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NHS Health Check Learner and
Assessor Workbook
To accompany the NHS Health Check Competency Framework
Updated July 2020NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
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evidence-based professional, scientific and delivery expertise and support.
About Skills for Health
Skills for Health is responsible for developing National Occupational Standards (NOS) for the
healthcare occupations in the UK. The competencies included in the NHS Health Check
competency framework are drawn from these standards.
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Published July 2020
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2NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
About Public Health England 2
About Skills for Health 2
1. Summary 4
2. Underpinning knowledge and skills 5
3. NHS Health Check programme competencies and learner workbook units 6
4. Assessing competence 8
4.1 Using this workbook 8
4.2 Assessment principles 8
4.3 Role of the assessor 9
4.4 Assessor criteria 9
4.5 Role of the learner 10
4.6 Getting signed off 10
5. NHS Health Check learner workbook units 12
5.1 Unit 1: NHS Health Check programme knowledge 12
5.2 Unit 2: Information governance and consent 15
5.3 Unit 3: Carry out NHS Health Check assessments with individuals at risk of
developing cardiovascular disease 17
5.4 Unit 4: Undertake routine clinical measurements 20
5.5 Unit 5: Perform first line calibration on clinical equipment for use during NHS Health
Check assessments 23
5.6 Unit 6: Perform point of care testing 25
5.7 Unit 7: Communicate with NHS Health Check clients about their health and wellbeing
5.8 Unit 8: Agree courses of action following NHS Health Check to address health and
wellbeing needs of clients 30
5.9 Unit 9: Support NHS Health Check clients to access information services and
facilities 32
5.10 Unit 10: Communicate results from NHS Health Check assessments 34
Appendix 1: Resources 37
3NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
1. Summary
The NHS Health Check is a national prevention programme which aims to reduce the chance
of a heart attack, stroke or developing certain forms of dementia in people aged 40-74. It
achieves this by assessing the top seven risk factors driving the burden of non-communicable
disease in England. It provides individuals with behavioural support and where appropriate
pharmacological treatment.
The tests, measurements and risk management interventions that make up the NHS Health
Check can be delivered in different settings by different professionals. For example, outreach
models exist where health trainers, healthcare assistants and pharmacy assistants deliver
health checks to increase engagement with the eligible population.
As outlined in the NHS Health Check Competency Framework, it is the commissioners and
providers responsibility to ensure that staff delivering NHS Health Checks have demonstrated
that, as a minimum, they meet the competencies set out in the framework prior to delivering
NHS Health Checks. These competencies comprise of:
a) Core competencies (Care Certificate or equivalent) (Table 1)
b) Clinical skills competencies specific to the check (Table 2)
c) NHS Health Check programme competencies (Table 3)
There are 7 NHS Health Check programme competencies in the June 2020 update of the
Competency Framework. These are not new competencies, but a consolidated version of the
ten competencies published in the 2015 version of the framework. Competency 2 has been re-
named ‘Information Governance and Data Flow’ and has been expanded to incorporate
invitations, client consent and consent to share data, which were previously listed as separate
There are 10 learner workbook units in this document. 3 units fall under competency 3 ‘Risk
Assessment’, 2 units fall under competency 6 ‘Brief Intervention/Signposting/Referral,’ and all
remaining competencies have 1 associated workbook unit. This learner and assessor workbook
is designed to be used in conjunction with the NHS Health Check Competency Framework,
Best Practice Guidance and Programme Standards. Learners are encouraged to work through
the workbook units with their assessor and produce a portfolio of evidence demonstrating how
they meet the competencies prior to delivering NHS Health Checks.
Learners may be taught in different ways, for example a face to face training session delivered
by a local or external trainer, a group skills and knowledge workshop provided locally or
nationally, or online training. Learners must be given a certificate of attendance which can be
added to their portfolio and verified by their assessor. The learner should receive sign off for
each unit from their assessor, with a final sign off awarded once they are fully competent
across all areas. There is a section in the workbook for notes, additional resources, discussion
and reflection.
This document should remain with the learner and be used to demonstrate competence if they
change employer.
4NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
2. Underpinning knowledge and skills
The NHS Health Check Competency Framework builds upon existing knowledge and skills that
the learner may already have obtained via the Care Certificate, or equivalent, and/or the local
induction programme offered by their employer.
Assessors will review the learners existing competence, knowledge, skills and qualifications as
well as experience, prior to starting this workbook. Learners must meet the core competencies
(Table 1) and clinical skills competencies (Table 2).
Table 1. Core competencies: relevant Care Certificate standards
Core competencies
1. Personal development
2. Effective communication
3. Equality, diversity and inclusion
4. Duty of care
5. Safeguarding
6. Person-centred care and support
7. Handling information
8. Infection prevention and control
9. Health and safety
10. Moving and assisting
11. Basic life support
12. Privacy and dignity
13. Understanding your role
Table 2. Clinical skills competencies
Clinical skills
Pulse measurement
Blood pressure measurement
Height and weight measurement
Waist measurement
5NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
3. NHS Health Check programme
competencies and learner workbook
In addition to the core competencies (Care Certificate or equivalent) and clinical skills
competencies described in section 2, staff carrying out an NHS Health Check must be able to
demonstrate that they meet the NHS Health Check programme competencies.
Table 3 shows how the seven NHS Health Check programme competencies map against the
National Occupational Standards (NOS) and the 10 units learners will be assessed against in
this workbook. More detailed information on the NOS can be found in the NHS Health Check
Competency Framework.
Table 3. Brief list of NHS Health Check programme competencies, mapped against
NOS and learner workbook units.
