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Healthy Hounslow Service Presentation


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W elcome Information session Speaker for the event Rasneet.Choudhary@maximusuk.co.ukrdinator, Healthy HounslowWho lifestyles, such as becoming more active, eating well and stop smoking.ote healthierWhat Healthy Hounslow to offer services and support to Hounslow residents since April 2023. The services and support offered by Healthy Hounslow are: •Free Community NHS Health Checks •Smoking cessation •Health and wellbeing coaching •Healthy weight management •Exercise on referral •Cook and eat sessions There are also opportunities for targeted health outreach, aftercare support clubs and new action on food insecurity.How There is a single referral template for all services. link.ents and professionals can access the Healthy Hounslow website where there is a self-referral This is open to any resident who lives, works, studies or has a Hounslow based GP. All services are free except for Exercise on Referral which has a subsidised charge and can only be accessed through a GP or health professionals' referral.How There is a single referral template for all services. This is auto-populated on S1. For Primary Care staff, the referral pathway is: CCG contacts > health promotion > Hounslow > Healthy Hounslow. This is an e-referral. For HRCH staff, the referral pathway is: Communications & Letters > HRCH > SPA > IHWBS GP Referral Form. This is sent via NHS email to SPA, but HRCH will eventually transition this to e- referral. If you cannot access the above referrals, please direct residents to the Healthy Hounslow website where there is a self-referral link. The health outreach service does not accept referrals. Please contact jessica.bennett22@nhs.net for more information. Contact Us Website: www.healthyhounslow.co.uk Telephone: 0204 559 8200 Referral address: morelife.hounslowreferrals@nhs.net Follow us: Twitter @HounslowHealthy, Instagram @Healthy.Hounslow01, Facebook @HealthyHounslowQuestions