IR Bite Biopsies, Drainage & Biliary Interventions
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IR Juniors BIOPSIES, DRAINAGE & BILIARY INTERVENTIONS IRBITES WHAT IS IT? Biopsy: Sampling tissue to find aetiology of a lesion to inform treatment Drainage: Management of infected fluid collections (empyema/abscess) or mechanical complaints (ascites/pleural effusions) Biliary obstruction: Patients present with jaundice or biliary sepsis due to obstruction from stones or stenosis (benign/malignant) DIAGNOSIS MANAGEMENT Ultrasound scan Biopsy To visualise the collection To establish best access Sampled tissue sent for: point for aspiration cytology (FNA), histology (core Left-sided biopsy), MC&S psoas noted Radio-opaque dye is rID:19128 Cholecystostomy injected via the skin into the gallbladder A catheter is then inserted using the Seldinger technique rID:50717 rID:15067 into the gallbladder MRCP for CT scan lumen to drain residual biliary imaging (coronal view) pus/bile ERCP is a procedure where the common bile duct can be accessed retrograde endoscopically via the Ampulla of Vater in the second IRBITE part of the duodenum. Contrast can be injected into the biliary tree prior to diagnostic & interventional procedures. Interventional Radiology Curriculum for Medical Students Radiographs courtesy of Dr Maulik S Patel rID:19128, Dr Vikas Shah rID:50717 and Dr Amr Mubarak rID:15067 - IR Bites is a 12 part teaching series for medical students and junior doctors of any grade who want to learn more about interventional radiology. We aim to teach you the CIRSE Interventional Radiology curriculum for medical students.