Programme Competencies National Occupational Learner workbook units
1 Programme knowledge CHS227 Unit 1: NHS Health Check
programme knowledge
2 Information governance NHS Health Check IG and Unit 2: Information
data flow governance and consent
(includes invitations,
call/recall, patient and CHS167
data sharing consent)
3 Risk assessment CVD EF3 Unit 3: Carry out NHS
Health Check
GEN77 Assessments
CHS217 Unit 5: Perform first line
calibration on clinical
equipment ready for use
Unit 6: Perform point of
care testing
4 Interpreting results CHS19.2012 Unit 4: Undertake routine
clinical measurements
6NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
5 Communication of risk CHS45 Unit 8: Agree actions to
address health and
CHS167 wellbeing
6 Brief intervention/ HT2 Unit 7: Communicate with
signposting/referral client about health and
SCDHSC0026 wellbeing
Unit 9: Support clients to
access information on
services and facilities
7 Communication with GP CHS221 Unit 10: Communicate
results with GP practice
and relevant allied
healthcare providers.
7NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
4. Assessing competence
4.1 Using this workbook
There are two main types of assessment included within this workbook:
Underpinning knowledge
The learner must provide evidence which demonstrates that they know and understand the
underpinning knowledge, through:
• one-to-one discussion
• a group exercise
• written examples (workbook / portfolio / case studies)
• e-learning and testing.
The assessor will gather evidence during the assessment that demonstrates that the learner is
competent by observing the learner in the workplace as part of their normal work duties. They
will record their assessment decision in the workbook.
Learners can practice and develop their new skills in a classroom, skills session or similar
setting, but in order to be assessed as competent the assessor needs to watch the learner
during real work activity. The workbook can be used to help the learner identify areas where
further study or practice is needed in order to achieve competence.
4.2 Assessment principles
As the competency framework is designed to be used by a variety of roles at different grades,
the assessment evidence required should reflect this. It is important that the evidence that the
learner is asked to produce is appropriate to the grade of their role and sufficient to make a
judgement, whether this is written evidence, verbal discussion or observation of their
performance in the workplace. It is equally important that assessors do not ‘over assess.’
Skills-based learning outcomes must be assessed using direct observation in the workplace as
the primary source of evidence. Evidence must be generated during the learner’s normal work
activity. Knowledge-based learning outcomes may be assessed using evidence generated
outside of the work environment, e.g. in a classroom, via group learning or online.
Evidence generated during the course of an assessment may be used to evidence
achievement of more than one competency. Where appropriate the same evidence may also
be used towards achieving the Care Certificate, and core competencies.
In undertaking the competency framework, it may not be possible for the same person to be
responsible for the assessment of every outcome. Where this is the case, there should be a
8NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
lead assessor who has overall responsibility for making a decision on whether the standard has
been met.
Where evidence of prior learning and knowledge is used, assessors must assure that the
learner has current knowledge. Assessors should take every opportunity to assess holistically
and proportionally.
Good assessment practice involves ensuring that the assessor and learner are in agreement
with what will be assessed and when. The learner’s progress should also be regularly reviewed
against the competencies, and any actions to ensure progress is maintained should also be
4.3 Role of the assessor
The role of the assessor is to make a judgement, based on the evidence provided by the
learner, on whether or not they meet the core competencies, clinical competencies and
programme competencies, i.e. if they can safely practice without direct line of sight supervision.
Where an assessor is not able to make a judgement against one of the competencies, e.g. if it
is outside their area of expertise, a practitioner skilled in the area of competence required
should be used to observe the learner’s skills and knowledge and advise the assessor
Assessors may also ask the learner’s supervisor or colleagues for feedback about their skills
and knowledge. This helps the assessor to build a complete picture of how the learner performs
in any given task so that they can make a sound judgement about whether or not the learner is
Assessors and supervisors should produce a plan with the learner to advise them of deadline
dates for written work, and details of when they will be observed and/or assessed.
4.4 Assessor criteria
An assessor must:
• be occupationally competent
• be occupationally competent to assess. If an assessor does not hold a recognised
assessor qualification they must meet the standards of assessment practice as set out in
the Learning and Development National Occupational Standard: 09 Assess learner
• ensure learners understand the purpose, requirements and processes of any
• plan assessments to meet requirements and learner needs
• use valid, fair, reliable and safe assessment methods
• identify and collect evidence that is valid, authentic and sufficient to make assessment
decisions against specified criteria
• provide feedback to the learner that affirms achievement and identifies any additional
9NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
• maintain required records of the assessment process, its outcomes and learner’s
• work with others to ensure the standardisation of assessment practice and outcomes.
The first task as an assessor will be to review the learner’s existing competence, skills,
knowledge, qualifications and experience. Some learners will need to complete the entire
workbook while others will be able to demonstrate prior learning and experience.
Learners and assessors will need to ensure they can access a copy of the workbook and/or
any other training resources that will help to achieve the required competence.
4.5 Role of the learner
To be competent, learners need to meet all the learning outcomes contained within each of the
10 units outlined in section 5. Skills will improve the more learners practise and study, a
learner’s full competence may take some time to achieve. Learners cannot be partially signed
off against a competency, they are either ‘competent’ or ‘not yet competent’. A learner must not
work unsupervised without being deemed competent to do so.
4.6 Getting signed off
There are points throughout section 5 for the learner and assessor to sign and date against
each unit. It is a good way of keeping track of the learning that has been undertaken. It can be
referred back to at any time and used as a live record for continuing training, learning and
development. Supervisors may use it during appraisals.
The assessment checklist in Table 4 should be completed during the learning process. The
declaration of competence in Table 5 should be signed once the assessor deems the learner
competent against the whole NHS Health Check competency framework.
It is useful to keep this workbook as a record in case the learner changes roles, teams or
employers. If a learner has an extended break from work, or their role changes and they no
longer use the NHS Health Check skills regularly, the learner will have to update their skills and
knowledge. In some instances, they may be asked to be reassessed for a particular
competency, if required, by a supervisor and/or employer.
