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IV Fluids - Dr Sa-Bin Hong



Welcome to the second of 12 sessions prepared by AMSA England for the Prescribing Safety Assessment 2022-23. This course will be covering difficult topics and exam techniques on how to best prepare yourselves for the PSA exam.

This session will be hosted by Dr Sa-Bin Hong, who will be covering the ins and outs of fluid prescription, bolus and infusion management, and all things fluid-related.

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IV FluidsStructure of the talkMom can we have some fun and interactive stuff in this lecture? Mom: we have fun and interactive stuff at home The fun and interactive stuff at home:What would you do?Hello doctor, can you please prescribe…Correct answerO/ETake home messageFluid prescribing in PSACommon themes – Fluid choiceResuscitation – When to useResuscitation – what to doReplacement fluids – assessmentReplacement fluids – what to doMaintenance fluids – what to doFluids in electrolyte imbalanceImportant details to rememberSpecial fluid infusionsProblem 1Problem 2Problem 3 K: 6.8 What do you do? A) That sample must have been lysed, let’s repeat U&E B) 1L NS over 2h C) 500ml NS STAT D) 10ml calcium gluconate, 120ml 20% dextrose, 10u actrapid, salbutamol nebs E) Repeat ECGReal-life case 1Real-life case 2How to assess a patient’s fluid status in real life After a short break…I Have Injected Wine and Ale in a liveing Dog into the Mass of Blood by a Veine, in good Quantities, till I have made him extremely drunk, but soon after he Pisseth it out. Sir Christopher Wren, 1656Signs and symptoms of dehydrationSigns and symptoms of fluid overloadBloodsInteresting case to considerFluids will tell you the answer -Some renal consultant