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PELVIS REVISION: WORKBOOK NOAH SAGUA anatomy and vasculature 1. What three bones make up the pelvic bone? 2. What tissue forms the connection between these 3 bones? 3. Label this diagram 4. Fill in the gaps The two pelvic bones are joined by a cartilaginous plate in the midline known as the ________ . Superolaterally to this joint is the pubic crest which ends in the______ 5. Major trauma patients must be assessed and are often treated as if they have a pelvic fracture. Why? 6. What passes through the obturator foramen? 7. What imaging might you use to investigate a pelvic fracture? 8. Name 3 key differences between the male and female pelvis9. Label these structures 10. What is the lowest point of fluid collection in the male abdominal cavity? 11. What are the boundaries of the pelvic outlet? 12. Anatomically, describe what the perineum refers to 13. How many vertebrae are fused together to form the sacrum? 14. What forms the boundary between the greater and the lesser pelvis? 15. What is the Young and Burges Classification system? 16. What is shown in this X ray? 17. Label this diagram Nerves 18. What nerve roots innervate the piriformis muscle? 19. What are the nerve roots of the pudendal nerve? What does loss of function in the pudendal nerve lead to? 20. How is the piriformis muscle linked to sciatica? 21. Complete this diagram 22. Anatomically, describe what the perineum refers to. What nerve innervates this area? 23. Which branch of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for the production of an erection Muscles 24. What muscles form the pelvic diaphragm 25. What are the pelvic floor muscles responsible for? Give 3 examples 26. What are the main muscles of the pelvic floor called? 27. Label this diagram 28. Label this prosection of the deep gluteal muscles Fascia and reproductive anatomy 29. Label this diagram 30. Label this prosection female pelvis31. How would you describe the position of the uterus in the image above? 32. What muscle contracts in lower temperatures to draw the testes closer to the body? 33. Where is sperm produced? 34. Where does sperm maturation occur? 35. Label this diagram 36. Complete the gaps The _________ is a permanent histological layer of the endometrium that is not shed. The ________ layer of the endometrium grows and sheds with each menstrual cycle. 37. What are the contents of the spermatic cord? 38. What types of muscle is the vas deferens mad from? 39. What is the name given to undescended testes? What is the significance of this and how is suspected unilateral undescended testes managed in infants?