Table 4. Assessment checklist
Unit Date competence confirmed
Unit 1: NHS Health Check programme knowledge
Unit 2: Information governance and consent
Unit 3: Carry out NHS Health Check assessments
Unit 4: Undertake routine clinical measurements
Unit 5: Perform first line calibration on clinical equipment ready
for use
10NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 6: Perform point-of-care testing during NHS Health Check
Unit 7: Communicate with client about their health and
Unit 8: Agree courses of action following NHS Health Check
assessments to address health and wellbeing needs
Unit 9: Support clients to access information on services and
Unit 10: Communicate results with GP practice and relevant
allied healthcare providers
Table 5. Declaration of competence
Declaration of competence against the NHS Health Check competency framework
Learner declaration: I confirm that the evidence listed for each of the workbook units is authentic and a true
representation of my own work.
Date Learner Name:
Learner Signature:
Assessor declaration: I confirm that the learner has achieved all the requirements of the NHS Health Check
competency framework. Assessment was conducted under the specified conditions and is valid, authentic,
reliable, current and sufficient.
Date Assessor Name:
Assessor Signature:
Supervisor declaration: I acknowledge that the learner has been assessed against the NHS Health Check
competency framework and deemed as competent to practice independently.
Date Supervisor Name:
Supervisor Signature:
11NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
5. NHS Health Check learner workbook
5.1 Unit 1: NHS Health Check programme knowledge
Unit 1: NHS Health Check Programme Knowledge
NHS Health Check competency: Programme Knowledge
NOS: CHS227 Conduct health screening programmes
Learning outcome Demonstrating Evidence of Assessor’s
competence achieving signature and
competencies date
1. Understands 1. Can explain the Assessment of Date:
how to prepare to purpose and scope knowledge and
conduct NHS of the NHS Health understanding Assessor’s
Health Check Check. during 1:1 Signature:
assessments assessment with
assessor or
through group
2. Can summarise Assessment of
the current knowledge and
legislation, nationalunderstanding
and local during 1:1
guidelines, policies,assessment with
protocols and good assessor or
practice guidelines through group or
in relation to written work.
carrying out a NHS
Health Check.
3. Can identify the Assessment of
range of facilities knowledge and
and resources understanding
needed to carry out during 1:1
the NHS Health assessment with
Check. assessor, through
group or written
4. Can describe the Assessment of
range of knowledge and
information and understanding
tests required during 1:1
within the NHS assessment with
Health Check. assessor, through
group or written
5. Can describe the Assessment of
importance of knowledge and
quality assurance, understanding
quality control and during 1:1
12NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 1: NHS Health Check Programme Knowledge
NHS Health Check competency: Programme Knowledge
NOS: CHS227 Conduct health screening programmes
regular monitoring assessment with
of quality within the assessor, through
NHS Health Check. group or written
6. Can identify the Assessment of
range and purpose knowledge and
of equipment and understanding
associated during 1:1
systems required assessment with
for the NHS Health assessor, through
Check and explain group or written
their application. work.
2. Understands 1. Can describe Assessment of Date:
the risk factors what may influence knowledge and
associated with the effectiveness of understanding Assessor’s
conducting NHS investigations, during 1:1 Signature:
Health Check procedures and assessment with
assessments interventions. assessor, through
group or written
2. Can explain why Assessment of
it is important to knowledge and
recognise the understanding
contra-indications during 1:1
and risk factors. assessment with
assessor, through
group or written
3. Can describe Assessment of
how to comply with knowledge and
risk assessments. understanding
during 1:1
assessment with
assessor, through
group or written
3. Able to conduct 1. Can inform the Observed by Date:
NHS Health client of the assessor as part of
Check purpose of the learner’s normal Assessor’s
assessments NHS Health Check work duties. Signature:
and their expected
2. Can inform the Observed by
client if any assessor as part of
structures/systems learner’s normal
are in place for work duties.
referral and the
selection criteria
and processes for
13NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 1: NHS Health Check Programme Knowledge
NHS Health Check competency: Programme Knowledge
NOS: CHS227 Conduct health screening programmes
3. Can inform the Observed by
client of how the assessor as part of
confidentiality of learner’s normal
their data is work duties.
4. Able to record 1. Can identify Assessment of Date:
the results of NHS ways of presenting knowledge and
Health Check information, understanding Assessor’s
assessments including statisticalduring 1:1 Signature:
and factual assessment with
information assessor, through
applicable to the group or written
NHS Health Check. work.
2. Can describe the Assessment of
relevant knowledge and
information that understanding
needs to be during 1:1
included in NHS assessment with
Health Check assessor, through
reports. group or written
3. Can collate all Observed by
data and assessor as part of
information from learner’s normal
the NHS Health work duties.
4. Can confirm that Observed by
all NHS Health assessor as part of
Check results have learner’s normal
been fully checked. work duties.
5. Can check that Observed by
all the information assessor as part of
gathered is learner’s normal
validated and work duties.
authorised for
inclusion in the
6. Can produce a Observed by
report on the NHS assessor as part of
Health Check in learner’s normal
line with local and work duties.
national guidelines.
5. Knows how to 1. Can describe the Assessment of Date:
refer clients to importance of knowledge and
others, following follow up understanding Assessor’s
NHS Health requirements during 1:1 Signature:
Check resulting from an assessment with
assessments NHS Health Check. assessor, through
group or written
14NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 1: NHS Health Check Programme Knowledge
NHS Health Check competency: Programme Knowledge
NOS: CHS227 Conduct health screening programmes
2. Can explain how Assessment of
to initiate a referraknowledge and
process. understanding
during 1:1
assessment with
assessor, through
group or written
6. Knows the 1. Can explain how Assessment of Date:
limitations of the the NHS Health knowledge and
NHS Health Check identifies understanding Assessor’s
Check and manages risk. during 1:1 Signature:
assessment with
assessor, through
group or written
2. Can explain Assessment of
what knowledge and
measurements and understanding
assessments are during 1:1
not included in an assessment with
NHS Health Check. assessor, through
group or written
5.2 Unit 2: Information governance and consent
Unit 2: Information governance and consent
NHS Health Check competency: Information governance
NOS: CHS 167 Obtain valid consent or authorisation
Learning Demonstrating Evidence of Assessors
outcome Competence achieving Signature and
competencies date
1. Understands 1. Can list the Assessment of Date:
information information knowledge and
governance governance and understanding Assessor’s
policies and data protection during 1:1 Signature:
procedures policies and assessment with
procedures to assessor, through
adhere to when group or written
carrying out an work.
