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Join us for an essential on-demand teaching session focused on history taking for both paediatric and gynaecology cases. MarsdenR3 from Cardiff University breaks down standard and paediatric history-taking steps, including red flags, relevant system reviews, PMHx, DHx, FHx, and SHx. The session will detail common paediatric complaints and also explore obstetric history, handling sensitive questions about miscarriages, and ectopics. Also, understand common obstetric complications like ectopic pregnancies, placental abruption, placenta praevia, and more. This profoundly informative session further delves into gynae history-taking and the typical gynae complaints. From PID, endometrial cancer, fibroids to PCOS, get equipped with comprehensive knowledge about gynaecological histories. Plus, get suggestions of preparatory videos for the next session on explaining contraception and HRT. Don't miss out on this learning opportunity.

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History taking part 1: This session will involve a breakdown of how to take a standard history in an ISCE station. It will also focus on more niche history taking such as paeds and obs&gynae histories. Lastly we will cover common presentations for these histories and differential diagnoses to keep in mind

Learning objectives

  1. By the end of the session, learners should be able to effectively take a standard medical history, including understanding the significance of presenting complaints, relevant system reviews, past medical history, drug history, family history, and social history.

  2. Participants will learn about specific considerations and important factors when taking a pediatric patient's history, including specific questions regarding pregnancy and birth, growth and development, vaccination history, and child's living situation.

  3. Learners should be able to identify and discuss common paediatric and obstetric presenting complaints, understanding the potential underlying causes and condition characteristics.

  4. Participants will gain knowledge on how to properly take an obstetric history, focusing on important aspects such as gravida and parity, exploring symptoms, and understanding the significance of the 4 P’s: Pain, PV discharge, PV bleeding & pre-eclampsia.

  5. Learners will acquire understanding and competency in gynaecological history taking, including exploring symptoms, gynaecological system reviews, subfertility/infertility considerations, menstrual history, obstetric history, sexual history, and the significance of contraception and cervical smear history.

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History Taking Part 1 MarsdenR3@cardiff.ac.uk • Standard history taking • Paediatric history taking • Common paediatric presenting complaints Overview • Obstetric history taking • Common obstetric presenting complaints • Gynae history taking • Common gynae presenting complaintsStandard History • Presenting complaint-SOCRATES • Relevant system reviews: Always do quick general review (red flags-Weight loss, fevers, malaise) + other reviews (e.g. chest pain PC-resp and cardio) • ICE NEVER FORGET • PMHx: MD HEAT (MI, Diabetes, HTN, Epilepsy, Asthma/COPD, TB) • DHx: Over the counter + Prescription meds + ALLERGIES!!!! (If yes then what reaction?) • FHx: any issues like this in the family + any conditions that run in the family that I should know about • SHx: LOST (Living situation, Occupation, Smoking/Alcohol/Recreational drugs, Travel (and anything else that could be a risk factor in a socialhx))Paediatric history • Who is the patient being seen with? Family member/friend? On their own? • Explore symptom o Especially important in babies to ask about feeding, wet nappies, fevers, difficulties breathing etc. • Relevant system reviews • ICE • PMHx/DHx/FHx/SHx • Specific paeds hisotry points o Pregnancy and birth – premature, complications, vaginal vs C section, SCBU o Feeding if baby – bottle vs breast o Growth and development – any concerns with health visitor? Ask to see red book if <5 y/o, if at school ask if any concerns at school? o Up to date with vaccinations? o Who the child lives with? o Does anyone in the household smoke? o Have social services been involved with the child's care?Common Paediatric PresentationsCommon paediatric presentations • Failure to thrive o GASTROINTESTINAL: Coeliac disease, dietary intolerance (CMPA/lactose intolerance), Pyloric stenois, IBD, GORD/oesophagitis o NON-GI: Neglect, Eating disorder, CHRONIC ILLNESS (could be anything-always perform a quick system review) • Childhood bruising o Abuse o Cancer/leukaemia o ITP, HSP o Meningococcal septicaemia • Developmental delay o Determine generalised vs focal, motor delay, language delay or social delay • Mental health/behavioural issues o ADHD o Autism • Last years paediatric stations: IBD and ITPAny questions?Obstetric history • Gravida and Parity • Explore symptom • Relevant system reviews • The 4 P’s: Pain, PV discharge,PV bleeding& Pre-eclampsia(headaches,visual disturbances,abdominalpain) • FETAL MOVEMENTS!!! • ICE • Current pregnancy history: Any problems identified on scans? Rhesus status? Midwife vsObsetric led? Single vs multiple pregnancy? Hyperemesis gravidarum? Gestational diabetes? • Miscarriages/Ectopics/Terminations: Sensitive questions-prewarn; “I’m sorry to ask this but have you had any miscarriages?…… ever had something called an ectopic pregnancy?....... Have you ever had a termination of a pregnancy? • Children- If they have other children then were there any issues during their pregnancy or delivery? Previous pre-eclampsia? • PMHx/DHx/FHx/SHx • Sgravida X parity X with this being her 1 /2 /3 pregnancy. She has presented with pregnant female, who is at 16 weeks gestation. She isCommon obstetric presentationsCommon obstetric presentations • Ectopic -RIF pain, PV bleeding • Miscarriage – PV bleeding early in pregnancy • Placental abruption – painful PV bleeding • Placenta praevia - painless PV bleeding • Pre-eclampsia – Headaches, visual disturbances, abdominal pain and leg swelling • Chorioamnionitis – signs of infection e.g. fever, foul smelling discharge • Reduced fetal movements- look at causes for this • We had no obstertic stations last year and so I feel this could be very likely for your year!!Any questions?Gynaecological history • Explore symptom • Relevant system reviews • Gynae system review: The 3 P’s: Pain, PV discharge, PV bleeding • Subfertility/Infertility • Menstrual history: 1 day of LMP, menarche/menopause, cycle length, regularity, Character or periods, Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods), Menorrhagia (heavy periods) • Obstetric history: GMC (Gravida/parity, Miscarriages/ectopics/terminations, Children) • Sexual history – sexually active? Is partner male or female? Dysparunia (pain on sexual intercourse) • Contraception/HRT • Cervical smear history • PMHx/DHx/FHx/SHx • •SHx can be useful for presentations like secondary amenorrhoea (stress, exercise, diet) • ICE- important to ask about impact on lifeCommon gynaecological presentationsCommon gynaecological histories • Endometriosis: abdominal pain, dyspareunia, subfertility • PID: Vaginal discharge, sexually active • Ovarian cyst/torsion • Endometrial cancer: Post-menopausal bleeding • Fibroids/Ectropion: PV bleeding • PCOS: Dark hair growth, acne, irregular/absence periods, cysts on ovaries on USS • Last year's stations: PID and urinary incontinence (urge)Next week: Explaining contraception Khan Academy: and HRT The ovarian cycle | Reproductive system physiology - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYSFNwTUkG0&t=380s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmKAuceSf-s&t=293s These are some Reproductive cycle graph - Luteal phase - suggestions of videos to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uA7Xny276sk&t=9s Osmosis - The menstrual cycle = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7HlHGLr1hTA watch in preparation for OR next week's session. Armando Hasudungan = Female Reproductive System - Menstrual Cycle, Hormones and Regulation Thank you for listening. Any questions? Please can you fill in the feedback form before you go. https://app.medall.org/feedback/feedback- flow?keyword=7068d4c4558b5654abbc5024&organisation=isce101