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Long Covid and PoTS Masterclass - Programme


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Long Covid and PoTS A practical guide and new insights 9.00-9.30 Registration and coffee Morning session chaired by Dr Morwenna Opie-Moran and Dr Jane Simmonds 9.30-9.35 Welcome Dr Nick Gall 9.35-9.50 Long covid definitions and epidemiology. Prof Lesley Kavi Patient history 9.50-10.30 Long covid-multisystem involvement. Dr Toby Hillman Respiratory red flags 10.30-10.45 Cardiac red flags. Role of cardiac MRI Dr Dan Sado 10.45-11.05 Coffee break 11.05-11.20 Recognising autonomic dysfunction Dr Nick Gall 11.20-11.40 Testing for autonomic dysfunction/PoTS - Dr Nick Gall stand, tilt and other tests 11.40-12.00 Management of PoTS and when to refer Prof Lesley Kavi PoTS patient perspective. Mrs Anita Kiernan 12.00-12.15 Impact and adjustments for work 12.15-12.30 Long covid in children Dr Sue Peters 12.30-1.00 Panel Q&A All the above speakers 1.00-2.00 Lunch Afternoon session chaired by Dr Nick Gall and Mrs Michaela Nuttall Long covid service needs and development: Community 2.00-2.15 Dr Harsha Master 2.15-2.30 Secondary care Dr Melissa Heightman 2.30-2.45 What is the evidence for MCAS in long covid? Dr Bethan Myers 2.45-3.00 Brain fog in PoTS and long covid - causes and management Dr Jessica Eccles 3.00-3.15 Dr Charles Reilly Dysfunctional breathing 3.15-3.30 Ms Rebecca Livingston Rehabilitation 3.30-3.50 Coffee break 3.50-4.10 New insights from the Zoe app Dr Claire Steves 4.10-4.40 Current research Prof Valeria Iodice 4.40-5.00 Panel Q&A Afternoon speakers You are welcome to join us for drinks, nibbles and networking from 5pm onwards Speaker times subject to change