NHS Health Check.
2. Can describe Assessment of
how to address knowledge and
questions from the understanding
client relating to during 1:1
protection of their assessment with
data. assessor, through
group or written
15NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 2: Information governance and consent
NHS Health Check competency: Information governance
NOS: CHS 167 Obtain valid consent or authorisation
2. Able to find and 1. Can identify Assessment of Date:
interpret where to find knowledge and
information on additional understanding Assessor’s
Data Protection information on data during 1:1 Signature:
and information protection and assessment with
governance information assessor, through
governance. group or written
2. Can describe Assessment of
how to interpret a knowledge and
range of understanding
information on data during 1:1
protection and assessment with
information assessor, through
governance. group or written
3. Understands 1. Can describe Assessment of Date:
what is meant by why it is important knowledge and
valid consent to establish valid understanding Assessor’s
when carrying out consent. during 1:1 Signature:
NHS Health assessment with
Check assessor or
assessments through group
2. Can list the Assessment of
range of activities knowledge and
for which to understanding
establish valid during 1:1
consent. assessment with
assessor or
through group
4. Able to support 1. Can explain the Observed by Date:
clients to purpose and assessor as part of
understand what procedures for the learner’s normal Assessor’s
is meant by valid valid consent to the work duties. Signature:
consent when client.
carrying out NHS 2. Can offer the Observed by
Health Check client opportunities assessor as part of
assessments to ask questions or learner’s normal
seek clarification. work duties.
5. Able to obtain 1. Can check the Observed by my Date:
valid consent client’s assessor as part of
when carrying out identification learner’s normal Assessor’s
NHS Health details according to work duties. Signature:
Check local guidelines
assessments before starting the
valid consent
2. Can explain Assessment of
what steps to take knowledge and
16NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 2: Information governance and consent
NHS Health Check competency: Information governance
NOS: CHS 167 Obtain valid consent or authorisation
if consent cannot understanding
be readily during 1:1
established. assessment with
assessor, through
group or written
3. Can complete Observed by
the appropriate assessor as part of
valid consent form learner’s normal
where indicated. work duties.
4. Can check the Observed by
client 's clear assessor as part of
understanding and the learner’s
confirm valid normal work duties.
5. Can give Observed by
reassurance that assessor as part of
the client can the learner’s
change their mind normal work duties.
for consent at any
5.3 Unit 3: Carry out NHS Health Check assessments with individuals at risk of
developing cardiovascular disease
Unit 3: Carry out NHS Health Check assessments with individuals at risk
of developing cardiovascular disease
NHS Health Check Competency: Risk assessment
NOS: CVD EF3 Carry out assessment with individuals at risk of developing
cardiovascular disease
Learning outcome Demonstrating Evidence of Assessor’s
competence achieving signature and
competencies date
1. Understands 1. Can list the key Assessment of Date:
what is meant by components of the knowledge and
cardiovascular cardiovascular understanding Assessor’s
disease system and their during 1:1 Signature
functions. assessment with
assessor, through
group or written
2. Can list the most Assessment of
common forms of knowledge and
cardiovascular understanding
disease and their during 1:1
causes. assessment with
assessor, through
group or written
17NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 3: Carry out NHS Health Check assessments with individuals at risk
of developing cardiovascular disease
NHS Health Check Competency: Risk assessment
NOS: CVD EF3 Carry out assessment with individuals at risk of developing
cardiovascular disease
3. Can list the Assessment of
common risk knowledge and
factors including understanding
lifestyle factors during 1:1
which determine assessment with
the risk of assessor, through
cardiovascular group or written
disease and the work.
relative impact of
these factors.
4. Can describe the Assessment of
physical, knowledge and
psychological and understanding
social effects that during 1:1
cardiovascular assessment with
disease can have assessor, through
on a client and group or written
their families. work.
2. Understands 1. Can list the Assessment of Date:
how to carry out types of clinical knowledge and
NHS Health investigations understanding Assessor’s
Check included in the during 1:1 Signature:
assessments with NHS Health Check. assessment with
clients at risk of assessor, through
cardiovascular group or written
disease work.
2. Can describe Assessment of
how to interpret the knowledge and
results of tests and understanding
measurements for during 1:1
a client at assessment with
significant risk of assessor, through
developing group or written
cardiovascular work.
3. Can explain how Assessment of
to calculate a knowledge and
client’s levels of understanding
risk of developing during 1:1
cardiovascular assessment with
disease. assessor, through
group or written
4. Can list the Assessment of
appropriate tools knowledge and
and methodologies understanding
to measure during 1:1
individual’s assessment with
18NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 3: Carry out NHS Health Check assessments with individuals at risk
of developing cardiovascular disease
NHS Health Check Competency: Risk assessment
NOS: CVD EF3 Carry out assessment with individuals at risk of developing
cardiovascular disease
physical indicators assessor, through
of risk of group or written
cardiovascular work.
3. Able to carry 1. Can use Observed by Date:
out NHS Health appropriate tools assessor as part of
Check and methodologies learner’s normal Assessor’s
assessments with to measure a work duties. Signature:
clients at risk of client’s physical
developing indicators of risk of
Cardiovascular cardiovascular
Disease disease.
