This site is intended for healthcare professionals


Immerse yourself in the Ubuntu Network community! This on-demand teaching session guides medical professionals through the process of accessing and navigating MedAll, where they can engage with the Ubuntu Network- coined from Zulu origin meaning ‘compassion and humanity’. Create a free account, follow Ubuntu Network, register and participate in their diverse, informative events. Leave feedback, gain CPD certificates and most importantly, join the discussion and bring your unique expertise to the community. If your plans change, simply cancel your registration to allow others to participate. This guide is invaluable for those who want to engage with international medical professionals in a meaningful way through Ubuntu Network. Don't miss out!

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Ubuntu: an ancient African word meaning 'humanity to others'

Ubuntu Network is a space made for you: to share experiences from your expeditions, collaborate with others working in the field, and connect with the wider expedition community.

Our goal is to stimulate online group discussion that enables you to share your experiences with like minded individuals, providing a constructive space for our community to grow and develop through interactive reflection.

Achieved through:

  • Quarterly meetings via the MedAll learning platform.
  • Discussion of a challenging or interesting case brought by a member of the group.
  • Trained facilitation.
  • Confidential, supportive discussion of the environmental, clinical and human factors that led to decision making of the case.
  • Reflections and learning for future practice.

Learning objectives

  1. Medical professionals will be able to create a free account on MedAll and understand how to navigate and interact with the Ubuntu Network.

  2. Participants will learn how to follow the Ubuntu Network community page and stay informed about upcoming events and updates.

  3. Participants will successfully understand the process of registering for Ubuntu Network events on the MedAll platform.

  4. Participants will gain knowledge about the process of attending an event including joining the stage and managing their camera and microphone settings.

  5. The medical professionals will learn how to actively participate in the online discussions during the event sessions, leave feedback after events, and understand the process of receiving a CPD certification and the value of it to their professional development. Participants will also become acquainted with the process of cancellation if they are unable to attend a scheduled event.

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Ubuntu Network: Accessing and Navigating MedAll Ubuntu - a term from the South African Nguni languages of Zulu and Xhosa that translates as ‘a quality that includes the essential human virtues of compassion and humanity’. Firstly, to interact with Ubuntu Network it is essential to have a free account with MedAll. 1. Sign up for an account here: https://app.medall.org/sign-up Once you have created your account, head to the Ubuntu Network community page and ‘Follow’ the account. This means you can stay up to date and be notified of all our future events. 2. Follow Ubuntu Network here: https://app.medall.org/c/ubuntu-network To sign up for an event. Click on the invite link or go to the Ubuntu Network page and click on ‘Events & Videos’. Hit the ‘Register’ button and follow the subsequent registration form. All our events are free, so no payment is required. 3. Register for an Ubuntu Event. After registering for an event, you should receive a confirmation email with the date, time, and event title to your inbox. 24hrs and 1hr before the session you should receive an email reminder emails for the event. 4. Join the event. To attend the event you have registered for, head to the MedAll app or desktop site, login to your account and then ‘Join’ the event. This will take you to a page where you will be asked to ‘Join the Stage’. Please do this, don’t worry it does not mean that you are presenting, it just means you can be a part of the discussion. Do this with your microphone and camera on. If you do not want to be heard or seen then feel free at this point to turn off your camera and microphone, we will turn off all microphones while the presenter is presenting then reopen them when the discussion begins. Alternatively, the session will be live, but not recorded, so you can stay off stage and join the chat using the comments box if you do not wish to be seen or heard. 5. Engagement with the event, CPD and feedback. Once the case is over, please get involved with the discussion, through using the chat box, or by joining the stage and choosing an opportune moment to ask a question or join the discussion. Please leave us feedback after the event has finished, we value this feedback immensely, this will also trigger you to receive a certificate for your CPD and portfolio. And once you have attended one of our events, we will invite you to become a full member of Ubuntu Network on MedAll. 6. Cancelling Attendance. If you find that you cannot attend the event you have booked on to for any reason, please go to the event, and just below the button where you registered is ‘Registration Details’. Click this and then ‘Cancel Registration’. This allows another person to sign up as we have limited spaces on our events. December 2024