OSCE PREP Session 8 Inguinal Hernia Examination
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HerniasAbdominal wall musclesFemoral artery located at mid-inguinal point (medial to deep ring) Inguinal ligament Deep ring located hereInguinal CanalRelations of inguinal canalLayers of spermatic cordContents of spermatic cord 3 arteries 3 nerves 3 other structures - Testicular artery - Genitial branch of - Vas deferens - Cremasteric artery genitofermoral nerve - Pampiniform plexus of veins - Artery to the vas - Sympathetic nerves - Lymphatics - Ilioinguinal nerveInguinal HerniasIndirect inguinal herniasDirect inguinal herniasHesselbach’s triangleExamination of a patient with a suspected inguinal herniaManagement: Open Vs Laparoscopic RepairNICE: Laparoscopic surgery for inguinal hernia repair (2004)Recovery period after inguinal hernia repair?Complications of herniaFemoral canalFemoral herniaFemoral herniaRichter’s herniaOther herniasEpigastric herniaOften mistaken for a hernia… what is it called?Rectus Divarication (Diastasis rectus abdominus) – separation of abdominal musclesThank you, please complete feedbackReferences