2. Can use Observed by
interview assessor as part of
techniques to find learner’s normal
out about work duties.
a) factors in the
client’s family
history and lifestyle
that may affect
their levels of risk
b) any symptoms
the client has that
may indicate they
c) any other
conditions the
client has that may
affect their levels of
3. Can calculate Observed by
and record the assessor as part of
client’s level of risklearner’s normal
based on work duties.
measurements and
4. Can describe Observed by
how to refer people assessor as part of
to other learner’s normal
practitioners when work duties.
their needs are
beyond own role or
scope of practice.
19NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
5.4 Unit 4: Undertake routine clinical measurements
Unit 4: Undertake routine clinical measurements
NHS Health Check competency: Interpreting results
NOS: CHS19 Undertake routine clinical measurements
Learning outcome Demonstrating Evidence of Assessor’s
competence achieving signature and
competencies date
1. Understands 1. Can explain the Assessment of Date:
what is meant by importance of knowledge and
physiological undertaking understanding Assessor’s
measurements physiological during 1:1 Signature:
measurements. assessment with
assessor or
through group
2. Can explain the Assessment of
major factors that knowledge and
influence changes understanding
in physiological during 1:1
measurements. assessment with
assessor or
through group
3. Can describe the Assessment of
agreed process knowledge and
when unable to understanding
obtain or read a during 1:1
physiological assessment with
measurement. assessor or
through group
4. Can describe the Assessment of
agreed process knowledge and
when a understanding
physiological during 1:1
measurement falls assessment with
outside of normal assessor or
levels. through group
2. Understands Assessment of Date:
1. Can explain the
the physiological principles of pulse knowledge and
states that can be rates to include: understanding Assessor’s
measured during 1:1 Signature:
a) normal pulse assessment with
rate limits assessor or
b) factors affecting through group
pulse rates –
raising or lowering
c) factors affecting
pulse regularity
d) appropriate type
of blood pressure
20NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 4: Undertake routine clinical measurements
NHS Health Check competency: Interpreting results
NOS: CHS19 Undertake routine clinical measurements
monitor to use if
pulse regularity is
e) pulse sites on
the body.
Assessment of
2. Can explain the
principles of blood knowledge and
pressure to understanding
include: during 1:1
assessment with
a) blood pressure assessor or
maintenance through group
b) differentiation work.
between systolic
and diastolic blood
c) normal limits of
blood pressure
d) conditions of
high or low blood
3. Can explain the Assessment of
principles of body knowledge and
mass index (BMI) during 1:1
and waist
circumference in assessment with
relation to assessor or
weight/dietary through group
3. Able to prepare 1. Can explain to Observed by Date:
to take assessor as part of
physiological the client what learner’s normal Assessor’s
measurements for measurements will work duties. Signature:
be undertaken and
NHS Health why these are
Check done.
2. Can describe the Assessment of
types of help knowledge and
clients may need understanding
before taking their during 1:1
assessment with
measurements assessor or
including: through group
a) adjusting a
client’s clothing
b) moving and
21NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 4: Undertake routine clinical measurements
NHS Health Check competency: Interpreting results
NOS: CHS19 Undertake routine clinical measurements
Observed by
3. Can check all assessor as part of
materials and
equipment to be learner’s normal
used are work duties.
4. Able to 1. Can reassure Observed by Date:
undertake the client during assessor as part of
physiological learner’s normal Assessor’s
measurements for the physiological work duties. Signature:
NHS Health process.
assessments 2. Can answer Observed by
questions and deal assessor as part of
with concerns learner’s normal
during the work duties.
Observed by
3. Can select and
use appropriate assessor as part of
equipment at the learner’s normal
prescribed time work duties.
and in the
sequence to obtain
an accurate
4. Can monitor the Observed by
condition of the assessor as part of
client throughout learner’s normal
work duties.
the measurement.
5. Can respond to Observed by
any significant assessor as part of
changes in the learner’s normal
client’s condition. work duties.
6. Can record the Observed by
client’s assessor as part of
learner’s normal
physiological work duties.
22NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
5.5 Unit 5: Perform first line calibration on clinical equipment for use during NHS
Health Check assessments
Unit 5: Perform first line calibration on clinical equipment for use during
NHS Health Check assessments
NHS Health Check competency: Risk assessment
NOS: GEN77 Perform first line calibration on clinical equipment to ensure it is fit for
Learning outcome Demonstrating Evidence of Assessor’s
competence achieving signature and
competencies date
1. Understands 1. Can list the Assessment of Date:
the procedures standard operating knowledge and
involved in the procedures and understanding Assessor’s
calibration of policies and during 1:1 Signature:
equipment for use explain their assessment with
during NHS importance. assessor or
Health Check through group
assessments work.
2. Can explain the Assessment of
importance of knowledge and
accuracy and understanding
precision when during 1:1
calibrating assessment with
equipment. assessor or
through group
3. Can explain how Assessment of
to check for validityknowledge and
and reliability when understanding
calibrating during 1:1
equipment. assessment with
assessor or
through group
4. Can identify the Assessment of
common faults in knowledge and
equipment and understanding
explain the during 1:1
corrective action assessment with
that should be assessor or
taken. through group
5. Can explain how Assessment of
to recognise the knowledge and
factors which could understanding
affect safety or during 1:1
pose a risk assessment with
associated with the assessor or
use of equipment. through group
23NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 5: Perform first line calibration on clinical equipment for use during
NHS Health Check assessments
NHS Health Check competency: Risk assessment
NOS: GEN77 Perform first line calibration on clinical equipment to ensure it is fit for
2. Able to perform 1. Can perform Observed by Date:
calibration of checks to confirm assessor as part of
equipment for use the operational learner’s normal Assessor’s
in NHS Health status of work duties. Signature:
Check equipment.
assessments 2. Can select Observed by
reference material assessor as part of
to calibrate learner’s normal
equipment for work duties.
