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Neuroanatomy Revision Series - Lecture 8 Special Senses


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AnatomyoftheSpecialSenses (Eye,Ear)andHistology Keneth KodituwakkuObjectives - Exploreand coverthe anatomy ofthe eyes - Bonyorbit - Periorbital and fascial sheath - Eyelids - Eyeball - Compartmentof the eyeball - Extraocular muscles - Nerves andblood supply - Explore and coveranatomyof the ears - Bonyanatomy - External ear - Tympanicmembrane - Middle ear - Inner earWhatarethespecialsenses? The special senses are the senses that have specialised organs devoted to them: - vision (the eye) - hearing and balance (the ear, which includes the auditory system and vestibular system) - smell (the nose) - taste (the tongue) - touchSomanyforamina solittletime Nerves that pass throughforamina There are 3 that you should learn and willlikely be asked about in yourOSCEs. Optic canal – optic nerve Infraorbital foramen – infraorbital nerve Supraorbital foramen – supraorbital nerve - Very easy to learn -> learn the foramen nameand - stickthe wordnerve at theend = easy points in OSCEAcloselookat theeye - periorbitalandfascialsheathoftheeye Eyelids The eyelid consists of five main layers (superficial to deep): • Skin and subcutaneous tissue • Orbicularis oculi • Tarsal plates • Levator apparatus • ConjunctivaTarsalPlates There are two plates; the superior tarsus (upper eyelid) and inferior tarsus (lower eyelid). They act to form the scaffolding of the eyelid, and are composed of dense connective tissue.LevatorpalpebraeAnatomyoftheeyeballFibrousVascularInner 2 layers – Pigmentedouterand neural inner Pigmented– supports thechoroid of the vascular layer in absorbing light Neural – has photoreceptors-> helps detectinglightSmall quizExtraocularmusclesBloodsupplyandnervesoftheeyeTime forsome histology "In New Generation It Is Only OpthalmologstExaminePatients Retina“ In (InnerLimitingMembr) New (Nerve fiberlayer) Generation (Ganglioncell) It (Inner plxiform Layer) Is (Inner neuclrLayer) Only (Outerplxiform Layer) Ophthalmologist(Outer nuclrLayer) Examines(Ext.Limitingmembr) Patient's(Photoreceptors-rodscons) Retina(Ret.Pigmnt. Epithlium)ExternalEarTympanicMembraneExternalEarvessels The external ear is supplied by branches of the external carotid artery: •Posterior auricular artery •Superficial temporal artery •Occipital artery •Maxillary arteryMiddleEar The middle ear lies within the temporal bone, and extends from the tympanic membrane to the lateral wall of the inner ear. The main function of the middle ear is to transmit vibrations from the tympanic membrane to the inner ear via the auditory ossicles.Auditoryossicles The auditory ossicles are the malleus, incus and stapes How do they work to help transmit sound waves? Which nerves innervate the muscles connected to the ossicles?EustachianTube OTITIS MEDIAEFFUSION NORMALInnerEar It has twomain functions: •To convert mechanical signals from the middle ear into electrical signals, which can transferinformation tothe auditory pathway in the brain. •To maintainbalance by detecting position and motion. Locatedin the petrous part of the temporal bone. 2 components:Bony labyrinth and Membranous labyrinthBonyLabyrinthMembranousLabyrinthMeniere’sDiseaseCommonOSCEquestions • They will take a wire and ask you to say where the optic nerve for example passes through and its pathway • What passes through the optic canal? – ophthalmic artery and optic nerveThankyouverymuchforlisteningandhavea great Christmasanda HappyNewYearfromallof us at theManchesterNeurosurgicalSociety!References - https://teachmeanatomy.info/head/organs/eye - https://teachmeanatomy.info/head/organs/ear/ - https://aapos.org/glossary/anatomy-of-the-eye - https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Articulation-of-the-auditory- ossicles_fig2_288855892 - https://entsho.com/otitis-media-with-effusion