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JAS CPA Series - NEWS2 and SBAR



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This on-demand teaching session is relevant to medical professionals and will introduce them to the NEWS2 & SBAR strategies. It will discuss the structured method for communicating critical information and the Situations, Background, Assessments, and Recommendations acronym. The session will provide examples to demonstrate how to apply these strategies to assessing and treating sepsis, along with tips for preparing to SBAR and review. Participants will also have the opportunity to share their feedback so we can improve these sessions.

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Register for Imperial Surgical Society's final CPA Series Lecture on the SBAR and NEWS 2 Scoring!

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At the end of the tutorial, we will be distributing the PowerPoint slides, a Summary Guide and an Attendance Certificate for those that complete the post-session feedback form.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the foundations of communication via the SBAR framework
  2. Learn to accurately convey relevant information in a timely manner when using the SBAR framework
  3. Acquire an understanding of patient data that is needed to be considered when communicating with a SBAR
  4. Develop an awareness of how to provide feedback when utilising SBAR
  5. Gain an understanding of the importance of thinking critically, as well as logically when conveying information to others by way of the SBAR framework.
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Ria Varma rv319@ic.ac.uk MedED Year 4 Coordinator NEWS2 & SBAR SURGSOCCPALECTURESERIESSESSION STRUCTURE NEWS2 What and Preparing to SBARing Examples Why? SBARNEWS2NEWS2NEWS2NEWS2 (Sepsis) Lab Value Changes in sepsis Lactate Decreased (hyperlactatemia) Increased (lactic acidosis) PaO2/FiO2 Decreased (arterial hypoxaemia) Creatinine Increased Total bilirubin Increased Serum glucose Increased (in the absence of diabetes) White blood cell count Increased (leukocytosis) Decreased (leukocytopenia) Platelets Decreased (thrombocytopenia) aPTT Increased INR Increased Procalcitonin Increased CRP IncreasedNEWS2 (Sepsis) NEWS2 (Sepsis) SEPSIS 6 1)Administer high-flow oxygen and maintain SpO2 >94% 2)Take blood cultures 3)Measure serial lactate levels 4)Administer broad-spectrum IV ABx 5)Administer IV fluids 6)Monitor urine outputNEWS2 (Sepsis) SEPSIS 6 (another way of remembering it) Take 3, give 3 Take blood cultures, give IV ABx Take lactate, give oxygen Take urine output, give IV fluids What is SBAR? • CP A Station • Structured method for communicating critical information that requires immediate action and advice • Used in inpatient, outpatient, urgent, non-urgent and handover situations Why is SBAR used? • Provides a robust, concise structure • Less likely to forget important info • Gives recipient a clear picture of the patient’s status Preparing to SBAR Type in the chat! What patient information would you access to do SBAR?SBARing: Acronym Situation Background Assessment Recommendations SBARing: Situation • Who • Where • When • What • Why SBARing: Background • Admission reason • Date of admission • Current diagnosis • Relevant past medical and surgical history • Relevant medications • Allergies • Relevant investigation results • Current management and the patient’s clinical response SBARing: Assessment • Vital signs - NEWS2 • Clinical examination findings • Clinical impression SBARing: Recommendations • Your recommendations • Their recommendations SBARing: Review + Response • Ensure they’ve understood what you’ve said • Any further questions? • Clarify response and document • Say thank you!SBARing: Example ASBARing: Example B Ria Varna ria.varma19@imperial.ac.uk JAS Leads CPA Lead: Mohamad Abou-Eid (ma2219@ic.ac.uk) Phase 1a Lead: Sree Kanakala (sk1821@ic.ac.uk) Phase 1b Lead: Ananya Jain (aj620@ic.ac.uk) Feedback