3. Can use Observed by
standards to assessor as part of
undertake the learner’s normal
calibration of work duties.
equipment for the
intended purpose.
4. Can follow Observed by
procedures to assessor as part of
confirm the learner’s normal
accuracy, precision work duties.
and operational
effectiveness of
5. Can confirm the Observed by
equipment is assessor as part of
suitable and ready learner’s normal
to use. work duties.
3. Able to 1. Can record the Observed by Date:
conclude and validity and assessor as part of
report on tests on reliability of the learner’s normal Assessor’s
equipment for use calibration work duties. Signature:
in NHS Health procedure.
assessments 2. Can explain Assessment of
what you should do knowledge and
if you identify any understanding
equipment that during 1:1
does not meet assessment with
calibration assessor or
standards and the through group
actions to take to work.
prevent accidental
3. Can describe Assessment of
when to notify the knowledge and
appropriate person understanding
of the status of during 1:1
equipment assessment with
following assessor or
24NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 5: Perform first line calibration on clinical equipment for use during
NHS Health Check assessments
NHS Health Check competency: Risk assessment
NOS: GEN77 Perform first line calibration on clinical equipment to ensure it is fit for
calibration, seeking through group
advice as work.
5.6 Unit 6: Perform point of care testing
Unit 6: Perform point of care testing
NHS Health Check competency: Risk assessment
NOS: CHS217 Performing point-of-care testing
Learning outcome Demonstrating Evidence of Assessor’s
competence achieving signature and
competencies date
1. Understands 1. Can define Assessment of Date:
point-of-care ‘point-of-care knowledge and
testing testing.’ understanding Assessor’s
during 1:1 signature:
assessment with
assessor or
through group
2. Can describe the Assessment of
purpose of quality knowledge and
control in a point ofunderstanding
care testing during 1:1
environment. assessment with
assessor or
through group
3. Can describe the Assessment of
possible causes knowledge and
and remedial understanding
action in the event during 1:1
of an erroneous assessment with
quality control assessor or
check. through group
4. Can explain Assessment of
what to do and who knowledge and
to contact if the understanding
results fall outside during 1:1
of the expected assessment with
parameters. assessor or
through group
2. Able to prepare 1. Can explain the Observed by Date:
for point-of-care procedure to the assessor as part of
testing in NHS client and confirm learner’s normal Assessor’s
Health Check their work duties. Signature:
assessments understanding.
25NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 6: Perform point of care testing
NHS Health Check competency: Risk assessment
NOS: CHS217 Performing point-of-care testing
2. Can match the Observed by
point of care assessor as part of
request against the learner’s normal
tests planned, work duties.
raising queries if
3. Can select and Observed by
position the assessor as part of
equipment, learner’s normal
resources and work duties.
systems for the
4. Can check the Observed by
integrity and expiry assessor as part of
date of test strips. learner’s normal
work duties.
5. Can check and Observed by
complete the assessor as part of
calibration and learner’s normal
routine quality work duties.
control in
accordance with
the manufacturer’s
6. Can check Observed by
external quality assessor as part of
assurance results learner’s normal
against expected work duties.
3. Able to perform 1. Can check that Observed by Date:
point-of-care the specimen/ assessor as part of
testing in NHS sample is of learner’s normal Assessor’s
Health Check suitable quality for work duties. Signature:
assessments testing in
accordance with
policy and
2. Can conduct the Observed by
point of care assessor as part of
testing in learner’s normal
accordance with work duties.
policy and
3. Can record the Observed by
point of care assessor as part of
testing results in learner’s normal
accordance with work duties.
26NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 6: Perform point of care testing
NHS Health Check competency: Risk assessment
NOS: CHS217 Performing point-of-care testing
policy and
4. Can check the Observed by
test results against assessor as part of
accepted learner’s normal
performance work duties.
5. Can describe the Assessment of
action to take when knowledge and
encountering understanding
limitations/sources during 1:1
of error when assessment with
performing point of assessor or
care testing. through group
6. Can dispose of Observed by
waste materials in assessor as part of
accordance with Learner’s normal
policy and work duties.
7. Can Observed by
decontaminate assessor as part of
equipment used in Learner’s normal
accordance with work duties.
policy and
5.7 Unit 7: Communicate with NHS Health Check clients about their health and
Unit 7: Communicate with NHS Health Check clients about their health
and wellbeing
NHS Health Check competency: Brief intervention/signposting/referral
NOS: HT2 Communicate with individuals about promoting their health and wellbeing
SCDHSC0027 Support individuals to access information on services and facilities
Learning outcome Demonstrating Evidence of Assessor’s
competence achieving signature and
competencies date
1. Understands 1. Can explain the Assessment of Date:
concepts of terms ‘health and knowledge and
health and wellbeing.’ understanding Assessor’s
wellbeing in during 1:1 Signature:
relation to NHS assessment with
Health Check assessor or
assessments through group
2. Can define the Assessment of
term ‘lifestyle.’ knowledge and
27NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 7: Communicate with NHS Health Check clients about their health
and wellbeing
NHS Health Check competency: Brief intervention/signposting/referral
NOS: HT2 Communicate with individuals about promoting their health and wellbeing
SCDHSC0027 Support individuals to access information on services and facilities
during 1:1
assessment with
assessor or
through group
3. Can explain the Assessment of
links between knowledge and
lifestyle and health understanding
and wellbeing. during 1:1
assessment with
assessor or
through group
2. Understands 1. Can identify the Assessment of Date:
factors factors influencing knowledge and
influencing health individual’s health understanding Assessor’s
and wellbeing and wellbeing. during 1:1 Signature:
assessment with
assessor or
through group
2. Can identify Assessment of
wider determinants knowledge and
of health and understanding
wellbeing. during 1:1
assessment with
assessor or
through group
3. Can understand Assessment of
key health knowledge and
promotion understanding
messages and the during 1:1
benefits of making assessment with
lifestyle changes. assessor or
through group
4. Can identify Assessment of
other people and knowledge and
agencies who understanding
might be able to during 1:1
help clients to assessment with
improve their assessor or
health and through group
wellbeing. work.
