Welcome to the third year of our teaching series, ISCE 101! We are excited to announce that this year, our course will be offered in a hybrid format, allowing both in-person and online participation. Designed specifically for medical students, ISCE 101 aims to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge needed to prepare effectively for the final ISCE examinations. Our experienced instructors will guide you through comprehensive content, interactive discussions, and practical scenarios, ensuring you gain both confidence and competence. Whether you’re joining us on campus or online, we look forward to an engaging year of learning and success together!
ISCE 101 2024/2025 intro session
The ISCE101 teaching series for 2024/25 offers highly beneficial guidance and support for 4th-year medical students preparing for their OSCEs. This series, started by Dr. Ronan Fitzgerald and Dr. Risma Remsudeen, has successfully engaged 1190 students through its 19 teaching sessions. The lineup includes a selection of teaching topics from History Taking to MSK Exams, benefits from the real-world experience of the organizing team, and offers practical advice through its Q&A sessions. In addition, the series is introducing a face-to-face component to further enhance examination skills and provide hands-on support. The program also challenges students with interactive and realistic mock ISCEs. The series aims not just to prepare students for their exams but also to develop essential skills in patient consultation and differential diagnosis.
Learning objectives
- Understand the structure and objectives of the ISCE101 Teaching Series, including its purpose, initiatives and plan for the academic year.
- Develop the ability to use resources such as the ISCE handbook effectively for self-guided learning and practice examination preparation.
- Understand how to utilize the ISCE teaching organization's resources efficiently, including participating in the mock ISCEs, utilizing the guidance provided by the teaching team, and making use of the face-to-face teaching opportunities.
- Learn how to start preparing for ISCEs early, including creating effective study groups and utilizing online resources, to build strong clinical diagnostic and examination skills.
- Gain an understanding of the process to prepare a case from placement for the Case Based Discussion (CBD) Station, including anonymizing patient details and anticipating potential areas of discussion.
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Welcome all to… The ISCE101 teaching series 2024/25 (MBBCh 2023Dr Ronan Fitzgerald (MBBCh 2023) & Dr Risma Remsudeen Itinerary ❑What is the series ❑Intro to the team ❑Schedule for the year and anticipated teaching sessions ❑How to start practicingd ❑CBD station prep ❑Q&A What is ISCE101 ❏ Teaching Orgnisation started in 2022 for 4th year med students at Cardiff offering support and year-long guidance for OSCE preparation ❏ We have run 19 teaching sessions in total with 1190 people viewing this content. Monday Teaching Sessions ❏ All staff have experience with the C21 ISCEs ❏ It aims to develop your skills in consultation skills and differential diagnosing2 Mock ISCEs - one help with ISCEs ❏ We are introducing a face-to-face component to develop examination skills and provide anber and one opportunity to offer help in person. in April ❏ Queries can go through our staff email ‘theisceseries101@gmail.com’ Networking/Advice/ ❏ In consenting to be a part of the mock ISCE and teaching sessions you are providing consentunities auditing our service and guiding improvement for future students benefit. to be used inSay hello to the team ☺ Dr Ronan Fitzgerald Dr Risma Remsudeen FY2 FY2 Co-founder/Co-lead Co-founder/co-leadDr Cath Ann-Rees Dr Jocelyn Mak FY2 FY1 Dr Ruth Marsden FY1 Research lead Publicity Lead Logistical lead Dr Ciara Fitzgerald Dr Saraswathi Ramachandran Locum doctor in paediatrics Mock ISCE co-lead FY1 Mock ISCE co-lead 17 teaching sessions + 2 mock ISCEs Timetable/Schedule Date Topic Covered Date Topic Covered (26/10)-(27/10) 2024 Mock ISCE (online) 13/01/2025 CSF, Pleuritic fluid and joint aspiration analysis 04/11/2024 History taking & differentials-psychiatry and how to assess 20/01/2025 Interpretation of common blood tests capacity 27/01/2025 MSK exams: Knee exam and hand exam 11/11/2024 Cardio, respiratory and gastrointestinal examination (Hosted at Cardiff/Bangor Uni) (Hosted at Cardiff/Bangor Uni) 03/02/2025 Medication station-Counselling patients on medication counselling 18/11/2024 History taking & differentials- Gynae and Obstetrics 10/02/2025 ECG interpretation 25/11/2024 History taking & differentials-Paediatrics 02/12/2024 Upper and Lower limb neuro examination 17/02/2025 MSK exams: Spine exam and