Presentation 1
Oral presentation 1: Perceptions of AI in Radiology Among UK Medical Students and Junior Doctors: Opportunities and Challenges
This on-demand teaching session, 'Exploring the Future: AI in Radiology - Through the Eyes of UK Medical Students and Junior Doctors’, investigates the potential impact of AI technology on the field of radiology. It involves a deep dive into perceptions of future medical professionals from various UK institutions, exploring trepidations and expectations in terms of AI's role in radiology, potential career impact, clinical-effectiveness, and educational development. It concludes with a discussion about the ethical and legal concerns surrounding AI, urging the medical community to address education gaps and prepare future radiologists for a technologically advanced future. This is a must-attend session for any medical professional interested in the future of radiology and the expanding role of AI in medicine.
Learning objectives
- Understand the potential impact of AI on diagnostic accuracy and efficiency in the field of radiology.
- Assess the role and benefit of AI in assisting radiologists with medical imaging.
- Analyze the perspectives of UK medical students and junior doctors on the use of AI in radiology, and identify the related opportunities and challenges.
- Examine the implications of AI for education, training and professional development in radiology and how these can be addressed.
- Discuss legal and ethical considerations relating to the use of AI in radiology, and propose strategies for addressing these concerns.
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ExploringtheFuture:AIinRadiology ThroughtheEyesofUKMedical StudentsandJuniorDoctorsAIinRadiology–TheFuture AI's impact on diagnostic accuracy and efficiency. Role of AI in assisting radiologists with medical imaging. Importance of perceptions for educational and career planning.PurposeoftheStudy To explore perceptions of UK medical students and junior doctors on AI in radiology. To identify opportunities and challenges associated with AI.StudyDesignand Participants Cross-sectional survey targeting medical students and junior doctors. 250 responses collected from various UK medical institutions. Survey cateories: career impact, clinical effectiveness, educational development, ethical concerns.PerceptionsofCareer Impact 55.2% of respondents were undeterred by career uncertainties related to AI. 64% confident AI would not replace radiologists. Medical students were more concerned about job security than junior doctors.AIinClinical Effectiveness 80.6% believed AI would improve reporting times. 69.3% of medical students agreed AI improves detection rates. Concerns remained about relying solely on AI for decision-making.AIinEducationand ProfessionalDevelopment 63.2% support the integration of AI into medical training. 75.2% lack familiarity with AI in radiology. Stronger commitment to radiology correlated with more proactive AI learning.Results:EthicalandLegal Concerns 49.2% of respondents were concerned about AI-induced medical liability. Uniform concerns across all experience levels. Discussion Differences in perception between medical students and junior doctors. Consensus on AI’s clinical benefits but concerns about career impact and AI education gaps. Importance of addressing educational needs and misconceptions.Conclusion AI is likely to complement, not replace, radiologists. Gaps in AI education must be filled to prepare future radiologists. Legal and ethical concerns should be addressed to build trust in AI technologies.