients may present with S+S of
endometriosis (dysmenorrhoea, dyspareunia,
○ Findings
■ Classically unilocular cyst,
“ground-glass” internally.
■ No flow on doppler.
○ Management
■ 1% chance of malignant
transformation, often excised or
followed-up annually.Ovarian Pathology
● 30F with incidental
finding on AXR (arrow).
● Surgical excision
revealed the benign
lesion on the right.
● What is the diagnosis?
○ A: Endometrioma
○ B: Immature teratoma
○ C: Ovarian cancer
○ D: Mature teratoma
○ E: Normal findingBenign Ovarian Cysts
● This is a mature teratoma aka a dermoid
○ “Monstrous tumour”
○ Common benign neoplasm. Contains elements
from multiple germ cell layers.
○ Typically young females. Can be asymptomatic or
present with ovarian torsion.
○ Findings
■ Can contain calcification (including teeth!)
which are seen on XR
■ USS usually shows a heterogeneous cystic
mass with no blood flow on doppler.
○ Management
■ Usually slow growing and can be monitored
for growth. Large lesions are excised.
● Immature teratomas are a lot less common
and are malignant.Benign Ovarian Cysts
● 25F presenting with S+S of
(hirsutism, acne,
androgenic alopecia) and
● Pelvic USS shows the
● What is the diagnosis?
○ A: Normal finding
○ B: Ovarian malignancy
○ D: Endometrioma
○ E: TeratomaPolycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
● Most common endocrinopathy in reproductive
age females. Leading cause of infertility.
● Often presents with irregular menstruation,
infertility, hyperandrogenism (hirsutism, acne),
● Findings
○ Multiple small follicles with no dominant follicle.
○ Increased ovarian volume
● Management
○ Depends on symptoms
■ Infertility - clomifene, metformin,
■ Hirsuitism and acne: combined pill, topical
● 25F with known ovarian teratoma
presents to A&E with acute severe
abdominal pain, nausea, and
● An USS shows a very large ovary
with no venous blood flow on
● The most likely diagnosis is:
○ A: Cystic haemorrhage
○ B: Appendicitis
○ C: Gastroenteritis
○ D: Endometriosis
○ E: Ovarian torsionOvarian Torsion
● Cause
○ Commonly due to an ovarian mass e.g.
● Presentation
○ Typically young or postmenopausal
○ Severe abdominal pain, can be constant
or intermittent.
○ N+V common.
● Findings
○ USS investigation of choice
■ Enlarged ovary, poor blood flow on
doppler, ovarian oedema
■ Free pelvic fluid commonly seen.Ovarian Malignancy
● Risk of Malignancy Index = U x M x Ca 125
○ U = Ultrasound features suggesting malignancy
■ irregular solid or multiloculated cystic mass
■ solid components on cyst wall
■ high Doppler flow in solid components
■ ascites, peritoneal nodules, or other evidence of metastases
○ M = pre or post menopausal
○ Ca 125 = tumour marker
● Results
○ >200: high risk, referral and CT recommended
○ 25-200: intermediate risk, MRI for further characterisation of lesion
○ <25: low risk, consider USS or MRI if borderlineAXRAbdominal X-Rays
● Indications
○ Emergency presentations
■ Toxic megacolon
■ Bowel obstruction
■ Ingestion of foreign body
○ Monitoring radiopaque renal calculi
○ Colonic transit studies
■ Radiopaque markers ingested, time to exit bowel is monitored by AXR.
● Negatives
○ Ionising radiation
■ Pregnancy
○ Limited use
■ Less sensitive and specific than abdominal CT
○ Huge radiation dose - up to 35x that of CXR!
● Positives
○ Rapid, accessibleAXRAXR Annotated
● Large bowel in red
○ Large diameter
○ More peripheral
○ Sections
■ Ascending (pink arrow)
■ Transverse (orange arrow)
■ Descending (yellow arrow)
■ Sigmoid (blue arrow)
○ Flexures
■ Hepatic (green arrow)
■ Splenic (purple arrow)
● Small bowel (not annotated)
○ Central
○ Smaller diameterGI and Liver GI: Case
● 30F presenting with chronic
epigastric abdominal pain.
● Where is the abnormality?
○ A: Stomach
○ B: Liver
○ C: Pancreas
○ D: KidneyGI: Chronic Pancreatitis
● Chronic pancreatitis can lead to
calcification of the pancreas.
○ Often due to chronic alcohol use.
● Pancreas looks like a sausage
on CT (in my opinion).GI: Case
● 40F with 3/12 RUQ pain
after eating.
● Where is the abnormality?
○ A: Gallbladder
○ B: Liver
○ C: Small bowel
○ D: Stomach
RUQ: Right
QuadrantGI: Gallstones
● Cholelithiasis:
○ Gallstones in the gallbladder
○ Can be multiple (like the AXR) or single and large (like the
● Choledocholithiasis
○ Gallstones within common bile duct.Renal Pathology
● 30M with left sided back pain
and intermittent haematuria.
● What is the diagnosis?
○ A: renal cancer
○ B: UTI
○ C: Renal calculus
○ D: Bladder tumourRenal: Staghorn Calculus
● Branching kidney stone.GI: Case
● 80M presents with acute abdominal bloating
and nausea. He has not moved his bowels or
passed flatus for 24 hours.
● He is diagnosed with large bowel obstruction.
● The AXR shows ‘coffee bean sign’, what does
this suggest?
● A: Malignancy
● B: Caecal volvulus
● C: Medication induced
● D: Sigmoid volvulus
● E: GastroparesisSigmoid Volvulus
● SIgmoid volvulus = Coffee
bean sign
● Caecal volvulus also presents
with S+S of large bowel
obstruction. The AXR does
not show a coffee bean,
some say it looks fetus
● Imaging is hard - that’s why we have
○ Make sure you know the basics and can recognise
‘spot’ diagnoses. Have a good systematic process
for going through CXR, AXRs, head CT, pelvic
x-rays (you will learn more of this in your senior
years and for OSCEs)
● Remember to read the question stem
carefully!! The story is the key to
understanding imaging.
● Exposure to imaging will help a lot
○ Radiology masterclass (beginner interpretation),
MRI master (scrollable scans with labelled
anatomy), Radiopedia (more advanced)
○ Use PACS on placement/ask Drs to show you
scansResources for Extra Learning
● Radiopaedia
● Learning
● The Student Radiologist - by our very own Dr Cindy Chew!!
● Felson’s Principles of Chest Roentgenology
○ Very good book for principles of CXR and chest CT. All relevant for students and future clinical
practice. Should be accessible through UofG login.
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