Year 2 anatomy
-- Head and neck anatomy (Ryan McKenna)
-- Neuroanatomy (Glenn Calvert)
This on-demand teaching session by Glenn Calvert, a fourth-year medical student, is an intensive and comprehensive course on neuroanatomy. The course resumes next week and includes mock OSCEs organized in collaboration with NeuroSoc and CardioSoc. The topics range from gross anatomy of the brain, covering crucial cortical and subcortical areas, to fine details about the cranial nerves and their functions. It also dives into meninges, the ventricular system, arterial supply of the brain, and spine, with an emphasis on pathologies and various spinal tracts. Join this course to deepen your knowledge and proficiency in neuroanatomy.
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AnatomyRevisionSeries Neuroanatomy Glenn Calvert Year 4, Medicine E: 1Weekly Neuroanatomy Teaching (resuming next week!) Mock OSCEs (NeuroSoc x CardioSoc) . 2Gross Anatomy of the Brain 3Major Cortical Areas 4Major Subcortical Areas: Basal Ganglia 5Basal Ganglia (cont’d) 6Major Subcortical Areas: Limbic System 7Limbic System (cont’d) 8Major Subcortical Areas: Diencephalon 9Diencephalon (cont’d) 10Cerebellum: Vermis 11Cerebellum: Hemispheres and Nuclei 12Brainstem: Midbrain 13Brainstem: Pons 14Brainstem: Medulla Oblongata 15Cranial Nerves: Olfactory (CN I) Function(s) § Special visceral afferent (smell) 16Cranial Nerves: Optic (CN II) Function(s) § Special somatic afferent (vision) 17Cranial Nerves: Oculomotor (CN III) Function(s) § General somatic efferent (SR, IR, MR, levator labii superioris) § General visceral efferent (parasympathetic – pupil constriction, accommodation) 18Cranial Nerves: Trochlear (CN IV) Function(s) § General somatic efferent (SO) 19Cranial Nerves: Trigeminal (CN V) Function(s) § General sensory afferent (face, anterior 2/3 tongue) § General visceral efferent (mm mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly digastric, tensor tympani, tensor veli palatini) 20Cranial Nerves: Abducens (CN VI) Function(s) § General somatic efferent (LR) 21Cranial Nerves: Facial (CN VII) Function(s) § General somatic efferent (mm facial expression, posterior belly digastric, stapedius, stylohyoid) § General visceral efferent (parasympathetic – lacrimal, sublingual, submandibular glands, etc.) § Special sensory afferent (taste, anterior 2/3 tongue) 2223Cranial Nerves: Vestibulocochlear (CN VIII) Function(s) § Special sensory afferent (graviception – vestibular) § Special sensory afferent (hearing – cochlear) 24Cranial Nerves: Glossopharyngeal (CN IX) Function(s) § Somatic visceral efferent (stylopharyngeus) § General visceral efferent (parasympathetic – parotids) § Special visceral afferent (taste, posterior 1/3 tongue) § General visceral afferent (carotid sinus (BR), carotid body (CR) § General somatic afferent (posterior 1/3 tongue, pharynx, mid ear) 25Cranial Nerves: Vagus (CN X) Function(s) § General somatic efferent (pharyngeal constrictors, 2/3 longitudinal mm, intrinsic laryngeal mm, palatoglossus (extrinsic tongue), doubtless others) § General visceral, general somatic, special sensory afferents (many) 26Cranial Nerves: Accessory (CN XI) Function(s) § Special visceral efferent (SCM, trapezius) 27Cranial Nerves: Hypoglossal (CN XII) Function(s) § General somatic efferent (intrinsic mm of tongue, extrinsic mm of tongue, cf. palatoglossus) 28Meninges 29Meninges (cont’d) 30Ventricles 31Ventricles (cont’d) 32Dural Venous Sinuses 33Dural Venous Sinuses (cont’d) 34Arterial Supply of Brain 35Spine 36Spine: DCML & Spinothalamic 37 *second decussation out of shot Spine: Spinocerebellar 38Spine: Some Pathologies 39Spine: Corticospinal & Reticulospinal 40Spine: Rubrospinal X 41Spine: Tectospinal 42Spine: Vestibulospinal 43Thanks for listening! E: Follow QUB NeuroSoc on Insta! § Neuroanatomy Teaching § Mock OSCEs Fill out the feedback form for copies of the slides! 44