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Attend this on-demand teaching session to learn and apply thoracic aorta dissection and valvular disease knowledge to medical professional practice. This session is led by Catherine Oliver, and features an overview of thoracic aorta dissection, a classification of the origin of tear in the intimal liner, medical investigations, the management of Stanford A, B, D and complications, and a comprehensive look at mitral and aortic stenosis and regurgitation. Relevant locations and maneuvers and investigation and management resources will also be discussed. Attend for an effective review of thoracic aorta dissection and valvular disease.

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This will be the last talk in our Cardiology Teaching Series for FFP Revision. Part Four will be covering Heart Murmurs and Dissection. Our final year medical student, Cat Oliver, will be hosting this interactive session focusing on aortic dissection, valvular heart disease, murmurs. We look forward to having you join us, pose questions, and explore these interesting cardiology topics.

Learning objectives

Learning Objectives:

  1. Recognize tear in intimal lining of thoracic aorta in adults aged 50-60.
  2. Identify risk factors for thoracic aorta dissection.
  3. Outline classifications for thoracic aorta dissection based on Debakey and Stanford criteria.
  4. Explain the signs and symptoms of both aortic and mitral valvular stenosis and regurgitation.
  5. Discuss investigation and management strategies for aortic and mitral valvular disease.
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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

26/10/2023 THORACIC AORTA DISSECTION & VALVULAR DISEASE By Catherine Oliver 1 THORACIC AORTA DISSECTION • Tear in the intimal lining • 50-60y/o Tunica intima • Males > Females CONGENITA ACQUIRE IATROGENI Connective tissue • Hypertension • Aortic/mitral valve disorders • Smoking surgery • Marfans syndrome • Pregnancy • CABG • Biscuspid aortic • Atherosclerosis• Percutaneous valve • Aortic aneurysm cardiac catheter • Coarctation of the • Family history placement aorta 2 26/10/2023 THORACIC AORTA DISSECTION brachiocephalic trunk Anterograde Forward Descending Aorta RBackwarde Left Ventricle 3 CLASSIFICATION Debakey based upon the site of dissection origin “BAD” Stanford based upon the proximity to the LSA B A D 4 26/10/2023 PRESENTATION S Chest/Back/Abdo O Acute C Sharp/Ripping R Chest/Back/Abdo A Syncope/Weakness/Sensory loss T Getting worse E n/a S Severe 5 INVESTIGATIONS Physical • PerfExamn deficit • Auscultation ⚬ Radial ⚬ Aortic regurgitation ■ Brachiocephalic (both) (early diastolic) ■ Subclavian (LHS) ⚬ Systolic BP ■ >20mmHg difference • Reduced GCS ⚬ Focal neurological deficit • Left pleural effusion ■ Paraesthesia ■ Weakness ■ Paraplegia 6 26/10/2023 INVESTIGATIONS B ECG, baseline observations L Blood tests (FBC, U&E, LFT’s, D-dimer, Troponin, G&S, CRP, VBG/ABG) I CXR, Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE), *CT* S - S Senior support, Cardiothoracics 7 THE MANAGEMENT Stanford Aims Control pain A B • Morphine HR <60 Surgery SysBP 100-120mmHg • Beta-blockers • Di-hydropyridine Complicated Un-Complicated CCB’s Medical therapy 8 26/10/2023 Quick breather 5 mins 9 VALVULAR DISEASE STENOSIS REGURGITATION Too stiff/thick ∴ Congestion Aortic Poor seal ∴ Congestion • *Calcification* (>70y/o) Aortic • *Bicuspid valve* (<70y/o) • Rheumatic fever • Rheumatic fever • Marfan’s • Infective endocarditis Mitral • *R• Congenitaler* Mitral • Rheumatic fever • Infective endocarditis • Papillary muscle rupture Primary; Problem w/ valve apparatus Secondary; Stretch of the annulus 10 26/10/2023 MITRAL Stenosis Regurgitation Dyspnoea Angina Dyspnoea HF Fatigue IE/HF Malar flush Tapping apex Displaced apex AF “Pan-systolic” Burrrrr “Mid-diastolic” LUB-de-Durrrr 5ICS MCL 5ICS MCL Radiates - axilla LHS on expiration LHS on expiration 11 MITRAL Stenosis Regurgitation Dyspnoea Fatigue IE/HF Displaced apex “Pan-systolic” Burrrrr 5ICS MCL Radiates - axilla LHS on expiration 12 26/10/2023 MITRAL Stenosis Regurgitation Dyspnoea Angina HF Malar flush Tapping apex AF “Mid-diastolic” LUB-de-Durrrr 5ICS MCL LHS on expiration 13 AORTIC Stenosis Regurgitation Syncope Angina Dyspnoea DysHFoea Slow rising pulse Angina “Ejection systolic” Lub-woosh-Dub Collapsing pulse 2 ICS RHS Radiates - Carotids “Early Diastolic” Lub-Durrrr Sit forward on expiration 3 ICS LHS “Erb’s Point” 14 26/10/2023 AORTIC Stenosis Regurgitation Dyspnoea HF Angina Collapsing pulse “Early Diastolic” Lub-Durrrr 3 ICS LHS “Erb’s Point” 15 AORTIC Stenosis Regurgitation Syncope Angina Dyspnoea Signs Slow rising pulse Corrigan’s - distension and collapse of carotids “Ejection systolic” Lub-woosh-Dub 2 ICS RHS De Musset’s - head bobbing Radiates - Carotids Sit forward on expiration Quincke’s - nail bed pulse Muller’s - uvula pulse 16 26/10/2023 AORTIC Stenosis Regurgitation Syncope Angina Dyspnoea Slow rising pulse “Ejection 2 ICS RHS Lub-woosh-Dub Radiates - Carotids Sit forward on expiration 17 LOCATIONS & MANEUVRES Expiration Expiration 18 26/10/2023 INVESTIGATION & MANAGEMENT AS AR MS M R ECG; LVH ECG; LVH ECG; baseline ECG; baseline CXR; pulmonary CXR; pulmonary CXR; baseline OR ECHO; TTE then TOE congestion congestion enlarged atrium, ECHO; TTE then TOE ECHO; TTE then TOE pulmonary HTN ECHO; TTE then TOE Replacement/Repair Valvuloplasty or Monoror Monitor Replacement Replacement/Repair or Valvotomy 19 INVESTIGATION & MANAGEMENT AS AR MS M R 20 26/10/2023 RESOURCES EUREKA; CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE GEEKY MEDICS NINJA NERD/ZERO TO FINALS/RADIOPAEDIA 21 THANK YOU ANY QUESTIONS? 22 26/10/2023 RESOURCE page 23 THE MANAGEMENT Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam euismod id sem quis accumsan. Sed tempus placerat velit a placerat. Cras suscipit est at mauris. Etiam euismod id sem quis accumsan. Sed tempuscing elit. 01 placerat velit a placerat. Cras suscipit est at mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 02 placerat velit a placerat. Cras suscipit est at mauris. Etiam euismod id sem quis accumsan. Sed tempuscing elit. 03 placerat velit a placerat. Cras suscipit est at mauris. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 04 placerat velit a placerat. Cras suscipit est at mauris. 24