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Join the second edition of the ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape Exhibition, and Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture on the 26th - 28th of March 2024. This exciting conference aims to advance universal access to safe, affordable, and timely surgical care. Session Chairs will have the opportunity to contribute to and facilitate presentations. Pre-conference guidance will be provided to ensure a seamless and engaging learning experience. Keep track of time, manage speakers and discussions, and create an inclusive environment for diverse professionals that fosters open communication. Make your mark on the future of surgical care — reserve your place today.

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This is to guide all session chairs about conducting the various sessions.

Learning objectives

  1. Understand the roles and responsibilities of a Session Chair and effectively execute the same to facilitate smooth running of the teaching session during the ASOU Surgical Landscape Exhibition & Annual Scientific Conference.
  2. Engage with the panelists and attendees constructively, setting a neutral environment conducive for exchange of ideas and leaning, ensuring that the diversity of the audience's backgrounds and experiences is respected.
  3. Develop strategies to maintain timely delivery of session content by the presenters and manage any deviations effectively and promptly.
  4. Cultivate strong communication and management skills to handle debates and discussions productively, ensuring equal participation from the attendees without any individual overpowering the conversation.
  5. Adequately assess the technical setup prior to the session to ensure smooth delivery of the presentations and handle any potential disruptions or issues promptly.
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ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care Guidelines for Session Chairs During Presentations at the Exhibition and the Conference Thank you for supporting theASOU Surgical Landscape Exhibition &Annual Scientific Confer- ence as a Session Chair. The following is intended to provide guidance on how to chair your ses- sion successfully. Function of the Session Chair The chair supports the conference contributors, facilitating their communication both with the audience and between each other and so needs to understand the running of the session. Preparatory meeting • Be at the venue at least 20 minutes before the session starts and stay throughout the ses- sion and until the very end. • Have a brief biodata of your panelists • Have a brief meeting with the co-chair and/or presenters in your session before it starts so everyone is clear about how the session will run. • Explain to the presenters that they should be aware that they will be faced by an audience from a wide range of professional backgrounds and levels of experience. Presenters must be sensitive to this diversity. • You should note down which of the presenters is there and who is missing - if needed you can ask someone else to chase up people if they are known to be at the congress but haven’t reached the room yet. • Check that the technical setup is adequate, and help is available during the session. ASOU Annual Scientific Conference, Surgical Landscape nd Exhibition – 2 Edition, Kyalwazi Memorial Lecture, AGM & GALA 26 March 2024 27 - 28 March 2024 Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. Protea by Marriott Hotel, Entebbe. Theme: Advancing Universal access to Safe, Affordable & Timely Surgical Care At the start of the session • Set and share ground rules with those present (this should take less than 3 minutes) e.g., one person speaks at a time; raise your hand if you have something to say); listen to what other people are saying; no mocking or attacking other people's ideas. During the session Make sure the session runs smoothly and on schedule by: • Being on time and keeping your introduction brief. • Keep a close eye on your watch. Ensure that each speaker keeps to time and finishes promptly. If you do not do this, it is not fair to the speakers coming towards the end of the session. • Ask for questions from those attending the session. Be ready to formulate open-ended questions that may be needed to “break the ice” and stimulate other questions. • Invite questions or comments. Make sure questions are understood by both the audience and the respondent. • Do not dominate during the ensuing discussion; rather facilitate. • Don’t let one person dominate the debate. After the session • Thank all the contributors and participants at the end of the session and invite applause. Thank you for your participation. Yours The Scientific Committee.