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ISCE 101 INTRO session 2024



The ISCE series 2023/24 is a comprehensive, interactive on-demand teaching session designed to enhance medical professionals' consultation skills. The session is conducted by doctors and final year med students who have hand-on experience with Cardiff/C21N ISCEs, offering regular Wednesday Teaching Sessions and Mock ISCE runs. It covers a wide range of topics from history taking, pharmacology, ECG interpretation, to ethical dilemma management. It aims to provide attendees with the crucial skills needed to pass the ISCEs and achieve competencies as a doctor. The team also encourages direct interaction and engagement through Q+A opportunities and requests for feedback. This session is ideal for medical professionals looking to master their ISCEs and excel in their medical career.

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Welcome to the 1st session of ISCE 101 2024. This session will be an intro talk introducing you to the team, what the series offers and the plan moving forward for what sessions will be taught over the series. We will also be giving a basic background to what is involved in the ISCEs and how you can independently plan for the ISCE.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the structure, purpose, and process of the ISCE series, including the various stations and marking methods.
  2. Learn how to effectively practice for ISCE examinations through regular role plays and utilizing resources like the Geeky medics ISCE website.
  3. Gain skills in presenting patient cases and effective interprofessional communication through SBAR handover.
  4. Develop proficiency in analyzing and interpreting clinical examination data, blood tests, spirometry, and imaging modalities related to the ISCE examination.
  5. Recognize the ethical dilemmas commonly faced in a clinical setting and articulate solutions or approaches to these ethical issues.
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Welcome all to… The ISCE series 2023/24 Risma Remsudeen (FY1) - risma2205@gmail.com Itinerary ❑Intro to the team ❑Breakdown of the ISCE series ❑How ISCEs work ❑How to start practicing ❑CBD station prep ❑Q+ASay hello to the team ☺ Ronan Fitzgerald Risma Remsudeen FY1, Cardiff 2023 FY1, Cardiff 2023 Co-founder/Co-lead Co-founder/co-lead ronfit16@gmail.com risma2205@gmail.comCath Ann-Rees Jocelyn Mak Jack Wellington FY1, Cardiff 2023 5 year medical student, FY1,Cardiff 2023 Teaching Events coordinator Cardiff research lead cathrynrees@gmail.com social media rep wellingtonj1@doctors.org.uk maksh@cardiff.ac.ukSaraswathi Ramachandran Ruth Marsden 5 year medical student, Cardiff 5 year medical student, Cardiff mock ISCE co-lead mock ISCE co-lead RamachandranS1@cardiff.ac.uk MarsdenR3@cardiff.ac.uk The ISCE101 Series ❏ Aim: To develop your consultation skills pertaining to the ISCE and for you all to pass your ISCE! ❏ Delivered by individuals who have all passed and had first-hand experience of Cardiff/C21N ISCEs ❏ Mix of final year med students and practising F1 doctor Wednesday Teaching ❏ Regular Wednesday Teaching Sessions Sessions ❏ Mock ISCE run (at the start of series and the end) ❏ Assessing multiple domains showing your competencies as a doctor Mock ISCE sessions ❏ Data will be collated from the mock ISCEs to be used for future research andorking/Advice/ inform further understanding in medical education Q+A opportunities ❏ In consenting to be a part of the mock ISCE you are providing consent for your performance to be used anonymously in future research T entative Timetable/Schedule Date Topic Covered Date Topic Covered 10/01/23 Introduction to the series 28/02/23 Pharmacology station 13/01/23 + Mock ISCE 06/03/23 14/01/23 ISCE history taking part 2 Psych + assessing 17/01/23 capacity ISCE history taking part 1: paeds 13/03/23 ECG interpretation and O&G 20/03/24 Imaging interpretation 24/01/23 27/03/24 Contraception counselling and MSK X-ray interpretation part 1 emergency contraception 03/04/23 TBC 31/01/23 06/04/23 + 07/04/23 Mock ISCE Presenting patient and SBAR handover 07/02/23 Interpretation of ABGs and common blood tests 14/02/23 Spirometry, urinalysis, joint fluid, CSF and pleuritic fluid analysis 12 teaching sessions + 2 mock ISCEs 21/02/23 Differentials How ISCEs work ❑2 clinical examination stations:7 minute examination. Summarise findings and answer questions on care of patient. ❑2data and answer questions.ions: 7 minutes to take a history. present findings. interpret clinical ❑1 interprofessional communication station: 4 minute history. Examiner gives you summary (can make brief notes before SBAR). SBAR presentation. 11 minutes standard questions ❑1 clinical pharmacology station: 7 minute history (med review/side effect/ explaining new med). Then summarise findings and answer questions ❑1Differentials and management. Asked to perform clinical procedure.cal findings + NEWS. ❑1 CBD station: 7 minute presentation: INVESTIGATION + MANAGEMENT + ETHICAL DILEMMA Alarms at 0 mins/7mins/11mins/13mins/15mins - Need to pass 6/8 stations How you are marked How to start practicing ❑Form groups of 3 : practice once a week and then closer to the day, increase your practice: ❑ 1 person examines, 1 is the student and 1 is the patient ❑Common is common for the ISCE- particularly for clinical skills ❑Geeky medics ISCE website: very good resources for example stations and interpretation stations- have to pay: chip in with someone else Most importantly ❑Stay calm ❑Exercise ❑Good diet ❑Good sleep ❑If you’re starting now, then you have nothing to worry about! - Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. ❑Stheisceseries101@gmail.com or email us directly if that easier. ask anything then please emailQUESTIONS? Up Next: CBD StationThe CBD Station - Need to find a case from placement – can be one of your SLEs, but NOT A case that you anything that was used as have been Ethical/ an assessment – ie: patient Interesting Case involved in/ Psychosocial pathway or oncology know well concepts project enough Enough details on the diagnosis Detailed to have Investigation/ differential Management diagnosisCase based discussionDirecting the case Investigation-Placental growth factor level Management- magnesium sulphate Ethics- smoking during pregnancy *Try and predict what areas the examiner is likely to ask you about.INVESTIGATIONS Have guidelines to support thisMANAGEMENTETHICSRonan and Risma Our advice - Find a case early - Practice with as many doctors as possible! Practice makes it perfect! - Don’t make your life difficult and - Look out for interesting patients on the wards – overcomplicate a case. especially Paediatrics, O+G - DON’T use your best case for the mock - Feel free to ask the doctor/look up for results and ISCE investigations before you end your placement write up. you have all the information ready toRisma Feedback and Q+A We hope the session helped and would love to hear feedback to help us know what we can do to make it easier for you in terms of ISCE preparation!