3. Encourages 1. Can raise the Observed by Date:
clients to address client’s awareness assessor as part of
issues relating to of the key issues
28NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 7: Communicate with NHS Health Check clients about their health
and wellbeing
NHS Health Check competency: Brief intervention/signposting/referral
NOS: HT2 Communicate with individuals about promoting their health and wellbeing
SCDHSC0027 Support individuals to access information on services and facilities
their health and relating to their learner’s normal Assessor’s
wellbeing health and work duties. Signature:
2. Can describe a Observed by
range of assessor as part of
approaches that learner’s normal
apply to promoting work duties.
health and
3. Can use a range Observed by
of methods for assessor as part of
providing learner’s normal
information on work duties.
health and
4. Can help the Observed by
client to identify assessor as part of
factors affecting learner’s normal
their own health work duties.
and wellbeing.
5. Can explore the Observed by
client’s knowledge assessor as part of
and beliefs about learner’s normal
health and work duties.
6. Can encourage Observed by
the client to take assessor as part of
responsibility for learner’s normal
changing their work duties.
7. Can help the Observed by
client to get hold of assessor as part of
reliable and up-to- learner’s normal
date information work duties.
and advice.
8. Can help the Observed by
client to access assessor as part of
appropriate learner’s normal
support. work duties.
29NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
5.8 Unit 8: Agree courses of action following NHS Health Check to address health
and wellbeing needs of clients
Unit 8: Agree courses of action following the NHS Health Check to
address health and wellbeing needs of clients
NHS Health Check competency: Communication of risk
NOS: CHS45 Agree courses of action following assessment to address wellbeing
needs of individuals
Learning outcome Demonstrating Evidence of Assessor’s
competence achieving signature and
competencies date
1. Understands 1. Can describe the Assessment of Date:
the courses of reasons why it is knowledge and
action following important to be understanding Assessor’s
NHS Health honest and during 1:1 Signature:
Check transparent assessment with
assessments to concerning the assessor or
address health outcome of the through group
and wellbeing NHS Health Check. work.
needs of clients 2. Can describe the Assessment of
different fears and knowledge and
concerns that understanding
clients may have during 1:1
about the assessment with
outcomes of the assessor or
NHS Health Check. through group
3. Can explain the Assessment of
risks which may be knowledge and
inherent in various understanding
courses of action during 1:1
and how to assessment with
evaluate these assessor or
realistically. through group
4. Can list the Assessment of
resources available knowledge and
to meet the client’s understanding
needs from a during 1:1
variety of assessment with
organisations, and assessor or
how to access through group
these. work.
2. Able to review 1. Can obtain and Observed by Date:
client’s review all of the assessor as part of
assessment information from learner’s normal Assessor’s
results the NHS Health work duties. Signature:
2. Can identify any Observed by
gaps or ambiguities assessor as part of
in the assessment learner’s normal
results and seek work duties.
clarification or
30NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 8: Agree courses of action following the NHS Health Check to
address health and wellbeing needs of clients
NHS Health Check competency: Communication of risk
NOS: CHS45 Agree courses of action following assessment to address wellbeing
needs of individuals
further information
from relevant
members of the
3. Can discuss the Observed by
assessment results assessor as part of
with members of learner’s normal
team to: work duties.
a) agree the
b) identify any risks
to the client
c) identify potential
3. Able to carry 1. Can discuss the Observed by Date:
out follow up outcomes of the assessor as part of
meetings with NHS Health Check learner’s normal Assessor’s
NHS Health with the client and work duties. Signature:
Check clients key people in a
way that is
meaningful to
2. Can explore the Observed by
possible actions to assessor as part of
be taken and learner’s normal
provide the client / work duties.
key people with a
rationale for them.
3. Can explain the Observed by
benefits and risks assessor as part of
associated with the learner’s normal
actions. work duties.
4. Can agree the Observed by
actions to be taken assessor as part of
with the client learner’s normal
based on the work duties.
results of the check
and other relevant
4. Able to finalise 1. Can make any Observed by Date:
arrangements to necessary assessor as part of
meet the needs of arrangements in learner’s normal Assessor’s
clients. relation to the work duties. Signature:
actions to meet the
needs of the client.
2. Can produce Observed by
referrals to other assessor as part of
practitioners that
31NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 8: Agree courses of action following the NHS Health Check to
address health and wellbeing needs of clients
NHS Health Check competency: Communication of risk
NOS: CHS45 Agree courses of action following assessment to address wellbeing
needs of individuals
contain all the learner’s normal
necessary work duties.
information and are
presented clearly
and logically.
5.9 Unit 9: Support NHS Health Check clients to access information services and
Unit 9: Support NHS Health Check clients to access information services
and facilities
NHS Health Check competency: Brief intervention/signposting/referral
NOS: SCDHSC0027 Support individuals to access information on services and
Learning outcome Demonstrating Evidence of Assessor’s
competence achieving signature and
competencies date
1. Knows ways to 1. Can identify the Assessment of Date:
support NHS types of services knowledge and
Health Check and facilities about understanding Assessor’s
clients to access which clients may during 1:1 Signature:
information on require information. assessment with
services and assessor or
facilities through group
2. Can identify Assessment of
possible barriers to knowledge and
accessing and understanding
understanding during 1:1
information. assessment with
assessor or
through group
3. Can describe Assessment of
ways to overcome knowledge and
barriers to understanding
accessing during 1:1
information. assessment with
assessor or
through group
4. Can describe Assessment of
how to access a knowledge and
range of formats, understanding
translations and during 1:1
technology that assessment with
could make assessor or
32NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 9: Support NHS Health Check clients to access information services
and facilities
NHS Health Check competency: Brief intervention/signposting/referral
NOS: SCDHSC0027 Support individuals to access information on services and
information more through group
accessible for work.
