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This on-demand teaching session, Mastering MUS State Exams, is designed specifically for medical students looking to excel in their state exams. Hosted by the Bulgaria International Medical Students Alliance, known for fostering a supportive community for international medical students, this session provides crucial resources and tips to overcome the challenges of a new education system and culture. The session touches upon topics like infectious diseases, epidemiology, hygiene, paediatrics, and surgery. Lectures are guided by experienced doctors who have graduated from Bulgaria. The equip yourself to not just pass but graduate with honours, this is a session not to be missed!

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The lecture will discuss the nine-month period of the state exams at MUS. We will go through each state exam one by one, specifying which departments are stricter and which are more lenient. We will cover topics such as absences, state exam booklets, and how the rotations were structured.

Additionally, we will talk about the teachers and professors involved, their attendance policies, and provide tips on how to make the most of the rotations.

We will discuss our personal state exam, the questions we received, and the additional questions that were asked on the day of the examination.

We will talk about the honour certificate and how to obtain it at the end of graduation.

Learning objectives

  1. To understand and navigate the key challenges of studying medicine in a foreign culture and education system.
  2. To master all areas of the MUS state exams including infectious diseases, epidemiology, hygiene, and social medicine.
  3. To acquire resources and strategies for effectively managing academic success, cultural integration, and personal growth.
  4. To develop effective study techniques and exam preparation methods for the successful completion of the state exams.
  5. To obtain insights into the practice exams, specifically in the area of Gynecology, and formulate an effective preparation strategy.
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Mastering MUS State Examss Graduate with Honours!! Buglaria International Medical Students Alliance Registered CIC Our mission is to foster a more connected community for international medical students in Bulgaria, making it easier for students to seek help and support. We provide students with mentoring, tutoring, CV builders led by Doctors who have graduated from Bulgaria, MedAll teaching sessions and so much more! Follow us on Instagram to stay upto date! We are committed to helping students navigate the challenges of adapting to a new culture and education system by offering essential resources for academic success, cultural integration, and personal growth. Hygiene State Exam Exam Structure 1 question from infectious diseases 1 question from epidemiology 1 question from hygiene 1 question from social medicineHowtostudy Start studying early Start from the Hygiene part Hygiene: air pollution global ecological problems water sampling and purification micronutrients food surveillance Questions in infectious: How to diagnose and what is the treatment of typhoid fever Tell 3 types of botulism Grades of dehydration Transmission of cholera and serotypes, complicatios, diagnosis Astrup Formula for base excessQuestions that Prof.Tserveniakova asks: Hepatitis B and C diagnosis, know about markers in acute and chronic stage as well as ASAT,ALAT values. Metabolic Acidosis treatment Why in Corynobacterium Diphtheriae it is called pseudomembrane? Legionella spread --> aerosols Class of antibiotics Study from her Power PointsEpidemiology Frequently asked QuestionsWhere to study from: Syllabus of 5th year Comprehensive review of infectious diseases Drive Lectures Osmosis videos Which is the hardest part? Everyone has a different opinion. Study well infectious because the examiner is strict and can be rude in case of not knowing your questions. In all parts you need to know something but it is very hard to fail the exam if you are prepared !!! No formal attendance and presences taken Paediatricsstateexam The only state exam that includes a two-day resit session in December. Seminars: Ivan Mitev Hospital, Alexandrovska Hospital, Isul Hospital. Voltar ao índice Whataboutthehonor certification? Whyisimportanttohaveit? My Year 5 Questions: My 5th year Questions/Ivan Mitev: Differential Diagnosis of Growth Disturbances, Pediatric Lymphomas. States/Isul: Rational Nutrition for Children - Conditions of Malnutrition, Infectious Heart Diseases (Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Endocarditis). They are asking questions based on their PowerPoint presentations! Attend the lectures! Print the slides and read the textbook! Voltar ao índice Myrotationwasatgenetic department/IvanMitev: theyareverystric!!! At the conclusion of the rotation, he simply signed the booklet for five students, refusing to give signature to the others. Tips: 1) You will have classes together with a bulgarian group, engage with them, they can translate for you. 2) When you see 5th year students having seminar at your departament join their lessons. Go to the last floor of the hospital and watch again the lectures with 5 year students. 