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Phase 1b: Exam Essentials



This on-demand teaching session is designed for medical professionals looking to prepare for their 2nd year exams. We'll be covering exam essentials in written examinations (BRS, Anatomy, LMAP etc), practical sessions (CPA) and more, including tips and tricks on how to succeed quickly. We'll also be exploring key resources such as Osmosis, ICSM Notebank, Rohen's Anatomy, Geeky Medics and more. Attendees will also be given meaningful advice on how to effectively use the flagging/crossing tools, type quickly on iPads, and more. Don't miss this valuable session!

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Phase 1b: Exam Essentials

This brief talk will cover the whole range of written examinations and non-written examinations included in your Phase 1b year at Imperial. Things will be a little different from Phase 1a, so join us to learn about what to expect from your exams this year, as well as how you can prepare effectively for them now!

This will also be a great opportunity for you to ask any questions about your upcoming exams, or about Phase 1b more generally!

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify the exam split and marking scheme for the BRS, LMAP and CPA written exams.
  2. Explain how to approach lecture slide content and focus on high yield topics.
  3. Describe when to practice clinical skills and the resources available to do so.
  4. Recognize the format of the extended GP and two-week hospital placements and who can sign off on them.
  5. Develop techniques to manage time during the examinations, such as using the flagging/crossing tools.
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Computer generated transcript

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PHASE 1B: EXAM ESSENTIALS TIPS AND TRICKS TO SUCCEED IN 2ND YEAR EXAMS QUICK DISCLAIMER! WHAT WE’RE COVERING TODAY: WRITTEN: PRACTICAL: OTHERS: BRS CPA CSI ANATOMY PLACEMENT LMAP SIGN-OFFSBRS WRITTEN 3-hour exam Exam split: 25% SBAQs 25% VSAQs 50% SAQs Focus on lecture slide content Focus on high yield Common things are common Marks are allocated pro-rata MocksANATOMY SPOTTER 1-hour exam Exam split: 50% SBAQs 50% VSAQs 0% SAQs Focus on concepts first Focus on cadaveric images last Rohen’s anatomy Compartmentalise Ask questions in the DRLMAP WRITTEN 2-hour exam Exam split: 70% SBAQs 30% VSAQs 0% SAQs Preparing 20 sides of notes Note bank VS personal notes Small details can come up Assessing tutorial content Attend where possibleKEY WRITTEN RESOURCES: Osmosis ICSM Notebank MedEd Lectures Rohen’s Anatomy Complete Anatomy Teach Me Anatomy USE WHAT WORKS Mock Exams BEST FOR YOU!CPA PRACTICAL 5 examination stations: Cardiovascular Respiratory Abdominal Neuro - Cranial / UL / LL Musculoskeletal 2 communications stations History Taking NEWS2 / SBAR Format = Practical ---> Questions Practice clinical skills often Marks are awarded lenientlyKEY PRACTICAL RESOURCES: Geeky Medics CPA Tutors MedEd CPA Guide CPA Checklist Ask Dr T / Faculty PRACTICE OFTEN! MocksCSI TBL 8 cases in Phase 1b 4x iRAT / tRAT 2x tAPP Weighted scores 50% pass mark Most marks awarded for Part 2 Part 1 / Part 3 will still come up History based Qs ---> Key words Data interpretation Qs ---> P < 0.05PLACEMENT SIGN-OFFS 1x Extended GP P. 2x Two-week Hospital P. Sign off as early as possible Check who can sign you off FY1/FY2s Registrars Nurses Attendance - Make sure to sign inGeneral Advice Manage your time carefully Use the flagging / crossing tools VSAQs: FOUR-WORD LIMIT Learn to type quickly on iPads For anatomy - be specific You have time! THANK YOU FOR LISTENING Q&A