5. Can describe Assessment of
types of support knowledge and
clients may need to understanding
enable them to during 1:1
identify and assessment with
understand assessor or
information. through group
2. Able to work 1. Can work with Observed by Date:
with clients to the client to identifyassessor as part of
select and obtain relevant and up to learner’s normal Assessor’s
information about date information on work duties. Signature:
services and services and
facilities facilities that meet
their assessed
needs and wishes.
2. Can support the Observed by
client to obtain assessor as part of
selected learner’s normal
information in their work duties.
preferred format
and language.
3. Able to work 1. Can support the Observed by Date:
with clients to client to access the assessor as part of
access and use content of Learner’s normal Assessor’s
information about information about work duties. Signature:
services and services and
facilities facilities.
2. Can Observed by
demonstrate ways assessor as part of
to check the Learner’s normal
client’s work duties.
understanding of
the information.
3. Can work with Observed by
the client to access assessor as part of
a service or facility Learner’s normal
using the work duties.
information, in
ways that promote
active participation.
4. Can describe Assessment of
ways to support knowledge and
clients to deal with understanding
any issues or during 1:1
concerns that may assessment with
33NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 9: Support NHS Health Check clients to access information services
and facilities
NHS Health Check competency: Brief intervention/signposting/referral
NOS: SCDHSC0027 Support individuals to access information on services and
arise from the assessor or
content of through group
information. work.
5.10 Unit 10: Communicate results from NHS Health Check assessments
Unit 10: Communicate results from NHS Health Check assessments
NHS Health Check competency: Communication with GP
NOS: CHS221 Report results from healthcare investigations
Learning outcome Demonstrating Evidence of Assessor’s
competence achieving signature and
competencies date
1. Able to collate 1. Can explain the Assessment of Date:
data following importance of knowledge and
NHS Health recognising when understanding Assessor’s
Check the check is during 1:1 Signature:
assessments complete. assessment with
assessor or
through group
2. Can collate Observed by
results from a assessor as part of
complete check Learner’s normal
using the approved work duties.
protocols and
2. Able to process 1. Can explain how Assessment of Date:
data following to process data to knowledge and
NHS Health extract relevant understanding Assessor’s
Check and accurate during 1:1 Signature
assessments results from the assessment with
check to create a assessor or
report in line with through group
appropriate work.
protocols and
2. Can describe the Assessment of
authorisation knowledge and
protocols and understanding
procedures during 1:1
required for issuing assessment with
reports. assessor or
through group
3. Can list the Assessment of
protocols and knowledge and
34NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 10: Communicate results from NHS Health Check assessments
NHS Health Check competency: Communication with GP
NOS: CHS221 Report results from healthcare investigations
procedures for understanding
providing verbal during 1:1
reports to assessment with
authorised assessor or
recipients. through group
4. Can identify how Assessment of
to recognise knowledge and
situations where understanding
there is a need for during 1:1
urgent reporting of assessment with
results to assessor or
colleagues or key through group
stakeholders. work.
5. Can check that Observed by
the identity of the assessor as part of
client and the learner’s normal
results for the work duties.
appropriate check
6. Can check the Observed by
accuracy of results assessor as part of
using defined learner’s normal
validation criteria, work duties.
identify any
anomalous results
and take the
appropriate action.
7. Can identify the Assessment of
range of normal knowledge and
values and the understanding
significance of during 1:1
normal and assessment with
abnormal results assessor or
during the check. through group
8. Can check the Observed by
correlation of assessor as part of
results with the learner’s normal
client’s information. work duties.
9. Can transfer Observed by
results into a assessor as part of
database or other learner’s normal
record in work duties.
preparation for
hard copy or
reporting, where
3. Able to report 1. Can describe Assessment of Date:
against data how and when to knowledge and
35NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Unit 10: Communicate results from NHS Health Check assessments
NHS Health Check competency: Communication with GP
NOS: CHS221 Report results from healthcare investigations
collected during add additional understanding Assessor’s
NHS Health statements to during 1:1 Signature:
Check clarify results, in assessment with
assessments line with protocols assessor or
and procedures, through group
ensuring this does work.
not change the
meaning of the
2. Can explain how Assessment of
to recognise knowledge and
anomalous results understanding
and the appropriate during 1:1
actions required. assessment with
assessor or
through group
3. Can explain how Assessment of
and when to knowledge and
generate additional understanding
results. during 1:1
assessment with
assessor or
through group
4. Can consult, as Observed by
appropriate, with assessor as part of
colleagues to learner’s normal
support, confirm or work duties.
resolve any
concerns in the
reporting of results.
5. Can generate Observed by
the report in the assessor as part of
agreed format, learner’s normal
using relevant data work duties.
as appropriate.
6. Can confirm Observed by
authorisation from assessor as part of
relevant clients for learner’s normal
the release of the work duties.
7. Can issue Observed by
authorised reports assessor as part of
in line with learner’s normal
appropriate work duties.
protocols and
36NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
Appendix 1: Resources
The following resources can be downloaded or printed and used in the learner’s
portfolio for gathering evidence of achievements.
1. Learner’s notes
2. Additional learning resources
3. Learner’s reflections
1. Learner’s notes
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________
Unit: _________________________________________________________
Workbook notes
This page should be used to record any notes during the training session and key learning
points. These notes may be used by the assessor to help gather evidence towards a unit.
37NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
2. Additional learning resources
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________
Unit: _________________________________________________________
Additional learning resources
This section should be used to note down any additional learning resources or websites
38NHS Health Check Learner and Assessor Workbook
3. Learner’s reflections
Name: ___________________________________ Date: _______________
Unit: _________________________________________________________
Reflect on learning and how it will be put into practice