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Mental Health Risk Assessment



This on-demand teaching session, ‘Mental Health Risk Assessments, A Recap and Guide’ by Mavi Capanna is an essential training course for medical professionals. It's designed to provide in-depth insight on the dynamic risk assessment in mental health triage, ways to assess risk to self, others, and from others using specific questioning, and understanding the triggers and thresholds for escalation and referral for crisis support. The course encompasses several topics such as the mental state examination, self-harm, harm to others, and risk from others, etc. Participants will gain practical tips, engage in myth busting, and have the opportunity to ask questions. It also offers guidance on risk formulation and suggests tools for structured risk assessments. This session is an excellent opportunity for medical professionals to enhance their understanding and confidence in conducting mental health risk assessments efficiently.

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About the MedAll Primary Care CPD Programme

We are passionate about making medical education free and more accessible. In light of the increasing financial pressures faced by healthcare professionals, including the rising cost of living and strained practice finances, we felt compelled to do something. It's why we have introduced a no-cost CPD programme for doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals working in primary care. We recognise that the high expense of traditional CPD update courses is a significant barrier, and by collaborating as an entire primary care community we hope we can offer a practical, accessible alternative.

About our speaker: Dr Mavi Capanna MD

Mavi Capanna is a Darzi Fellow with the West London NHS Trust where she specialises in Adult Psychiatry. She holds a Medical Degree with honors and has completed extensive training in mental health and psychiatry. Her focus includes innovative treatment methods and patient-centered care, with a commitment to staying abreast of the latest developments in psychiatric research.

Who Should Join?

✅ GPs

✅ Primary care and practice nurses

✅ Practice pharmacists

✅ Other allied healthcare professionals in primary care

Note: this event is not formally accredited by an external organisation for CPD points. The current guidance for GP CPD is that it is appropriate that the credits you self-allocate should equal however many hours you spent on learning activities, as long as they are demonstrated by a reflective note on lessons learned and any changes made or planned (if applicable).

Learning objectives

LO4 Develop the ability to formulate a thorough risk analysis that includes the seriousness, immediacy, specificity, volatility, signs of increasing risk, and the best treatment/management plans.

LO5 Acquire familiarity with various structured risk assessment tools, such as HCR-20 and HoNOS, and know how to apply them in practice.

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Computer generated transcript

The following transcript was generated automatically from the content and has not been checked or corrected manually.

Mental Health Risk Assessments A Recap and Guide Mavi Capanna ST5 General Adult PsychiFeb 2024Darzi Fellow Learning objectives LO1 Gain a working understanding of dynamic risk assessment in mental health triage LO2 Understand the difference in risk to self, others, and from others and how to assess these in depth with specific questioning LO3 Understand the triggers and thresholds to escalation and referral for crisis supportPOLL 1 Which mental health conditions do you treat?POLL 2 Have you felt confident completing a risk assessment? WHAT, WHY, AND WHEN ➔ WHAT: assess the level of risk that a person might pose to themselves, others, and risk from i others their behaviour may lead Tip icnotstt to. Dynamsments ases ➔ WHY: assess the likelihood of the behaviour being repeated and prevent further risk. Understand the impact of the illness on the patient and others. ➔ WHEN: every interaction, and when concerns ariseMENTAL STATE EXAMINATION Appearance/Behaviour Speech Mood/Affect Perception Thoughts (incl RISK) Insight CognitionCurrent and Historical Risk and Structured clinical assessment Tip MSE, environmental factors, and insightMyth busting about self harm (stages of suicidality Hale 2008) Tip reflectionersistence Risk To Self Self-harm isnt just suicidal thoughts ❏ Drugs and alcohol ❏ Gangs ❏ Neglect Tip ❏ Isolation ❏ Physical health Command hallucinations and ❏ Non- compliance/relapse passivity fall under ❏ Nutrition every category and are important to ❏ Guilt, Shame, and explore- are you Hopelessness- the way out comfortable doing through self-harm this?Risk to Others ❏ Personal safety of assessor ❏ Children ❏ Aggression- BIG range ❏ Threat perception ❏ Weapons ❏ Intimidation ❏ Racism ❏ Stalking ❏ Terrorism ❏ Early exposure to violence or being part of a violent subcultureRisk from Others ❏ Vulnerability ❏ Retaliation ❏ Exploitation ❏ Sexual disinhibition ❏ Poorer standards of care ❏ Criminal justice system ❏ Discrimination Tip stigma!rget about Always ask: is needed?rding REMEMBER ➔ Absconsion ➔ Property ➔ Fire settingRisk formulation ❏ How serious is the risk? ❏ How immediate is the risk? ❏ Is the risk specific or general? ❏ How volatile is the risk? ❏ What are the signs of increasing risk? ❏ Which specific treatment, and which management plan, can best reduce the risk?There are more structured risk assessments too Training for these can be found Eg HCR-20, HoNOS, HoNOS- secureSummary Research and Assess and Management and take time to compare to care plan and understand historical risk, safety plan background/ triggers, and - MHA relapse markers - Safety netting collateral - Level of security neededQuestions