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This course has been designed to help final year students with practical OSCE exams and is an
unofficial resource that covers themes present in the University of Leicester Final OSCEs. We have
nonetheless made this course as applicable to other final year OSCEs as possible, but there may
be discrepancies in your University’s expectations.
OSCE Express sessions are peer-reviewed by junior doctors, but we take no responsibility in the
accuracy of the content, and additionally our sessions do not represent medical advice. Please
use our sessions as a learning aid, and if you note any errors, do not hesitate to message us at
Kind regards,
Dr Nidhi AgarwalFY1
Sumedh SridharYr5 MedicalStudent
OSCEExpressco-creators Meet the Team
Nidhi Agarwal Sumedh Sridhar SaraSabur NikitaChoudhary Shaili Kadambande
Osce Express Co-Founder5Osce Express and FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor
OsceAce Co-founder LNRTrust LON Trust LNRTrust
Holly Garcia BethanyTurner Nevash Maraj VanessaDatta FatimaAhmedi
FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor FY1 Doctor
LNRTrust SY Trust NWTrust LNRTrust LNRTrustCourseOverview
Osce Express
1. 11 session guide to common OSCE finals stations
2. Delivered by Foundation Year 1 Doctors
3. Peer-Reviewed Cases + Video Guides provided to all participants (published on
4. Preparation for OSCEs…
5. …And also preparation to be a safe FY1 InToday’sSession…
01 02 03
Pre-OperativeExampleCase Q&A
Care 01
Care Layout
01 - Simulated Patient in pre-op
assessment clinic
- 10 minutes to:
Pre-operative 02 - Talk to patient about operation
Care (Indication, risks, benefits)
- Pre-op history and investigations
they require explaining why
03 - Medication pre-op management
- Post-op recovery (work, driving,
follow ups)Approach
- Why Clinic?
- What Operation are they having?
- Discuss Risks and Benefits
- PMHx, DHx (allergies), SHx, FHx, previous
surgeries (anaesthetic use,
- Medication changes
- On the day
- Recovery
- InvestigationsApproach
Common Procedures (Just a few)
- Ortho (hip replacement, knee replacement, joint
arthroscopy, ACL repair)
- Gen surg (Cholecystectomy, hernia repair,
colectomy, splenectomy)
- Gynae (hysterectomy, prolapse repair)
- Urology (TURP, Prostatectomy)
Risks (How we will minimize)
- Bleeding
- Infection
- Pain – we will control
- Damage to nearby structures
- Lap to Open
- Anesthetic risk – throat, breathing problems…
- Surgery-specific risks (e.g. bile leak) Approach-Medications
COCP/HRT – 4 Weeks
Clopidogrel – 7 Days
Warfarin – 5 Days – bridge LMWH
DOAC – 48 hours
LMWH – 24 hours
ACEi/ARB – 24 hours
Steroids – sick days
START – LMWH, TED stockings, antibiotic prophylaxis
Diabetic - likely switched to VRIII if missing more than one meal
•Continue glitazones, gliptins and exenetide
•Stop gliclazide, gliflozin on day of surgery (if abnormal renal function stop metformin
•Once daily insulin - reduce doses day of and day before
•Twice daily - reduce dose day of
•Basal Bolus - omit short acting; continue long actingApproach–Ontheday
- Arrival
- What to bring
- Anesthetist and surgical team – lap/open
- NBM (6 hours and 2 hours), Bowel prep
- Recovery – staying over, day case
- Support at home
- Driving
- Return to workApproach-Investigations
- Be able to justify
- FBC – Anaemia?
- U&E – Renal function – fluids/analgesia
- LFT’s and coag – Liver clotting?
- HBA1C/TFT’s – specific
- Group and save cross match – Transfusion?
Cardiac history – ECG/ECHO
Respiratory – Spirometry/CXR
MRSA swab
Urinalysis – urology surgery / Pregnancy test
Cardiopulmonary testing – major surgery, high riskWHOPre-OpChecklistTopTips
- Childbearing age – Ask if risk of pregnancy!
- Don’t just talk about risks – talk about benefits
- Briefly go through risks – explain anaesthetist and surgeon will come on day can
talk through procedure and answer any questions
- Make it personal – bring book, slippers, comfy clothes, waiting around…
- Check in as you go along – any questions after each section you cover
- When in doubt say you can look things up or find a leaflet ☺
- It’s a lot to cover, try and be slickPractiseWithUs–CaseOne
You are the FY1 you are meeting Charlotte a 23-year-old female who is
attending pre-op assessment clinic prior to her tonsillectomy.Approach
- Why Clinic?
- What Operation are they having?
- Discuss Risks and Benefits
- PMHx, DHx (allergies), SHx, FHx, previous
surgeries (anaesthetic use,
- Medication changes
- On the day
- Recovery
- InvestigationsPractiseWithUs–CaseTwo
You are the FY1 you are meeting Susie Ann a 52-year-old female who is
attending pre-op assessment clinic prior to her hysterectomy.Approach
- Why Clinic?
- What Operation are they having?
- Discuss Risks and Benefits
- PMHx, DHx (allergies), SHx, FHx, previous
surgeries (anaesthetic use,
- Medication changes
- On the day
- Recovery
- InvestigationsPractiseWithUs–CaseThree
You are the FY1 you are meeting Darren a 63-year-old male who is
attending pre-op assessment clinic prior to his knee replacement.Approach
- Why Clinic?
- What Operation are they having?
- Discuss Risks and Benefits
- PMHx, DHx (allergies), SHx, FHx, previous
surgeries (anaesthetic use,
- Medication changes
- On the day
- Recovery
- InvestigationsQuestions?NextSession… Feedback
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