JAS Thorax 4 VSAQs
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TheAnatomyof Mediastinum SBAsQ: Name the structures labelled1A: InternalThoracicArtery andVeinQ: Name the structure labelled24A: Aortic ArchQ: Name the structure labelled14A: Right PhrenicNerveQ: Name Structure 5A: AzygousVeinQ: Name Structure 13A: Right vagusnerveQ: Name Structure 12A: GreaterSplanchnic NerveQ: Name Structure 16A: DiaphragmQ: Name Structure 2A: ThyroidGlandQ: Name Structure 11A: Left Recurrent LaryngealNerveQ: Name Structure 25A: Posterior intercostalveinand arteryQ: Name structure 1A: Right VagusNerveQ: Name the structures labelled15A: ThoracicAortaandLeft vagus nerveQ: Name structure 3A: IntercostalNerveQ: Name Structure 12A: Right auricle (atrium)Q: Name structure 11A: SternumQ: Name structure 7A: Oesophageal plexus(branches ofright Vagusnerve)Q: Name structure 5A: First rib dividedQ: Name structure 17A: SuperiorVena CavaQ: Name the structures labelled15A: ThoracicDuctQ: Name the structures labelled11A: Left recurrent laryngeal nerve