3) take advantage that you are at I Mitev hospital and go around to see the neuro, endocrino, gastro patients. Voltar ao índiceLiterature: Osmosis videos are regularly updated, just like AMBOSS! Preparing for pratical exam: 1: Ivan Mitev- The neurology department is the one that fails the most! Epilepsy-EEG reading, Bells Palsy Endocrinology: know very well Diabetes type 1 and 2: how to diagnose -values in mmol/l, antibodies diabetes type 1, obesity. Rheumatology: Lupus, IGA Vasculitis 2- ISUL - the practical part is theoretical! My questions: DM1 complications (DKA, hypoglycemia, skin and mouth infections) signs of DKA ( generalized abdominal pain,vomiting kusmaul breathing). My friends had: croup signs, bronchiolitis signs and auscultation, foreign body aspiration, asthma attack treatment, pneumonia auscultation and treatment, IGA vasculitis. In previous years, people received practical questions about oncology and hematology just: thalassemia, Iron deficiency anemia, hemofilia A/B/C (CP- mild -moderate- severe), Hemorragic disease of the NB- Vit K deficiency. Mystudytechnique: 1-First, watch osmosis videos to get an overview. 2- Secondly, read the book- going deeper. 3-Lastly,read the PPT-revising! How many syllabus reading to be safe? 3. Sometimes just 2 is enough, depends on the person! Check your knowledge with your friends! Study in groups, revise the syllabus together!! Department of Surgery Mastering the state exams Втора хирургия, болница Александровска Issa El KaouriVoltar ao índice 1º Trimestre 2º Trimestre 3º Trimestre 4º Trimestre Receita Adicione o seu preço médio de vendas e o número de produtos vendidos com suas outras fontes de receita Custos Fixos Adicione seus custos fixos, como salários, seguros e aluguel R$ 000 Custos Variáveis R$ 000 Adicione seus custos variáveis, como materiais e mão de obra Custos Totais R$ 000 Adicione seus custos fixos e variáveis Lucro Deduza os custos totais da sua receita R$ 000 Voltar ao índice Receita Custos/Despesas R$ 12000 R$ 10000 R$ 8000 R$ 6000 R$ 4000 R$ 2000 R$ 0 Voltar ao índice T1 T2 T3 T4Voltar ao índice Copie uma nota, Copie uma Nome da Empresa nota, arraste arraste para o para o quadro quadro e escreva suas ideias. e escreva suas ideias. Escreva algo aqui Escreva algo aqui Dica: a colaboração facilita o trabalho em equipe! Clique em "Compartilhar" e convide seus colegas para Voltar ao índice preencher o quadro branco. Use esta página para reuniões, brainstorms e outras ideias divertidas da equipe! Final Comments Exam is highly dependent on examinor (Some strict, others not so much) Study all syllabus points! Rumors of certain sections of the syllabus not appearing on exam are false. Attend surgeries as examiners sometimes ask about which surgeries you observed during the exam. Adicione ideias Adicione Nome da Empresa complementares mais ideias Adicione uma Adicione ideias Adicione ideia relacionada complementares mais ideias Adicione uma Adicione Adicione uma ideia relacionada ideia relacionada um tópico Adicione Adicione ideias Adicione uma mais ideias complementares ideia relacionada Dica: a colaboração facilita o trabalho em equipe! Clique em Adicione "Compartilhar" e convide seus Adicione ideias colegas para preencher o mais ideias complementares quadro branco. Use esta página Voltar ao índice para reuniões, brainstorms e outras ideias divertidas da equipe! Pregraduateinternship In Gynecology(JacquelineB.) PREPARING FOR THE STATE EXAM DURING PRACTICE MY QUESTIONS IN 5TH AND 6TH YEAR 5th year: mechanisms of labor, Prevention of cancers 6th year: vulvovaginitis, Hypertensive disorders during pregnancy. Pre- eclampsia, HELLP syndrome, eclampsia. Definition Etiology / RFs Clinical Diagnosis Treatment: conservative/ operative (e.g.CIN II/III -> depending on age; conization)Literature Amboss Summaries On point Doctors / students mode Kenhub Anatomy refresherNotes from other students Trustworthy What’s the source May be outdated Correct syllabus ? Osmosis/ YouTube videos Obstetrics is a new entity In medicine we haven’t faced before in other subjects Understand the basics In Germany, rely on midwife’s, in Bulgaria, doctors job Learning essential ultrasound measurements IUGR 1. doppler flow of MCA (PI>1 norm) Brain sparing 2. umbilical aa. 3. uterine aa. (PI<1 norm) 4. ductus venosus PI= pulsatility index RI= resistance index Fetal biometry: parameters for Hadlock weight calculation HC BPD AC FL Go to the lectures! All uploaded on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/share/aziyZhUQKqnkGedP/? mibextid=wwXIfr But the department updates them regularly