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SaraSabur(FY1) Meet the Team
Nidhi Agarwal Sumedh Sridhar SaraSabur NikitaChoudhary Shaili Kadambande
OSCE Express Co-Founder5OSCE Express and FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor
OsceAce Co-founder LNRTrust LON Trust LNRTrust
Holly Garcia BethanyTurner Nevash Maraj VanessaDatta FatimaAhmedi
FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor
LNRTrust SY Trust NWTrust LNRTrust LNRTrustCourseOverview
OSCE Express
1. 11 session guide to common OSCE finals stations
2. Delivered by Foundation Year 1 Doctors
3. Peer-Reviewed Cases + Video Guides provided to all participants (published on
4. Preparation for OSCEs…
5. …And also preparation to be a safe FY1Disclaimer
This course has been designed to help final year students with practical OSCE exams and is an
unofficial resource that covers themes present in the University of Leicester Final OSCEs. We have
nonetheless made this course as applicable to other final year OSCEs as possible, but there may
be discrepancies in your University’s expectations.
OSCE Express sessions are peer-reviewed by junior doctors, but we take no responsibility in the
accuracy of the content, and additionally our sessions do not represent medical advice. Please
use our sessions as a learning aid, and if you note any errors, do not hesitate to message us at
Kind regards,
Dr Nidhi AgarwalFY1
Sumedh SridharYr5 MedicalStudent
OSCEExpressco-creators InToday’sSession…
01 02 03
scenariosin Caseexamples+ Q&A+
communitycare paperwork Recap
planningstation 01
planningstation Layoutofthestation
- Simulated patient and observed
01 by (ideally) a GP examiner
- More complex consultation skills
Community focusing on more than one area
care - Will include some sort of
planning individualised care planning
required in the community
- 10 minutes to speak to the
patient, warning bell at 8-
minute mark.TopTips–markingcriteriaTopTips–readingtimePossiblescenarios
Advanced care planning
• Patient may have been diagnosed with a long term condition that
needs an advanced care plan
• This means you may have to talk to the patient about future wishes
such as further treatments, hospital visits and ceiling of care
• May include talking through a RESPECT form (know how to fill this out)
• Relative may or may not be present – make sure to keep them
involved during the consultation however the patient comes first
• End of life discussions – preferred place of death etcPossiblescenarioscont.
Review of frequent hospital admissions
• Frail elderly patients have a high rate of hospitalisation and a GP
consultation may be required to review if these visits are necessary
• Take into consideration the reason for admission and whether we
can manage this in the community before we send the patient to
• Focus on patient wishes as well – some patients are very sensible in
deciding when they're best managed in the community rather than
risking a hospital admission where they are more likely to be
deconditioned and pick up bugsPossiblescenarioscont.
Assessment of capacity
• You may have to assess capacity of a patient to see if they can make
certain decisions
• Remember capacity is time and decision specific i.e. a patient may
have capacity to decide how many sugars they want in their tea but
may not have capacity to decide if they need an emergency surgery
• Need to be aware how to assess capacity and explain to the
patient/relative why this is important 02
Advanced care planning
• You are working as a FY1 doctor in a GP surgery
Mrs Bell has presented with her husband as she was told to discuss a
care plan with her GP after her recent hospital admission
• Take a brief history and discuss care planning with the patient
• You have 10 minutesExamplecase1
Advanced care planning
• Please remember to treat it like any other consultation – easy to
forget during finals, 3 point patient identification, clarify who they
have brought with them, introduce yourself and your role
• Brief history – about her hospital admission, why was she admitted,
what did they do at the hospital, frequent hospital admissions, how
she feels about going into hospital, smoking history, vaccinations
• Remember she is with her husband – should be asked if it's okay for
him to be in the room due to confidentiality, make sure to keep him
involved in the consultation but also remember to keep the patient
your first priorityExamplecase1
Advanced care planning
• What would you ask in the brief history (2-3 mins)
• What aspects of advanced care planning would you cover in this
Advanced care planning
• She tells you she has once again been in hospital due to an infective
exacerbation of COPD
• She was given IV antibiotics and discharged on an oral course
• She doesn't particularly like going into hospital and would only go if
it's absolutely necessary
• Her husband is supportive of this and agrees with the planExamplecase1
Advanced care planning – Gold standard framework
‘Advance care planning is a process that supports adults at any age or stage of health in understanding and
sharing their personal values, life goals, and preferences regarding future medical care. The goal of
advance care planning is to help ensure that people receive medical care that is consistent with their
values, goals and preferences during serious and chronic illness.’
Consensus Definition of Advance Care Planning (Sudore et al 2017)Examplecase1
Advanced care planning – Gold standard frameworkExamplecase1
Advanced care
planning – Gold
Advanced care planning – Gold standard framework summary
• Includes lasting power of attorney, advance decisions, advance
statement, life sustaining treatment
• Take into account social circumstances, wishes of patient (and
family), beliefs including religious and cultural factors
• What they would like to happen, what they hope doesn't happen
• Signpost towards DNAR – if they don’t wish to discuss at this point
don’t pressurise them
• Safety of the patient now – do they need any extra help now to
ensure we can follow their future wishes as plannedExamplecase2
End of life planning
• Some patients however may require a consultation solely based on
end of life planning
• This is slightly different to advanced care planning as it purely
focuses on one thing
• You may be asked to fill out a RESPECT form – know the different
components to it
• RESPECT form is NOT a DNACPR (this is just one part of it)
• Does need co-signing by a consultant for it to be validExamplecase2
• What are the components of a RESPECT form?
• When would you fill out a RESPECT form?
• Is the RESPECT form a medical decision or not?
• If you haven't already, please do try and fill out a respect form or at
least see it being filled out – common F1 job too!Example
End of life
1. Practise practise practise!! (with friends/clinical groups)
2. Aim for concise history taking and keep to time
3. Geeky medics/med school checklists
4. Ask for supervision of history taking and care planning during GP
rotation – focus on empathy, communication skills and triadic
• Listen to the patient – they will tell you everything!
• Don’t pressurise the patient
• Acknowledge all present in the consultation
• CUES will be everywhere in this station– they may want to talk about
something uncomfortable etc
• Be familiar with all the legal jargon– be ready to be asked about it by the
• This station is all about getting the patient to think about things– major
decisions DO NOT have to be made for you to pass the station
• Summarise if you blank out :)Questions?NextSession…Feedback Thanks !
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