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PRECLINEAZY Pelvis & Reproductive Anatomy Varshika B A. Sacrum B. Ischiopubic Ramus Which of the following is a joint of the pelvis C. Pubic Symphysis D. Anterior superior iliac spin E. Coccyx A. Sacrum B. Ischiopubic Ramus Which of the following is a joint of the pelvis? C. Pubic Symphysis D. Anterior superior iliac spin E. Coccyx Pelvis Pelvic Diaphragm 1. Coccygeus 2. Levator ani 3. Obturator internus • 2 hip bones + sacrum • houses reproductive organs • Floor – muscles of the pelvic diaphragm and perineum • Greater sciatic foramen - formed by sacrospinous ligament, exit for sciatic nerve ! PISS in the big hole, POO in the little hole • Lesser sciatic foramen - formed by sacrotuberous ligament, exit for for pudendal nerve Male v . Female Pelvis Gynaecoid Longer sacrum w/ narrow Wider and broader pubic arch Reproductive Anatomy Retrouterine Uterine tube pouch Urinary bladder uterus ovary Vesicouterine pouch ureter urethra Urinary Pubic bladder bone penis urethra clitoris Rectovesical pouch cervix deferensprostate Seminal testis vagina vesicle EpididymisEjaculatory ductRebecca is a 32 year old female that presents to A&E with severe abdominal pain after a fall in the A)Uterine tube shower. She complains of nausea and 3 syncopal episodes in the past 2 months. An ultrasound B) Pouch of Douglas reveals free fluid in the left lower quadrant and she is diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy. C)Cervix What is the most likely location where the free D)Vesicouterine pouch fluid has collected? E) Vaginal CanalRebecca is a 32 year old female that presents to A&E with severe abdominal pain after a fall in A)Uterine tube the shower. She complains of nausea and 3 syncopal episodes in the past 2 months. An ultrasound reveals free fluid in the left lower B) Pouch of Douglas quadrant and she is diagnosed with an ectopic C)Cervix pregnancy. D)Vesicouterine pouch What is the most likely location where the free fluid has collected? E) Vaginal CanalFemale Reproductive System perimetrium ampulla isthmus Fundus of uterus Peritoneum & Uterus infundibulum • Broad ligament - 2 layered peritoneal covering of uterus • Round ligament – 2 layered fimbriae Suspensory myometrium peritoneal covering of uterine tube ovary ligament endometrium Hysterosalpingogram cervix • Identify masses in the uterine tube vagina • Dye collects in the rectouterine pouch of the peritoneal cavity Perineum Boundaries bulbospongiosus Ischiocavernosus Anterior – pubic symphysis Posterior - coccyx Transverse perineal muscle Perineal Laterally – ischial tuberosities body Levator Gluteus Ani maximus Levator ani – attached to external Formed by the urogenital and anal triangles anal sphincter – innervated by (branches of) pudendal nerve Question 1 A Corpus spongiosum Increased blood flow through B Glans which erectile tissue triggers C Bulb of vestibule an erection? D Corpus cavernosum E Tunica albuginea Question 1 A Corpus spongiosum Increased blood flow through B Glans which erectile tissue triggers C Bulb of vestibule an erection? D Corpus cavernosum E Tunica albuginea!Urethra passes through corpus P erineum spongiosum – contracts during ejaculation to prevent simultaneous urination Urogenital Triangle Anal Triangle • Tissues of external genitalia attach to it • Posterior perineum w/ anal canal and • Penis – 2x corpus cavernosum, 1x external anal sphincter corpus spongiosum (surrounded by • Ischiorectal fossae – fat filled space fibrous tunica albuginea) deep to anal triangle – common site for • Clitoris – 2x corpus cavernosum, 2x abscess formation bulb of vestibule bladder Male Reproductive System Ductus Deferens Gonads Seminal vesicle • Spermatogenesis requires lower temperature than internal body temp. • Supplied by pampiniform plexus and testicular artery Tubule system • Epididymis à vas deferens à seminal vesicle à ejaculatory duct à prostate à urethra testis THANKS FOR WATCHINGPLEASE FILL OUT THE FEEDBACK FORM PLEASE TUNE IN TO OUR REMAINING SESSIONS THIS WEEK