hip exam (Hosted at (Hosted at Cardiff/Bangor Uni) Cardiff/Bangor Uni) 24/02/2025 Spirometry and ABG analysis 09/12/2024 Presenting patients and SBAR handover 03/03/2025 Imaging interpretation 16/12/2024 CBD station 10/03/2025 Other examinations: thyroid exam and pregnant abdomen exam CHRISTMAS BREAK (Hosted at Cardiff/Bangor Uni) TBC Mock ISCE (Online) How ISCEs work ❑ 2 clinical examination stations:7-minute examination. Summarise findings and answer questions on care of patient. ❑ 2 communication skills stations: 7 minutes to take a history. present findings. interpret clinical data and answer questions. ❑ 1 interprofessional communication station: 4-minute history. Examiner gives you certain results in the work up of the patient. SBAR presentation (can make brief notes before starting SBAR). From 11 minutes questions on care of the patient. ❑ 1 clinical pharmacology station: 7-minute history (med review/side effect/ explaining new med). Then summarise findings and answer questions ❑ management. Asked to perform clinical procedure.ner will give clinical findings + NEWS. Differentials and ❑ 1 CBD station: 7 minute presentation: INVESTIGATION + MANAGEMENT + ETHICAL DILEMMA Alarms at 0 mins/7mins/11mins/13mins/15mins What is your guide? ISCE handbook is the bible for understanding what is required of you on the day and what Cardiff can assess you on. You should not be doing your ISCE without having read this handbook. Personally I printed mine off and read through it, highlighting key points that I needed to know. This handbook can be found on the shared drive that you all have access to through Bangor/Cardiff I will also email all students that are on our emailing list, the updated handbook that has been provided by medsoc which should be the same one you all have access to How to start practicing ❑ Form groups of 3 : practice once a week and then closer to the day, increase your practice: ❑ 1 person examines, 1 is the student and 1 is the patient ❑ Common is common for the ISCE- particularly for clinical skills ❑ Geeky medics is useful for example patient cases both with history taking and examination ❑ Geeky medics is useful for general examination steps for the different examinations you need to know ❑ Make sure to read the handbooks in the Cardiff shared drive for year4s as this will tell you exactly what Cardiff can examine you on. If it's on that list, then it is fair for them to test you on. ❑ these include: Macleod’s Clinical Examination textbook, virtual ISCE and the self directedk learning area. Most importantly ❑Stay calm ❑Exercise ❑Good diet ❑Good sleep ❑If you’re starting now, then you have nothing to worry about! - Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. ❑Stheisceseries101@gmail.comok out for each other. If you wish to ask anything then please emailQUESTIONS? Up Next: CBD Station The CBD Station - Need to find a case from placement was used as an assessment – ie: patient pathwayt or oncology project - Maximum of one side of A4 using Calibri font size 12 A case that you Ethical/ -Widely used abbreviations can be used e.g. TIA have been hand cornertudent name and number in top rightsting Case involved in Psychosocial - Only PDF documents accepted concepts -Patient details must be anonymised their care -Cannot submit cases used for patient summative ISCEgy project/SLEs/formative or Enough details on the diagnosis Detailed to have Investigation/ differential Management diagnosisCase based discussionDirecting the case Investigation-Placental growth factor level Management- magnesium sulphate Ethics- smoking during pregnancy *Try and predict what areas the examiner is likely to ask you about.INVESTIGATIONS Have guidelines to support thisMANAGEMENTETHICSRonan and Risma Our advice - Find a case early - Practice with as many doctors as possible! Practice makes it perfect! - Don’t make your life difficult and overcomplicate a case. - Look out for interesting patients on the wards – especially Paediatrics, O+G ISCEN’T use your best case for the mock - Feel free to ask the doctor/look up for results and investigations before you end your placement block, so you have all the information ready to write up.Risma Feedback and Q+A 1. We will have a session that will go through the CBD case and provide some examples of cases + how to structure the designing of your case. 2. Feel free to ask any questions either in the chat or in person. 3. Don’t forget to fill out the sign-up form as this will allow you to be added to our email list so you can receive the links for each teaching session. 4. There will be a mock ISCE which you can sign up for. It will run on a first come first serve basis if we don’t have enough examiners to accommodate, as last year we had over 100 students wanting to attend.