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Introduction to Dermatology



This on-demand teaching session, led by Akua Asare, a 5th Year Medic from KCL, provides an in-depth introduction to Dermatology. The session includes a comprehensive understanding of the anatomical layers, primary functions of the skin, performing a thorough dermatological history and physical examination, accurate identification and description of a variety of skin lesions with appropriate terminology, and identifying and diagnosing common dermatological conditions. The teaching involves practical engagement with graphical medical depictions of skin conditions, various quizzes, and opportunities to ask questions and provide feedback. Note: Graphic medical imagery involved. Upon completion, participants receive a certificate of attendance.

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Perfect for those eager to deepen their understanding of dermatology.

Perfect for those doing Pre-medicine or in the first few years of medical school.

Join us for an engaging introductory lecture on dermatology, designed to build essential foundational skills in identifying and diagnosing dermatological lesions (nothing advanced).

You'll gain foundational knowledge on:

  • the anatomical layers and primary functions of the skin,
  • learn to perform comprehensive dermatological history and examinations,
  • and master the terminology for describing primary and secondary lesions, as well as hair and nail disorders.

Explore common conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, skin cancers, and alopecia.

Lecturer: Ms Akua Asare, Final Year Medical Student at King's College London, KCL ACMS President 23-24

Disclaimer: This lecture will be observed and will form part of Ms Asare's application for the Associate Fellowship of Higher Education. Thus, please contribute meaningfully when giving written feedback. Certificate will be provided upon completion of the feedback form.

Date: Monday 10th March 2025

Time: Please arrive at 5.50pm. The event starts promptly at 6pm GMT.

Please note: This session includes graphic medical depictions of skin conditions.

