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Health and Wellbeing



As part of this session, we will be teaching you key skills for maintaining your own health and wellbeing throughout your F1 training and future career, including recognising and managing stress and burnout, manoeuvring your contract and rota, and dealing with incivility!


Join us for this session to learn key skills for maintaining your own health and wellbeing throughout your F1 training and future career!

Learning objectives

  1. To learn ways to maintain your own health and wellbeing.
  2. To understand ways to manage common administrative issues, including those relating to work contracts, pay, and rota scheduling.
  3. To develop an approach to dealing effectively with incivility in the workplace.

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HEALTH AND WELLBEING TARA TIWARY AND CARI O’ROURKEObjectives ◦ To learn ways to maintain your own health and wellbeing. ◦ To understand ways to manage common administrative issues, including those relating to work contracts, pay, and rota scheduling. ◦ To develop an approach to dealing effectively with incivility in the workplace.MAINTAINING YOUR HEALTH AND WELLBEING Stress and Overwhelm ● Important to differentiate normal stress vs harmful stress ● Everyone feels overwhelmed ○ remember you are only 1 person and can only try your best/do so many things at once- often it’s not possible to do everything on your list ○ things get easier with time as you learn the systems/become more efficient ○ prioritise !!! - it’s a skill and you’ll get better at it with time ○ let your colleagues know if you feel overwhelmed- help each other out ○ remember to eat! Everything feels a lot more manageable after you’ve eaten and left the ward, even if it’s just for 5 minutes.Anxiety and mistakes ● Starting FY1 is an anxiety- inducing period and EVERYONE feels anxious! ● If there’s particular procedures or tasks that make you anxious- lean into it!! ○ Don’t be scared about asking for help- its a sign to colleagues you’re wanting to improve/engaged in your training, not a sign of weakness ○ Don’t be scared of failing- it’s the only way to get better ● You will make mistakes- its a key part of learning/becoming a better doctor ◦ Talk to your colleagues/supervisors about it- debrief if you can ◦ Reflect on it, learn from it, then move on from it ◦ It will feel horrible at the beginning but you’ll move past it + become a better doctor because of itSUPPORT !! ● Whilst anxiety/stress is normal when starting FY1, if it starts to affect your life in or outside of work/is becoming harmful → seek support early!!!! ○ Confidential BMA/BDA helplines ○ NHS Practitioner Health- 0300 0303 300 ○ Your local wellbeing lead ○ Your clinical/educational supervisor ○ Occupational health ○ Your colleagues/friends/family ○ Your GPCauses of harmful stress/anxiety High Workload Reduced Capacity • Heavy workload • Understaffing • Highly demanding patients • Lack of senior support • Educational requirements • Low morale • Incivility • Personal issuesCauses High Workload Reduced Capacity • Heavy workload • Understaffing • Highly demanding patients • Lack of senior support • Educational requirements • Low morale • Incivility • Personal issuesRecognition of harmful stress/anxiety Symptoms Signs • Fatigue • Inability to prioritise • Low mood • Degraded judgement • Disrupted sleep • Sensitivity to criticism • Increased anxiety • Reduced social interaction • Poor concentration • Increased consumption of food/alcohol/cigarettes • Irritability Take the BMA Questionnaire - https://questionnaires.bma.org.uk/burnout-questionnaire/?OpenFormRECOGNITION Symptoms Signs • Fatigue • Inability to prioritise • Low mood • Degraded judgement • Disrupted sleep • Sensitivity to criticism • Increased anxiety • Reduced social interaction • Poor concentration • Increased consumption of food/alcohol/cigarettes • Irritability • Headaches Take the BMA Questionnaire - https://questionnaires.bma.org.uk/burnout-questionnaire/?OpenFormStrategies to help ◦ Self-care: ◦ Manage symptoms: ◦ Counselling/CBT ◦ Sleep well ◦ Eat and drink well ◦ Medication ◦ Exercise ◦ Seek support: ◦ Meditation ◦ Friends, family and colleagues ◦ Spend time with friends and family ◦ Make time for hobbies ◦ Supervisors ◦ Foundation Programme ◦ Organise annual leave EARLY and plan fun things ◦ GP ◦ Reduce stressors: ◦ Occupational Health ◦ Minimise workload- learn to prioritise ◦ BMA ◦ Change working environment- take a break ◦ Professional Support GroupMANAGING ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUESCONTRACT AND P A Y ◦ Make sure you read your contract before signing! ◦ Use the BMA Contract Checking Service - https://www.bma.org.uk/pay-and-contracts/contracts/contract-checking-service/contra ct-checking-service ◦ Check your payslips and taxcode and keep a record of them ◦ You shouldn’t have to pay student finance back until the April after you start work facebook if they take it from your paycheck)oans Company Repayment on ◦ Listen to the Medics Money podcastROT AAND LEA VE ◦ Try to find out your rota well in advance of each rotation ◦ Book your annual leave at the start of each rotation (at least 6 weeks in advance) and always plan something nice to do! ◦ Make sure you know how much annual leave and study leave you’re entitled to ◦ Raise any issues with your rota coordinators initially, but if you are still unable to resolve the issues then raise them with your supervisors, managers, or the Guardian of Safeworking.DEALING WITH INCIVILITYGENERALADVICE ◦ ALWAYS remain calm and polite, but still be sure to address any incivility ◦ Try to diffuse situations ASAP ◦ Keep in mind that everyone is under a lot of pressure!! ◦ Acknowledge the incivility ◦ Make patient safety your first concern ◦ If you have been the source of incivility, then apologise, reflect, and address it!RAISING CONCERNS ◦ If you have concerns, then raise them! ◦ Try to resolve the issue with the individual first before formally raising concerns to give them a chance to correct the issue ◦ Refer to the formal Trust policy for raising concerns ◦ Seek support from an approachable and trustworthy senior if possibleSummaryKey Learning Points ◦ ALWAYS, look after yourself!! ◦ Make sure you eat/take a break/have a breather/wee! ◦ Early recognition and intervention is key! ◦ Practise your self-awareness and pay attention to how you’re feeling ◦ Remember that absolutely EVERYONE struggles at one time or another, so don’t be afraid to acknowledge and act on how you’re feeling ◦ Lean on those around you and where possible, make yourself available to be leant on! ◦ Check your contract, payslips and rota, and BOOK YOUR ANNUAL LEAVE ASAPQuestions