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OperationTheatre EthicsandProtocol Dr.MohammadSameerShahid – Uponcompletion ofthis course, the course participant willbe able to: – Understandthedefinition ofoperating room andor-protocol – Be familiarwiththestructureofa surgicalteam – Listthree areasofoperating room – Be familiarwithproper attireinoperating room Course objectives – Understand the hazards and various modes of transmission of infections – Understandthevariousprinciples ofaseptic technique – Demonstrateproper hand washingtechnique – ListvariousORprotocols – Understandthecomparative division ofduties inoperating room. – The operating room or operatingtheater is a room specifically used by surgical and anesthesia team to carry out surgeries. Operating room must not be used for other purposes. Every operating room must have followingcharacteristics: – Properlightening – Goodventilation TheOR – Properequipmentforprocedures – Equipmentto monitor patients asneeded forthe procedure – Drugsand other consumablesrequired forroutine and emergency use. – Operating room protocol is a collection of principles that must be safety of the patientand the staff. The new residents, medical students and nurses must understand these principles before entering the operating room. Various importantcomponents of operating room protocol include following: – Tounderstandthe basic concept ofaseptic technique. – To know how to apply the concept of aseptic technique in operating room OR Protocols – Demonstratesurgicalscrub,gowning, andgloving. – Identifyvarioushazards inthe surgicalsetting. – Identify the role of the scrub person, circulating nurse, and medical student. – the care of the patient and thereby become an active, usefulin member ofthesurgicalteam. – Thesurgicalservicesteamconsists offollowingcomponents: – Sterileteam:itincludes: – Surgeon – Firstassistant (RNorPA) – Surgicaltechnologist(scrub) The Squad – Unsterileteam:itincludes: – Anesthesi: MD/CRNA/PA – Circulator – Environmental Services – Sterile Processing – For staffandvisitorsthe operatingroomisclassifiedinto3areas Yehmeraarea – Unrestricted – Semi-restricted hai – Restricted – Properclothing (attire)fortheoperating room includes: – Operating room scrubs(shirtandpants) – Cover jacket OT Attire – Comfortable shoesandshoecovers – Eye protection – Haircovers – Personneplrotective equipment – Chemical Hazards of OR – Biological – TransmissionControl of – Handwashing transmission – PPE (Personalprotectiveequipment) of infection – SterileField