Learning objectives

  1. By the end of the session, learners will be able to comprehend the anatomical layers and primary functions of the skin from a medical perspective.
  2. Learners will develop a deep understanding of how to conduct a comprehensive dermatological history and physical examination to assess various skin conditions.
  3. The session aims to enable learners to accurately identify and describe various types of skin lesions using the appropriate medical terminology learned during the session.
  4. The teaching session seeks to equip learners with the ability to identify and diagnose common dermatological conditions promptly and accurately.
  5. The session will enhance learners' understanding and application of dermatological terminology and descriptors in real-world clinical settings.
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Menti.com 6468 0875 Introductionto Dermatology By AkuaAsare, KCL5thYearMedic FeedbackformLearningObjectives: Understandtheanatomicallayers andprimary functions ofthe skin Understandhowtoperform a comprehensivedermatological history andphysical examination Accurately identify anddescribevarious types ofskinlesions usingappropriate terminology Identifyand spotdiagnose commondermatologicalconditions WARNING: SomegraphicmedicaldepictionofskinconditionsIntroduction to DermatologyStarterActivity-Howwouldyoudescribethe maindermatologicallesionbelow? Menti.com 6468 0875StructureandFunction oftheSkinStructureandFunction oftheSkinQuestions Menti.com 6468 0875HowtotakeadermatologicalhistoryExaminingtheskin Source: https://dermnetnz.org/topics/melanoma SPOT DIAGNOSIS • A) Dermatofibroma • B) Superficial spreadingmalignant melanoma • C)Blue Nevus • D) CutaneousSquamous cell carcinoma • E) Mole Menti.com 6468 0875 Source: https://dermnetnz.org/topics/melanoma SPOT DIAGNOSIS • A) Dermatofibroma • B) Superficial spreadingmalignant melanoma • C)Blue Nevus • D) CutaneousSquamous cell carcinoma • E) MoleQuestions Menti.com 6468 0875DescribingSkinLesions-DistributionDescribingSkinLesions–GeneraltermsDescribingSkinLesions–GeneraltermsDescribingSkinLesions-ConfigurationDescribingSkinLesions-ConfigurationDescribingSkinLesions-ConfigurationDescribing SkinLesions-ColourDescribing SkinLesions-ColourDescribing SkinLesions-ColourDescribing SkinLesions-ColourDescribing SkinLesions-ColourSPOT DIAGNOSIS • A)Scar • B) Eczema • C)LichenPlanus • D) Vitiligo • E)Psoriasis Menti.com 6468 0875SPOT DIAGNOSIS • A)Scar • B) Eczema • C)LichenPlanus • D) Vitiligo • E)PsoriasisQuestions Menti.com 6468 0875Describing SkinLesions-. Morphology (the structure of alesion) – PrimarylesionsDescribing SkinLesions-. Morphology (the structure of alesion) – PrimarylesionsDescribing SkinLesions-. Morphology (the structure of alesion) – PrimarylesionsDescribing SkinLesions-. Morphology (the structure of alesion) – PrimarylesionsDescribing SkinLesions-. Morphology (the structure of alesion) – PrimarylesionsDescribing SkinLesions-. Morphology (the structure of alesion) – PrimarylesionsDescribing SkinLesions-. Morphology (the structure of alesion) – PrimarylesionsDescribing SkinLesions-. Morphology (the structure of alesion) – PrimarylesionsDescribing SkinLesions-. Morphology (the structure of alesion) – PrimarylesionsDescribing SkinLesions-. Morphology (the structure of alesion) – PrimarylesionsSPOT DIAGNOSIS (nopunintended) • A)Acne vulgaris • B) Eczema • C)Abscess • D) Hidradenitis suppurativa • E)Psoriasis Menti.com 6468 0875SPOT DIAGNOSIS • A)Acne vulgaris • B) Eczema • C)Abscess • D) Hidradenitis suppurativa • E)PsoriasisQuestions Menti.com 6468 0875Morphology- Secondary lesions(lesions that evolve fromprimary lesions)Morphology- Secondary lesions(lesions that evolve fromprimary lesions)Morphology- Secondary lesions(lesions that evolve fromprimary lesions)Morphology- Secondary lesions(lesions that evolve fromprimary lesions)Morphology- Secondary lesions(lesions that evolve fromprimary lesions)Morphology- Secondary lesions(lesions that evolve fromprimary lesions)Morphology- Secondary lesions(lesions that evolve fromprimary lesions)Morphology- Secondary lesions(lesions that evolve fromprimary lesions)SPOTDIAGNOSIS • A) Lichenplanus • B)Eczema • C)Keloidscar • D)Hidradenitissuppurativa • E)PsoriasisSPOTDIAGNOSIS • A) Lichenplanus • B)Eczema • C)Keloidscar • D)Hidradenitissuppurativa • E)Psoriasis Menti.com 6468 0875Questions Menti.com 6468 0875NailsNailsNailsNailsSPOT DIAGNOSIS • A)Nail clubbing • B) Melanonychia • C)Subungal haematoma • D) Koilonychia • E)NailPsoriasis Menti.com 6468 0875SPOT DIAGNOSIS • A)Nail clubbing • B) Melanonychia • C)Subungal haematoma • D) Koilonychia • E)NailPsoriasisQuestions Menti.com 6468 0875HairHairHairSPOT DIAGNOSIS • A)Folliculitis • B) Alopecia areata • C)Tineacapitis • D) SeborrheicDermatitis • E)Scalp Psoriasis Menti.com 6468 0875SPOT DIAGNOSIS • A)Folliculitis • B) Alopecia areata • C)Tineacapitis • D) SeborrheicDermatitis • E)Scalp PsoriasisQuestions Menti.com 6468 0875ConsolidationActivity -HowwouldyouNOW describethemaindermatologicallesionbelow? Menti.com 6468 0875LearningObjectives: Understandtheanatomicallayers andprimary functions ofthe skin Understandhowtoperform a comprehensivedermatological history andphysical examination Accurately identify anddescribevarious types ofskinlesions usingappropriate terminology Identifyand spotdiagnose commondermatologicalconditions WARNING: SomegraphicmedicaldepictionofskinconditionsIntroductionto Basic Dermatology By Akua Asare,KCL5thYearMedic Thanksforlistening! Please filloutmyfeedback formbyscanning the QRcode. sessionends togetyourcertificate of attendance. Email:akua.asare@kcl.ac.ukQuestions Menti.com 6468 0875